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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I've realised I seem to have gotten into the habit of eating only one actual "meal" a day. I don't think you can count a couple of digestive biscuits or a single mini-pork pie as an actual lunch... Even if that sole meal at night is a good mixture of vegetables and protein based food, I really need to start getting back into proper eating habits. That and I'm slipping into that whole "not fall asleep till somewhere around 0330" once more. Maybe that combination is why my mojo has been off this month...
  2. Raithe


    Have the collected Halo scores running back to back as I pace through into the afternoon..
  3. Tis never fun to lose a pet thats become part of the family, but at least it sounds like she had a good last half of a life. The spaniel here is a rescue dog, and she is very clingy even several years on. If there's only one person in the house she'll tend to run in nervous circles and camp out by the front door until someone else turns up. Hm, early monday morning start, mom has a hospital appointment, its turning into a bit of a grey day. And in between I've had a bit of a dabble reading Eclipse Phase , which seems to be an interesting transhumanism/horror/sci-fi rpg.
  4. It's actually kind of weird, the npc's you encounter are all quite well-done (animation wise) they've got some fun quirks and the surface appearance of personality, so you should remember them.. but then they don't actually seem to do much with it. Or have any depth of connection to you.
  5. So it's turned out that my sister has broken up with the bf.. so the whole "i can get a puppy because in a year I'll be moving in to a new place with the bf and you won't have to deal with a growing alsatian" seems to have gone out the window. Apparently my mom's sister and her husband are flying out here from Australia next year for mom's 65th birthday, so in that space of time have to figure out exactly where they'll be staying. Hm, guess that's one thing to put on the "later priority list". My grandmothers neighbours have broken out the ladders to start putting christmas - yes, christmas decorations up on the outside of their house. I've realised I've gotten into the rather bad habit of eating one meal a day, which I should probably give due thought to. I had a minor spending splurge at rpgnow for some light retail therapy, but still can't seem to pick my mood up just yet.. This seems to have been a week of low mojo.
  6. Hm, the thing that bumps the cost up is that statue of Malgus. Of course, the thing is Gentle Giant produces 12 inch statues of various Star Wars figures that sell for (or at least are listed as costing) around the $200-250 mark. So I guess there's always the option to put the 9 inch Malgus on ebay to see if you can get anything back.. of course, the hard core fans will probably already have the CE themselves anyway.... Edit: I have to admit, the whole putting a statue in a computer game and then jacking the price up for CE's is getting a wee bit annoying.
  7. Yeah, that was originally why I got tired of WoW. I wanted more fun PvE content, and all they seemed interested in was balancing PvP and adding raids. I never took part in a single raid in about 2 years of play. By the time Burning Crusdae came out, I had already found an MMO that was more focused on casual gaming. I have a few friends who really got into WoW and the raiding initially. But when they started talking about it as if it was a job "oh damn, ive got to get home because I'm supposed to be providing a healer on a raid tonight" "it just dragged on, showing the newbies in the guild the ropes and i have to work with them on this raid" .. etc.. and they'd come out of the game as if they'd spent a full week working rather then having fun. That to me, seems a reason not to play a game...
  8. Just to add to the geek-levels... Since they haven't pre-sold all the CE boxes yet, they've decided to release an "unboxing" video just to add temptation. TOR - Collector's Edition Unboxed
  9. Hm, just realised that I've had about 5 or 6 cups of tea..and no food apart from a couple of digestive biscuits today.. and I'm still not actually hungry. Now it's half midnight.. so I think I shall throw in some stewed apple to at least make sure I get something.
  10. And did you catch the remark from Quinn in the end about the raging "invisible war" which unfortunately was "profoundly misconcepted"?
  11. Hm, so steam has Sword of Stars reduced to a couple of quid. Anyone played it and ready to say what it's like?
  12. You have to love automated phone systems at times. You'd think a communication company could at least reduce the obvious "cut n paste" effect..
  13. Run around this afternoon doing assorted small chores and bank errands sort of thing. My enthusiasm for the day hasn't seemed to grow much. I need to get my focus back on track and some creative juices flowing again. Of course, it turned into one of those fairly grim october days with that wind, really oppressively grey cloud cover and a touch of moisture in the air.
  14. Hulk Hogan, Sasha Grey... interesting voice cast. Daniel Dae Kim has been the voice of Jonny Gat since the first game... And Arif S Kinchen is reprising his role from the last game. They had an interesting mix for Saints Row 2 - Michael Dorn, Jaime Pressley, Neil Patrick Harris, Jay Mohr... and of course Tera Patrick for the xbox dlc they did. I guess they're a believer in not going for the usual routes..
  15. That puts me in mind of a quote..
  16. Trying to gather some mojo for the day. One of those mornings I just didn't want to get out of bed. Or open my eyes. No idea why just was one serious struggle to do so. Then I find that in the two days since i ran the dishwasher through every single cup has disapeared from the cupboard, so I had I to manually wash a mug if I wanted a morning cup of tea. And apparently the phone is on the fritz so I've got to figure out why we're not getting a dial tone.. but the internet access is good..so I suppose that weighs in on the plus side.
  17. And I hadn't realised they'd got the principle voice cast back again..apart from Eliza Dushku. Shaundi gets voiced by someone new.. Saints Row the Third - Character List
  18. The things I'm taking away from those press releases so far..
  19. Please forgive me, but this made me laugh out loud. It sucks, I know. I get you, but it's still funny. Hey, I live in town so it's a 10 minute drive up to class for me. Not a problem on my end, but I know several people in the class that commute from out of town that were pretty angry when they heard that the prof was out of town all week. Lots of grumbling about waste of gas on the way out of class. One of the guys I knew at uni lived on the Isle of Wight. Had to get up about 3 hours early to catch the hovercraft across to the mainland, before he could get to the University. He didn't actually get digs closer until around the last year ...
  20. Hm, I stood right near the entrance and killed muties till they stopped. Then they didn't start up again until i moved. They stopped after I'd killed a bunch. Then when I moved into the tunnel more started up.. I stayed still, killing them as they came on.. then they stopped. I walked up and found the bones.
  21. Hm, I entered the first sewers just after I'd picked up the first vehicle. Didn't have too much trouble with it.
  22. We raised the issue to my sister that she keeps leaving her coat (quite often with keys and such inside it) in the porch. That isn't locked, and tends to have postmen and various delivery people open it to wait at the front door. Her reply was along the lines of "Oh, but you don't like it if I hang my coats over the end of the bannister in the hall. So it's your fault , you should just lock the porch door."
  23. Everyone but you ? The odd little things that slip you by.. I just didn't hang around on enough forums until now I guess.
  24. And on stumbling on things.. Who here has actually heard of "Godwin's Law" before now? "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." - In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion
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