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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm nursing a semi. The thought of a Obsidian Rogue Trader game...
  2. It's good to see nVidia launching programs that confirm my position on their ethical buisnessmodels. My heroes.
  3. Been taking my bloopressure regularly for a few months now, varying medicines and diet and it seems that no matter what I do my bloodpressure remains between 170-160/110-100 on the mornings. Going to talk to my doctor next week and ask her if I can try to stop taking the meds for a few days and see what happens with the pressure. Starting to think I'm doing something wrong when measuring. This easter weekend some of the friends from the original pnp group I started out with decided that, **** it, we haven't really seen each other for months and we haven't played together for years, so we got together for three days of rpgs and beer. It's awesome. We're playing off eachother like we haven't missed a day since then!
  4. That would put me in a difficult spot. I hate batteries, and avoid buying batterydriven devices, but damn it if I probably would'nt break that principle if I ever had kids XD It would be so worth it!
  5. Black ice, sure, it would happen, but that's patches and not an entire hill covered in a sheet of ice. We get plenty of that here, especially the past few days has been bad. Since my work is driving all day, I can feel the ice build up. Makes for fun times. I think someone told me before, but I can't remember, but are there any regulations concerning winter tyres?
  6. That's not snow though, that's freezing rain. That's not necessarily going to happen there. I've never experienced it here in Sweden, plenty of snow though.
  7. Still... I got a bit giddy :D I hope they manage to recapture the magic of the original
  8. My vote is firmly on Idiocracy.
  9. Happy birthday! =)
  10. Star Citizen Duke Nukem Forever; Part Deux
  11. None. Absolutely zero. To my great dismay
  12. It took me about two moths to read through all the books the first time, in Swedish. Then I tried them in English. Took me three weeks. They were'nt annoying in English and had a better "feel" than Swedish.
  13. Could sort of backfire though. The people that do that might get more into if they get coverage.
  14. Sorry about your loss mate Have you gone to the police?
  15. I would say that this is depends on what hair you have though, and what showerhead and water pressure you have. It takes me about 10 minutes to do a shower (Not counting the 5 minutes I need to wait for applying medicine) because getting the shampoo out of my hair is a nightmare, and then conditioner (when I cba). If I visit my friends place this is taken down to something like 7 minutes because the showerhead and waterpressure is really good.
  16. My CPU is currently idling at around 16C. My computer idles at about 10C above ambient. You do the maths :D Did not have a pleasant day at work, the last few days has been cold, but atleast there hasn't really been any wind to speak of. Now the windchill is at -25C, which is a bit much. Not to mention that my room is a "bit chilly".
  17. Yep. Me too. :/
  18. Is it bad that I got a couple of tears in my eyes reading that? =)
  19. Nah, they just want more money in their own and their friends pockets, that's all.
  20. Once you need surgery or similar though, you get on the same waiting lists. Private doctors don't have the equipment that hospitals do, they do exams and minor things.
  21. You sort of can. We're "guaranteed" to get to meet specialists within 90 days at most. If that is not possible we're offered to go to a different district where they might have shorter waiting times, and they are supposed to pick up the extra costs. Don't know the exact details about that though, I don't have enough time to travel since I don't want to miss work. Theoretically you can pony up to visit a private doctor though. But when I looked up one for fun, the price was something silly like 300$/hour.
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