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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Welcome back! Got my new kitten today, wich is a bit of a problem, because I want to play with him while I really need to eat and then go to sleep.
  2. True, but I'd have to many then, already have 3.5 cats.
  3. And it's not going to change their minds, because all of those images "were taken in a studio and are fake". :/ I showed my friend the video of one of the astronauts dropping a feather and a hammer on the moon, and she still thought it was fake.
  4. I'm waiting for one at the moment, he's supposed to be big enough in august/september to be separated from his mother. Bit envious right now, I really want him here, preferably last month.
  5. I'm sorry for your loss.
  6. Well, ****, I'm sold!
  7. Damn, Bud Spencer died. Now I really hate 2016. ;_;
  8. Cheers! =) Had my first driving lesson today, yeah, sure, I'm a 31 yo with an obsession with cars, but I've never had steady employment so I've not been able to afford it until now. It went smooth, I got alot of compliments on my driving ability and that I paid alot of attention to the traffic and pedestrians around me. Was told to work on the way I handle the steering wheel (I tend to turn the wheel with only one hand) and my ecodriving (I declutch too early). The instructor told me that I was good enough at driving to skip ahead quite a bit in the lesson plan. I'm very pleased with myself, now I hope that the papers for private instruction comes through quickly so that I can get more kilometres behind the wheel.
  9. Changed the headlight glass on my car. A stone had cracked the glass and it was gathering moisture inside it due to the last few days wet weather. Was relatively easy, though a bit fiddly. One of the connectors was stuck and the glue that held it to the headlight unit came loose so I had to glue it back into place. Is there an English word for when you get damage on your windshield/headlight glass from stones? There is for Swedish and German as far as I know, but I'm drawing a blank in my head when I try to remember anything for English.
  10. While my neighbours are decidedly closer, I can still pump up the volume while looking at the sunset! It's awesome, and I have a lake really close by But not today, the weather is ****, I feel like ****, having worked with a fever and I've been annoyed at all the lazy bastards at work.
  11. I've been considering getting a hive or two actually. An old neighbour here used to keep bees but since she stopped from old age, I thought I'd pick it up.
  12. You have all my sympathies, atleast I only have to lift stuff and drop it in the right place and facing.
  13. Yesterday I went to a "nostalgia meet" with my father, was nice, saw a few really awesome old cars, a DeSoto business coupe, and quite a few old american cars. The music was being played way too loud though, but was fun ogling cute girls dancing. Went fishing with a friend from work today, we got started later than we wanted, but went on to catch a few good ones. We did catch alot of common roach that we used as bait for pike and perch. Caught two pike, roughly 2 kilos on the first one and 2.5 on the second one. We had two pike that managed to get away, but they also might have been the same ones we caught. We managed to hook one perch that we took for eating later. Nice couple of days to get some energy for the coming week, with extra long workdays, and I have one hell of a sunburn. :D
  14. My condolences Tale.
  15. WARM! It's been 30C over here, and it's been hell at work. But that's nothing to your day Tale. =(
  16. I like it too, I was listening to Spotify's recommendations, and found one of the songs(Genitorturers - Lecher Bitch) I recognized from the Anarch bar in Vampire Bloodlines. Had to reinstall it ofcourse.
  17. Spoke to the union and our bosses, and then their bosses. The top brass recommended we get 2h'rs paid time to our local boss, because of our lost time, people missed the bus and the fact our employer did the search erroneously since they checked our personal belongings - big nono, if you had something in your bags that was private or embarrassing you would've had to show all your coworkers that. They are only allowed to check us inside the actual workplace not after we've picked up our personal affects. I'd insert a success kid here, but I've got to get going. :D
  18. Yeah, there is a possibility of thievery at my workplace, and it's not impossible that someone has done just that. We also have camera surveillance. Wich is why I don't think that there is a reason for everyone at work to be searched, it's a violation of my person. I would'nt complain if it were that someone had accused me specifically of stealing or if they thought they had seen something suspicious on a camera feed, but no - they searched everyone. And it's really not ****ing okay for this to happen on MY time, not to mention that they did it in such an amateurish way. If anyone had stolen something they had dozens of opportunities to ditch their loot.
  19. Congratulations Enoch! So we had a forced bodysearch after work today, don't know why, don't care to be honest, what I do care about is that those mother****ing rentacop cumguzzlers searching everyone cost me 20 minutes of my free time. I'm going to check tomorrow when we have the daily info meeting if we're getting paid for that time, or I'm raising ****ing hell. And then quitting.
  20. My ideal weather would be sunny, not much wind, 0% humidity, -15C and 50cm's of snow. Wich rarely happens were I live
  21. So, the weather this week was "great" according to common conception, summer warmth and sun, wich translates to horrid in my world. I've been sweating my arse of every day at work, I drank atleast 4 litres every day and still managed to get dehydrated and headaches every day. Plus, my mate that drives me and a couple of others to work in my car, managed to dent it when reversing out of my driveway. My front bumper has been pushed about one inch inwards, wich means I'm ****ing pissed of at him - yet I can't blame him entirely, because **** happens. He did'nt do it on purpose, but I still have a dented car that was previously a pristine car. Oh, speaking of fecal matter, what he managed to hit was the drainage pipe for our sewage, he managed to lift it out of it's socket in the tank - so I have to dig it up and put it back in position. About one metre deep. -.-
  22. The doctors here become extremely annoyed if you come there with something trivial, like a back ache or blocked ear, so I've bought a home cleaning kit. Works decently, but I try to use it preventively instead, it took quite alot of tries to get a proper blockage out.
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