Gratulations Calax!
Yeah I hate it when my sides grow too long which happens in only a couple of weeks, thats why I used to sport and undercut for a while, I simply completely shaved the sides and annoying areas on my scalp every three days. No fluffiness whatsoever! I already miss that hairstyle. Also I'm pretty scared about balding, every single hair that leaves my scalp gets its own funeral ceremony, followed by a massive panic attack. I suffer from severe hair loss paranoia / hypochondria because I had a completely shaven head in my military service time.....and I hated it.
Pfft, real men have long hair, even if they start to go bald!
I will admit though that I have a bit of hair loss paranoia aswell, I have alot of bumps on my head and I really look like **** without hair. I do miss easy maintenance though