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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. Could you elaborate? Which economic upheaval did you have in mind?
  2. History shows no such thing. For every group and culture that has assimilated willingly you can point out another that was forced to do so. Moreover some quite ancient minorities remain on the fringes of their respective societies to this very day. Whether things will change in modern world of global trade and mass-media is anyones guess.
  3. Finished Borderlands 2. It's pretty much more of the same. The main quest has been thankfully improved narration-wise but the game still can't keep my interest for more than a single play-thorough. Especially since my OCD friends insist of completing every single side-quest in existence which kills any challenge the game may have. Also been trying out Mechwarrior Online beta but it's not looking too good so far.
  4. Awesome. I am assuming it will be a decent upgrade in terms of the engine, given the official expansions always did a pretty great job with improving the graphics. I'm not quite sure what you mean by fixing the combat, the game is perfect in that regard. The RTS bit could had used a bit of polishing, even with the mods I don't feel that strategy actually plays much of a role. No strategy or tactics will play a role as long as the engine allows variable amount of troops in battles. Can't have the thing working with 100 soldiers if it was meant to work with 20. I'm more concerned with the on foot combat which was simply bad. Not only did they go with the 'legs independent of shoulders' mode which promotes nonsensical circle strafing or kiting but also couldn't get any formations right which turned any castle assault into a gigantic mess of overlapping hitboxes with little to none collision detection.
  5. Somebody hasn't been paying attention to the main quest plot.
  6. Mount&blade 2 (semi)officailly announced Hopefully they'll improve the engine and fix ground combat.
  7. Some very interesting thoughts regarding nationalism. Yet somehow I don't see many people calling for abolition of citizenship.
  8. Faster then Light. Great concept resulting in lots of fun. Sadly it's way too short for a rouge-like which leads to over-reliance on randomness.
  9. Was afraid of that. Maybe I should give south park a second chance.
  10. It's a pretty straightforward port from console. Poor partly customizable controls and no in-game graphic options. I suppose the graphics may be considered sub-standard with locked 30 fps and whatnot but with ports that's a given.
  11. Sounds more and more like a generic fantasy setting. Hopefully it is indeed Lovecraft or at least something relatively modern.
  12. Yay for an announcement of a announcement. I assume countdown to a countdown is yet to come. Where is funcroc when you need him?
  13. Dragon's dogma. A collection of good ideas for an open-ended action rpg. Too bad execution fails to live up to the potential - the action portions are not polished enough and the companions become a major annoyance. The world itself can also be a pain with limited inventory and no fast-travel. But I do appreciate the monster climbing system - if I'm going to scale everything bigger than a goblin then might as well make it more involving than a QTE.
  14. Did anyone hear how the campaign structure is handled? I'm hearing that it's actually scripted to significant degree. No randomized maps and fixed mission sequence would be particularly worrisome.
  15. That's an exaggeration. You can probably get caught in discussions what game is good or even is it a strategy but you still have attempts at new IPs like endless space or warlock. RTS games were always the more production-values oriented and since they failed to transition to consoles their days are numbered. Unless they can somehow get free-to-play or e-sport craze to work for them. So far CoH online and Age of Empires made no big splash but maybe the upcoming End of Nations or new C&C will fare better.
  16. The obvious problem is that games are not literature. The gameplay within a genre may change far more withing a decade than most form of human writing will in a century. And I would question how much of a strategy game syndicate really was. It's sequel and expansion were mostly about rocket-dodging IIRC.
  17. EA has never been the most willing to resurrect old franchises. Syndicate seem to have failed badly so I doubt we will ever see any more attempts. Gaming journalism is nearing rock bottom if that's considered an interview nowadays.
  18. Valve enters PC hardware market.
  19. Well all of the option had appeal in my opinion, but it came down to whether you trusted the people involved in each of them. But you had no reason to trust any of them. At least not after the On Topic:Finished a quick run through Dark Souls on PC. Didn't make me think any better of the game but now I understand where the 100+ hours playthroughs come from.
  20. Magic candle series.
  21. Actually this is the reason why it should matter, because the company did take the risk and make the game despite the fans being the minority of PC consumers... That I call excellent care for fans and customers... That they are being sold a product not up to the platform standards is excellent care? I suppose it's the 'happy for an empty glass' approach.
  22. But I already have a 360 and a PS3, which I use to play console exclusive titles. When I decided to wait for the rumored pc version of dark souls, I was waiting for a game that would take advantage of very basic and fundamental pc features that make its games superior experiences to consoles, such as higher hd resolutions and frame rate. When this pc game only offers the EXACT same experience of the Xbox game, down to its jaggy resolution, then what a waste it was to wait. Should have just got the Xbox game when it came out instead. That is tbh your problem. You would be right to complain about for example GTA 4, because it was from beginning made for PS3, Xbox360 and PC. That was one of the ****iest PC ports ever made... But the PC version of Dark Souls was made just as a service for fans very long time after original release. I never buy PC version. If these fans who wanted the game will whine and complain a lot, that might be the last time, some console only developer would listen to his fans... What platform was the game originally aimed at should not concern the player. If the basic standard of consoles is HD graphics then a game on the platform should support it. If PC standard is variable resolution framebuffer then the port should handle it as well. That this port was made as a response to the fans doesn't change anything as they will be a minority of the PC consumers. And I seriously doubt they meant to say that software quality is irrelevant to them.
  23. You are wrong and you'll have to live with it
  24. Because he doesn't find the stealth challenges fun. Unlike the combat ones they are actually quite boring.
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