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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I've always had that feeling myself when visiting this thread, considering I'm currently sitting on a Phenom II X4 955... That I bought shortly after release. The 580 prices hasn't spiked here like they've done in other places(An XFX Radeon RX 580 8GB GTR-S Black Edition for 350'ish $), but still, it's a waste when a new circuit is just around the corner.
  2. Well, it's summertime so;
  3. Thanks mate They were hesitant to even prescribe codeine though, and only prescribed 60mg per evening. Getting something heavier is a long shot, but I'm going to have to try.
  4. Pulled a tooth, and repaired one, atleast this time the dentist was kind enough to prescribe kodein pills, so that I can actually numb the pain. Just wish I could take them now, but theres still a couple of hours until I'm allowed to drink... Status update; Codeine is bollocks, does nothing :/
  5. Yeah, ofcourse you can, you're not affected by it since you're not born in Sweden. For what it's worth, I also want prostitution legalized. I'm allowed to buy a woman dinner and drinks and have sex with her, but not allowed to give her the money directly. As long as a man decides where the money goes, it's ok.
  6. Priorities! I was considering throwing in a 580, but it seems such a waste. My 7970 can run anything at the moment well enough. I guess I have to wait a few more months for freesync, that's about it.
  7. I've got a 128gb Kingston SATA SSD. It serves it's purpose, but I'm getting myself an m2 in the autumn, or whenever AMD gets around to releasing vega. Getting a new GPU then too.
  8. Ordered some new parts today; https://www.inet.se/kundvagn/visa/10472013/mitt-bygger-2017-06-17 I feel like a kid on christmas. Except Christmas is 6 days away. ;_; And I need to point out one very important thing. The Obsidian 900D is 9cms taller than my fathers case. So I, after a bit more then a decade of teasing... win. \o/
  9. You want to copy Sweden now do ya? We've been doing that since the 70's! I've mentioned it before, but still; Started as a DNA database for research, was used by the police to identify the killer of a politician, and now they're looking into actually allowing police to use it, and private insurance firms aswell. Good stuffs.
  10. They let go several summer workers today at work, some days I get alot of free time and spend that time helping out in what way I can, but today had a really lazy start so I sat listening to the bosses discuss the latest shenanigans the temp workers has been up to. I'm an atheist, but jeezuz****ingchrist... The idiocy. I'll be quite honest, I'm a bit worried about these people, they have absolutely no work ethic, and they really act like "dongs" towards the people in charge. How the **** are they going to keep a job? I had to say goodbye to one of my coworkers that had her last day today, she was fun hanging around, and it's going to be sad not to hear her rip bosses apart for being idiots. Tough I was happy to see the return of a girl from last year, didn't have time to do much more than say hello and hug, but I do remember her name and that she studies to become an architect, and that she comes from Värmland. I was quite moved that she had been asking if I was still working there.
  11. Hehe, Imagine how I feel every time I get a paycheck and sit down to check what they've done, my bosses has a tendency to "forget" to note down some of my overtime hours. Hey, attempting? I'll have you know I survived off of cornflakes, milk and wow for 2 years.
  12. It would depend on the collective agreement, but yes, if I was employed by the hour, but in my case I'm employed on a monthly wage. Wich means between 0600-2000 I get my "monthly wage"/94, all other hours "monthly wage"/72. I can also take that time as free time, the hours between 0600-2000 are worth 1.5 hours and the others 2 hours. Considering I work from 1200-2130 every day... :3 Also, mon-thu between 1900-2200 you get ~2.5$ extra per hour because it an "uncomfortable" working hour, after 2200, fridays, it's 5~/hour, days before holidays it's ~10$.
  13. What if he flips you the bird He cuts you off and you're forced to swerve Infront of a tour bus A bookmobile and a mack truck Hauling hazardous biological waste The light turns red, you have no brakes And "Hard Copy" gets it all on tape So you can see the look on your face What about then?
  14. The company I work for had a bunch of summer workers that's been hired to make up for people going on vacation, and man what a whiney bunch of priviliged ****kickers. Over half of them called in sick in the first two weeks and a bunch of them apparently were going on month long vacations in the middle of summer without telling the company about this (So that another candidate could be picked, that can actually work through the summer and cover for people going on vacation.) Atleast I work out in the yard now, I don't get nice things such as vacations. I get overtime instead. Rawr.
  15. You might not, but I do. I barely tolerate RTwP, but I adore turn-based. I'm also curious how RTwP has gotten better. What, fundamentally, has changed about it over the years? Very much this. Also, if I were to pay for it, I would show them that there is a market for RTwP RPG's, they wouldn't know or care that I immensly dislike those mechanics; They still recieved my money.
  16. Pharah and Junkrat was my favourites, but since we needed someone to play a healer, Ana and Mercy it was most of the time. And people wonder why I stopped playing...
  17. I seriously can't decide wether or not I want a RTwP fantasy rpg. I really, really don't want RTwP, but I do like the premise of this game.
  18. AMD's upcoming Vega can barely push Vulcan Doom to 4k/60hz, I doubt that the 580 derivative can match that. Also, you might have seen 4k resolution, but you don't know if it was upscaled and you might not know if there was an actual PC running the game in the background. You know; Like they've done before.
  19. But what if I like, really don't like them?
  20. It was a bit windy at work yesterday, with some pretty strong gusts of wind. One of these gusts got hold of a big trailer door that I was opening and wrenched it out of my hands and hit me in the head, wich caused me to loose my balance and stumbled a few metres before I fell over. I overextended my thumb and I've got a pretty vicious headache, so I'm staying home from work today to let it clear.
  21. I was thinking about factions and such things, but I don't doubt that they will try to sneak in some "rpg" stuff in there aswell.
  22. Well, that trailer tells me nothing except that there appears to be powered armor and there's a wall. Unclear whether the wall was commissioned by Trump and built by Mexicans or not. These trailers are less than informative. But I guess it's better than BioWare showing a bunch of cool features that they'll end up cutting in the final product. "You either live with the choices that you make... Or die trying to change them" Yeah, no, bull****. Bioware doesn't have the balls to do anything like that. There's no way that would happen in a modern AAA game.
  23. Granted, it isn't literature, but since you're on the subject, I really liked the interview Matt Chat had with David Wesely on D&D
  24. Let's not forget Brian May, astrophysicist. Then again, Hedy Lamarr has them all beat, since she actually worked as an inventor; She helped develop the tech behind bluetooth and wifi.
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