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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Tycho Brahe is so spinning in his grave right now. This is the reason why he died, not poisoning or a burst bladder, but shame! Timetravelling SHAME! :D
  2. Sounds pretty damn cool, though that art-style does'nt really suit me, it looks too bulky.
  3. You mean people would gobble it without a seconds doubt? I do believe so, yes.
  4. "There is very little you would not do willingly. Except. A) Sit in a windowseat of a small airplane as you circle in a holding pattern for two hours, even if the captain assures you that you have plenty of fuel and the weather is good. B) Ever admit once, just once, that you were turned on by a videogame character. C) Spend a week walking through the desert, even though you know the woman of your dreams waits on the other side. D) Software development."
  5. Hmm... In no particular order; Mafia Giants Citizen Kabuto Fallout 1 & 2 Jagged Alliance 2 Aliens vs Predator (1999) Hitman Thief 2 Freelancer S.T.A.L.K.E.R Battlezone VtM; Bloodlines Civilization 3 Arcanum Mechwarrior Richard Burns Rally It's possible I've missed one, and I did'nt list World of Warcraft since I stopped playing that, and never really replayed it, but I sunk something like 350+ days into a couple of different Warriors, grinded Rank 12 and did plenty of raiding.
  6. I like inventories that are limited by both weight and size, having to make those pain in the arse loadouts do add a certain something to games I think. Loved that part about Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 - the loadbearing equipment and such.
  7. I kind of doubt it, I think it'll be more popular on consoles than on PC. I reckon that PC gamers are generally more interested in polls, forums and such though wich skews the answers. I would actually like to see a rigorous study on genderdistribution amongst core gamers, something wich I don't think has been done. I've read about studies done, but the question asked was basically self-interpreted, so that if you count MS Hearts as a computergame, and you've played that - you're a "gamer". It would be nice to actually get some numbers on it to end that meaningless (Though interesting) part of the endless debates that goes on about gaming and girls.
  8. How many of those were people that paid for a years WoW subscription and got D3 for free I wonder...
  9. I wonder how they're going to top that name for the followup console... Omnipotence?
  10. And so do we. I was really hoping it was just a bad rumor. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Great! That said, I still miss the better mix that was in Saints Row 2. The main storyline was much more interesting and made me want to play the game, not to mention pure bastardly at times. Rad tattoos, seriously! I do miss the gang style aswell, but. *Shrug*
  11. I was partial to this one myself.
  12. Pfft. That would'nt stop them from shoehorning their formula in. And I seriously doubt that Bioware is competent enough to make a proper WH40K game, the gay romance complaints though, that's just juvenile. Slaanesh. 'Nuff said. I do think this rumor sounds really out there, and the blogger mixes between Space Marine and Warhammer 40K Dark Millenium aswell, as if it's all the same game.
  13. John Carmack taking a trip on the Vomit Comet means what exactly?
  14. 17 minute long trailer of Battlefield 4. Very graphiccy, spectacular and... yeah. I wish DICE would stop trying to make BF into a CoD-clone and spend all that money and time on just multiplayer instead. Running between covers every 15 seconds to have a 15 second gunfight is pretty boring. It does look like they're taking a cue from Brothers in Arms with telling your NPC's to give you covering fire though, wich is nice. Evolution.
  15. Yeah, I know, I just doubt it's going to be anything different in the new game.
  16. Haha! Thanks, I needed that laugh
  17. Did you look at the same pictures as me? Because it sure does'nt seem like it. Having it damn near pitch darkness made it more believable, and it also made it a trade-off to douse the torches that were around. Heh, it's clearly superior to be hiding in that wisp of mist in the slightly shaded part of the room.
  18. Yeah, wich is 'kind' of good if you want to hide. Ever tried hiding in fog? Does'nt work too well. And if you actually 'can' hide in the fog, you're not going to see anything either. Then again, you're not playing much of a thief any more.
  19. No, no they really, really don't want that. Then again, it seems no reboot wants their old fans along for the ride. Wich makes sense, since it's a reboot.
  20. And now for something incredibly stupid. The World of Thief
  21. ****, too late. :/ While I like the pictures, they're very purdy, some of them really feel... cramped. The Valley vista ones more specifically, numbered witch1 and witch4. Witch13 aswell, if you compare the size of the boats to the surroundings.
  22. Mmm... Chaos Gate, good stuffs. I played it a little bit before I got my hands on Jagged Alliance 2, so I sadly stopped playing it. I do remember the soundtrack being exceptional though. Oh, and Ultrasmurfs... Frigging Ultrasmurfs.
  23. That sounds awesome, I just got the site back as you posted, so thanks! Read through the interview, and I'm positive about what I read. Good stuffs!
  24. God dammit! The site's down. I've recently found and started playing Alien Assault with the Space Hulk mod, it's been some good fun, but daymn am I dying to the left and right...
  25. I found the fistfighting QTE bearable but that's about it, so glad to hear they're away. I was pretty pissed at the import of TW1->TW2, so I could care less about that. The game being open world does'nt sit well with me, it's one thing to sit there in their couch proclaming this and that and criticize Skyrim, but I doubt they'll do a better job at it in the end. It does give me a spark of hope that they'll manage it, but I'm still doubtfull. I'm pretty certain that the world will feel cramped, the only continous gameworlds I've not felt cramped in was ARMA 2, Morrowind(For some reason) and FUEL(~15000 km2) from the top of my head. The rest does sound good though, especially the hunting part is promising!
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