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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Ah, I missed the "rpg" part. I seem to remember reading about one in an old PC gamer magazine, but I don't remember a review of it. I'd have to read through them all.
  2. Well... there's Outlaws. From 1997.
  3. While I loved the original, no PC release, so they won't get a dime from me. Wankers.
  4. I won't, it's possible that I'll inherit the old family home, but if that is the case, I would'nt be able to afford to keep it in all probability. I reckon the most amount of money I'll earn per month is around 2000$ and that is nowhere near enough money to keep a house in order. Edit; Added quote due to page shift.
  5. Hey people, I'm hoping to use the vast experience of people here to ask for some help to find some music specifically for a DnD game I'm running, but also hoping to help people in general find some nice background music for their own games. At the moment, I'm sending my players to the Abyss, and I was hoping for people here having knowledge of any fitting soundtracks for that. I don't watch a whole lot of movies or tv shows, so I have'nt stumbled across anything that might fit this. But earlier in my campaign the players ended up in desert landscapes, and I used this as background music wich worked awesome for the feel of that part. Music more fitting to the Abyss though has been harder for me, anyone that's got any ideas for me? Edit; Fixed the broken link for example music.
  6. Well my answer here has more to do with the science of politics than the politics of science. In the United States the federal government has a clearly defined role and there is a tremendous amount of information that is publicly available so tax payers can see what they are paying for. In the early 2000's the federal government was funding stem cell research. A lot of tax payers had a problem with that because they were paying to create human life, viable embryos, solely for the purpose of destroying them. The moral dilemma is obvious. The solution of course was that the work could go on but only with private financing. The public does not get to make moral decisions on things they are not paying for. So you'd rather see aborted fetuses and similar be destroyed for no good reason? They could serve a greater purpose and help people, but instead they just get binned. I'm so sick and tired of religion getting in the way of progress, we're already hundreds, if not thousands of years behind if not for such things. *Looks through the rules for Shadowrun, gets annoyed again* Yeah... no, I love the world of Shadowrun, but that ruleset, the layout, it's horrid. :/
  7. I thought I remembered you being a teacher. How old are these kids? I don't doubt such a school would be messed up without some strict dicipline, but I doubt that would be easily accomplished. Atleast without a competent headmaster/mistress. My cousin is a headmaster in Västervik, don't remember what school though, and his sister is a teacher here in the west. I'm looking forward to meeting them both after watching a documentary (Uppdrag granskning) about grades in the school system and how they've turned into a way for schools to increase their funding more than determining the students competency, and how headmasters have gone in and changed the grades afterwards and raised their grades if teachers themselves refused. It'll be interesting to hear if they've experienced anything similar. What do you teach?
  8. Damn, 142000km is nothing. I've got a '98 Volvo 940 that's done 350000km's. Yours is barely broken in. I really hate insurance companies, atleast the ones here in Sweden. They never really take into account what condition your car was/is in. if something was to happen to my car, I would probably get no more than 500$ for it, despite paying four times as much. I've got a principle that I never am going to take a loan in my entire life, so I would'nt ever be able to get such a nice car. =)
  9. ****, that sucks. I doubt they can get as much at an auction yard as you could get selling the spares. Do you have to get such an expensive car though? Would'nt it be better to get some sort of "beater" or similar that you can get to get from point a to b? Maybe for a few hundred dollars or so? What was it that you did for a living at the moment?
  10. Sorry to hear that man :/ What is going to happen with the wreck? Have they taken possession of it, or would you be able to sell spare parts from it? I wish you were in Sweden, then I could've lent you a car.
  11. Blodwyn is pretty wicked, love that one. I've met a Helfrid once, awesome girl. She was metal as f***! lml
  12. I would love to know what camber, caster angle and toe in that vehicle has on both sides. I'm pretty certain there is a massive difference. Not to mention that the frame is weakened... Stuff like that can be dangerous unless you get set up properly afterwards.
  13. I agree "the rich" would be the first to be able to take advantage, because money. But imo, a trickle down effect would be an irresistible force and the general population would improve. What would really be cool is if they somehow eradicated certain defects but delivered it to the population as a vaccination. My idea is; less designer babies, more human genome improvement. That, I would definetly agree with.
  14. I'm curious how you think "only the rich will benefit" is a myth? They already mostly mingle with people in their own group, their modified genes will still stay among the top 10% while we bottomfeeders will likely not see any gain for hundreds of years at wich point they would've become diluted.
  15. Haha! my bad, I had quoted your joke and tried to add in my own, I must've deleted it and snafud it. I'm glad to hear that you're ok, physically if nothing else. Wish I could help you some way though. --- Had another day with forced overtime. Funny how much it can **** you up over two days just working one hour extra on a five and a half hour work day. I was completely knackered and was crazy hungry. Wich is a problem, since one of the people that I drive to work lives next to a Max burger shop, wich meant that when I dropped him off I couldn't stop myself from buying a burger. Goddamn, that chilicheese. *_*
  16. Yeah, it's a pretty big part The forces involved, even in low speed crashes, are pretty massive. And even if you do something such as lift your car in the wrong place with a jack you can bend the chassis badly.
  17. You were'nt injured in any way I hope? What happened, if I may be so rude as to poke my nose where it doesn't belong? No, that's going to be alot of work, the chassis is going to be bent and straightening that out is going to be a nightmare. Not to mention that you're going to have to change just about every part in the engine bay. That front has been pushed in atleast 30-40cm's it looks like. Would've been doable on an old car that does'nt have a monocoque construction with advanced crumple zones.
  18. Shieeeet, I think I developed a little bit of a crush on you now Gorth. Without a doubt the biggest reason me and the people I know want out of the EU,
  19. Well, then you get worse fuel efficiency. And turbos are not prone to break unless you drive like a madman. I've got a Low Pressure Turbo on my Volvo 940 that's done 350000km's with just regular service, it's not broken down in the past 18 years, and I don't expect it to break in the coming years either when I up the pressure from 0.3 to .8 bar. (From 135Hp to 200+Hp and 230Nm to 300+Nm) Are you certain that you need a SUV for your offroading, there are some normal cars that can handle light offroad tracks very well. Some better than SUV's. If you want any offroading capabilities to speak of,it's a Land Rover or similar that you want.
  20. Well, it would be nice being a Rogue Trader or similar... As long as you're not a normal person it would be nice.
  21. Unless you have qualms about murdering people, the Great Ghost Dance was pretty vicious stuff. And I really, really, really don't want to be turned to a troll. Or Orc. Owwww. Then again, I'd prefer Shadowrun to say Cyberpunk 2020... Played DnD today and yesterday, the campaign Out of the Abyss. The GM's girlfriend has put Hoard of the Dragonqueen on hold, and I've got to take vacation from my job to get my own campaign going again. Got a tonne of things to write and jig and match up.
  22. I was'nt around the BIS boards at all, I was at NMA and the Codex before I ended up here, shortly after Alpha Protocol was released. Been discussing games across many different fora since around 99.
  23. I don't blame you, I dont like it either. Your friends are not wrong. I've been told though that things have improved since the past, wich scares me.. It's backbreaking and repetetive, and many other things, for very little pay. The 5th of October I've been working there one year, and I still have the exact same wage as when I started. But now I actually know what the hell I'm doing and have a semi "manager" position. I did get more contractual hours though, but that's not been an issue before, I've worked close to the same hours any way, I just have it enforced now instead of working extra.
  24. :'(
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