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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. So not sure how aware people outside of merry olde england are aware of it.. but of late we've had a few issues here. Mostly related to known terrorists, or convicted murderers/child molesters/general villainous scum who are all foreign nationals who've come to England, commited crimes, served in prison, but when we try to deport them back to their country of origin they claim it would violate their human rights. Which ends up with said general nasty folk not being deported, and in quite a few cases then being legally entitled to claim state benefits... So yes, causing a bit of a fuss and furor. Sky News - Home Secretary backs calls to scrap Human Rights Act Telegraph - Home Secretary: Scrap the HUman Rights Act BBC News - Cameron wants Human Rights Act Reviewed
  2. He's crossing the 7-8 month mark at the moment..
  3. For some more Yvonne Strahovski love.. Chuck Season 4 Blooper Reel
  4. Raithe


    Trying to keep awake with a little Dragonforce..
  5. One of those odd days where everyone in the family seems to be running tired and somewhat shattered. Not sure how much is helped on my it being a rather sweltering hot and sunny day, but battled a few waves of sudden exhaustion. Was sat working on some stuff at the computer, and out of the corner of the eye the puppy was being exceptionally pathetic. Sprawled out on the floor, the top half of his head visible around the corner, sorrowful brown eyes staring up and the pointy ears doing that little flutter-flick when he thinks you've noticed him. At least he isn't being a monster so far.
  6. Hm, trying to do some research today.. and for some reason about 70% of the websites that I try to connect to just hang rather then open. Of course, places like the obsidian boards open fine .. so there doesn't seem to be a ryhme or reason for it...
  7. Had one rough nights sleep and then a mental stutter of a day. Between mind blips, and that procrastination amid poking at various chores and work.. not much really got achieved. I kept expecting some focus to kick in, but now its turned midnight and still doing that flip-flop of thought. So I guess we will see if a nights sleep helps me recover some form of brainpower...
  8. Prologue counts against pacifist achievement. Tranq. shot to head will on occasion kill as well. Yeah, I ensured my prologue was all non-lethal and sneakyness. And I had to keep reloading the "save the pilot from death" because things like the mech exploding kept killing off guys I'd ko'd in one way or another. So to get to the end and suddenly find that somewhere along the line... Ah well.
  9. Just completed a playthrough that i could have sworn I took the utmost care to not kill anyone or set of any alarms.. and dang it, I still didn't get pacifist or foxiest of the hounds. I'm going to have to figure out what secondary reasons will have killed someone I knocked out....
  10. Raithe


    The acoustic version like this is so much better then the electronic one. Cruxshadows can be a bit hit or miss at times, but when they're good, they tend to be really good.
  11. Outsourcing because they didn't have enough time. Whats interesting is that in a recent interview it was.. Dugas brought up that they'd realised they didn't have enough capability in the boss fights, and they couldn't achieve what they'd wanted to in the time they had, but that the game testers all had fun with them. So while they expected the "not deus ex feel" complaints about the boss fights they were still some shocked by the unrepentant hate of them... Also, that they had developed the boss fight in the upcoming dlc to actually be more in line with what they'd wanted to do for the actual game. So here's hoping that there's some form of improvement actually happening....
  12. Another brief bit about TOR European Expo - Meet and Greet Q&A Highlights Daniel Erickson and Stephen Reid providing the answers.. Along with this short note of interest..
  13. When I did my industrial placement back at uni, as the sole IT guy in the office I had a poster reading : "We are the Willing, Led by the Unknowing, Doing the Impossible, For the Ungrateful. We have now Done So Much For So Long - For So Many With So Little We Can Now Do Anything With Nothing." Although after a few weeks it was gently asked that it be removed since there was the potential of actual customers catching sight of it....
  14. I don't know.. A big picture of Captain Mal with that quote from a cult sci-fi series would kind of go with a Professor who gets to make various irritated snarky comments at thesis students who constantly bug him...
  15. I think that what made me blink the most is that the folks behind the censuring were taking the stand that the (to my mind) obviously humerous posters were potentially inciting violence due to containing words/imagery depicting death/acts of aggression... Just.. very wtf.
  16. For some bizarre reason, for about an hour today I kept thinking it was friday...
  17. Some things do make you blink... 'Firefly' and Anti-Fascism Posters Get Professor Threatened with Criminal Charges on University of Wisconsin Campus
  18. More TOR related gubbins. A general interview with Daniel Erickson (the guy holding the reins on the writers group for TOR) Eurogamer Expo - totalbiscuit interviews Daniel Erickson
  19. Hm, now I'm feeling all ooold. The "service fee" for geting a new passport is now apparently
  20. Raithe


    Heat Rises - the latest "Richard Castle" book. A fun semi-pulpy detective story. A part of me is still amused at the way they've actually created the books that the character writes in the tv series. And that they're written in a way that matches the style of the show.
  21. Eh, I've found myself in the situation where I've been able to enjoy the aesthetic sight of a pretty woman, I enjoy their company, I can be charming and flirty in a friendly, meant to amuse manner - but since that breakup, I've actually only had the serious urge to hit on a girl I've met a few times. So I've been more assuming the role usually reserved for the "gay friend" of a girl rather then straight guy who they have fun with.
  22. For those with an interest as well.. Updated Q&A on TOR Companions
  23. It has the potential to be neat..but the trouble is you can set her off with the smallest thing. It's odd, she'll become bosom buddies with someone for a few months, go out of her way to help them, spend massive amounts of time, treat everyt hing they say as if it was sage advice.. And then something will happen. They say the wrong thing, they might be late to a meeting, or forget something..and suddenly boom. Persona non grata. And then she will act as if they mean nothing to her. It's something I've always found a little weird. She's lost at least one job because of her attitude. Office administration type of work, where she was also one of the first faces members of the public would see. The combination of "Everyone should know never to talk to me before I've settled in with my first cup of coffee at work or I will be mean to them" and the "if I think they're a fool and an idiot I shall let them know in no uncertain manner regardless of professionalism" doesn't always work so well...
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