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Everything posted by C2B

  1. Opening looks good except for the one month later. Ron Perlmann's narration is before this scene?
  2. I've played both and think so. Any more lies you wish to spread. Any more "facts"? No, HH Don't you know that he is the almighty who's glorius opinion is the only "truth" there is in the world. BLASPHEMY
  3. Matthew Perry sounds pretty cool in this. Hell, I don't know the charachter yet but with all the little western parts in the game he has a pretty awesome voice nailed down.
  4. Doesn't this also mean we now know the voice over studio used? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Graue_Voiceover_Studios Or was that known before?
  5. Yeah, but remember what Ziets' record was before MotB? That's right, MMOs You can't always judge someone's writing from its previous work apparently. That... was kinda the point. I said we CAN'T judge Gonzalez as a lead writer as of now because he never really did rpg's (which means a gerne that largly focuses on dialog/story) before. We couldn't judge Ziets either before he did MOTB because MMO's are an entirly different narrative (And I'm not even sure he was the lead on them).
  6. Well, we'll still have to see with New Vegas. Gonzalez former work is Tom Clancy's end War and Alter Echo. Ok, they are both different gernes but still. As of now he doesn't have ANY credit in the rpg gerne. From what I've seen though I'm impressed positively. Contrary to that George Ziets has plenty of respect in the rpg community since MOTB. (And very well deserved) (Also all the other writers that contributed to the game did a good job. That I'm sure of)
  7. http://www.gamestrust.de/previews,dungeon_...er,id217,3.html It's a new preview from a german site. Interestingly they especially praise the inventory as looking very accessible.
  8. It mostly does match up with mine. While I fully agree with the gameplay beeing wonky I actually think that the end location WAS the most interesting and varied one. Sure I was in Tapei and Moskau but the design of the enviroments and overall feel were rather bland. The hotel in taipei came close but that was more for the fact that its probably the most interesting mission in the entire game. Though it could have been so much more. AP's main problem (in terms of gameplay. Story/Dialog/E-Mails were all well designed. Well except for descriptions on the dialougewheel) is that there went serious things wrong in the concept phase and resulting design problems in my opinion. Development Hell and Mitsoda leaving probably didn't help either.
  9. Oh wow, that ironsight... that's just terrible, Obsidian. Ironsights shouldn't block out your view so much. That's... more the weapon used. Ironsights look fine as shown in other trailers.
  10. I mean do we see the original DS theme back in DS3? I know Jeremy Soule was probably not available, though.
  11. Well, considering that Obsidian announced that like the first two entries this is again one big map the answer would be yes. But then again, there are wide differences.
  12. It seems to do the same thing TOO HUMAN attempted with the focus on action game elements bound to stats. Hope they get it right in contrast.
  13. Yes, there is a slow-motion effect. (A reeeeeeealy bad one at that) Look at the actual gameplay when they fight. It's fluid.
  14. So, you're argument to ban others for comparing games is basically that it doesn't vibe with your own personal opinion score? Yeah, yeah.... That makes sense.
  15. Wait, wait, wait fanboyism start: GAF Forums are terrible. Oh.... That wasn't fanboyism. (Jokes, aside the slow-motion parts were terrible. But probably an necessary evil to get the "coolz" factor. Like Commercials in the 90's)
  16. Truer words have never been spoken. I'll be your loyal fanboy on this one Obsidian!
  17. Well, AP bombed too. So, not that good an argument. Also I just looked up the V:B scores. He pulled that out of a random review probably. Metacritic has it only at 80 and that's probably including favorable retro-reviews. (That doesn't mean of course that V:B wasn't deserving of a near 90s score in several aspects.)
  18. Stop it. Someone has a different opinion than you and all you can come up with are review scores? Oh noeeeeez. Because if we go that way i have here some review scores from local gaming magazines. And it looks quite different.... (I myself value both games around the same)
  19. Gothic? I really didn't get a gothic vibe from this? What makes you think that? oo
  20. Looks great and actually fluid. Also props to whoever did meele animations for ninja chick.
  21. It looks great!
  22. Thank you Volourn. Your incredible narcissm is always such an insperation because you actually have the guts to think you're some sort of spokesperson for "discernible" gamers.
  23. One word. Badass
  24. A Cherry That's.... That's..... Come on at least get this into a spoiler and declare it NSFW.
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