To be honest, after hearing a lot of people pleased with Alpha Protocol NOT being plagued with bugs and generally more polished than Obsidian's previous games (granted, the complaints about controls, ai and graphics show that they still have a lot of hard work for the next year to come if they want to become a REALLY respected studio) and the fact that there's Josh at the helm of the project (his interviews about NWN2 pretty much convinced me that if he had been at the helm of the project from the beginning Obsids could have made a much more polished game, not wanting to diss Ferret but he WAS overambitious for NWN2) with a 18/24 months timeframe (not much, but it's not nearly as bad as KOTOR2) made me a bit more optimistic.
Then I hear about the game 'still not being in alpha state as far as the content goes' by Todd Howard (who sounded HAPPY about the thing, lol) and I'm a bit less optimistic.
.... Which means I'll have to wait for the game to come out before judging the bugginess.