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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. People who don't have to care what other people think?
  2. "It's like being in a movie. Of course, in a movie I always win, in the game, I don't." It's kind of fun in a weird way to see him getting into a game like that..
  3. It's like Hale's not even trying anymore. She also used the same overacted butch voice in Bulletstorm. I'm getting sick of it. I like Hale's voice acting abilities, and she's certainly seemed to get into the role of it and having fun with the fans at some of those convention appearances - ie, E3 with bioware. But I do seem to remember reading an interview with her some years back (post KoTOR) where she did say how she didn't actually like computer games and didn't understand why people got into them so much...Very much the "hey, I don't care, I do my job and I enjoy that so I don't sweat the computer geeks" kind of thing. But my memory is failing so I can't figure out where it was to confirm that...
  4. I picked up Saints Row 2 on steam last year when it was cheap. I'd say its worth it. Sure, the port has problems but I've had a lot of fun playing around on it. I actually preferred it to GTAIV. But then I liked that slight level of silly to it... It's actually odd in that it can be in your face, over the top uber-violence, and then pull something thats actually emotional and kind of disturbing, give you a moment to actually feel something... and then throw you back into total silliness again.
  5. A fresh preview of Saints Row.. Gametrailers - Saints Row Preview I do think I'll enjoy some bizarro over-the-top gang violence next month...
  6. Well they seem to have tweaked the engine for the DLC, which is why it loads up as a seperate game rather then a part of DEHR. On a slow-paced, very exploratory playthrough, it took me about 8 hours to run through the Missing Link.. so at about
  7. From various things around, it sounds more like Cerberus are infected to a degree with reaper tech , much in the way that husks are. Or at least some of the higher echelon are, but I don't think they've given specifics of whats what just yet.
  8. Pretty much any soldier-type character voiced by Hale is going to come across like a copy-pasted FemShep. And hm, I know the other voice. Ah hah - Timothy Omundson. That's a bit of a surprise.
  9. Well on this morning I wasn't waken up early by the puppy jumping on me. So that counts for the mental "rah!" tick. However , my alarm hadn't gone off so I in fact slept on ... my wakeup call was literally a call. The phone went. Although until that point I was in the middle of some really freaky dream. A 'good guy' german billionaire with privacy issues, secret tunnels, hidden trains, paranoid conspiracies, clones of people I knew at school, lots of running around, and even some bloody hanggliders - although I can't recall exactly how they fit into the dream. And one of the dogs managed to swipe some butter from the side last night..and is currently suffering the after-effects. Apparently my oversleep was good for one thing, I missed the spaniel helplessly pooping in the hall... So she's doing the slight cowering and looking very sorry for herself right at the moment. Now I hope a nice hot cup of tea will help me focus some and skip that slight background headache...
  10. Hm, I kind of thought DEHR had done fairly well. The fans seemed to love it, the reviewers and assorted critics seemed to love it.. On a seperate note.. Kotaku - Saints Row the Third - Parachute Fights, Naked Henchmen, and getting Whored. All in the first 17% of the game For that random Saints Row blurb.
  11. Sometimes it does. The thing to be watchful of is when one of them finishes a bone before the other.. then they can get a wee bit playful trying to swipe the remaining bone back and forth.
  12. hm, realised I'm having a point of zoning out rather then being mentally stimulated. Or at least I'm re-reading the same paragraph multiple times with no clue as to what I've just read. Methinks I shall drink some tea, and mayhap try picking up a fresh book or something to generally sprawl with for a short break.
  13. Been slowly building up a list of notes on a report to try writing an executive summary. Trying to flex those creative juices. I might just take a short break to kill something on Deus Ex. Kicked the dogs outside for the moment with some bones, so they should be somewhat settled...
  14. Except for me it comes out tomorrow. I've actually been playing Madden 12 demo of all things, since my dxhr playthrough is at "the" spot for missing link and I want to see if it gives me further background for the remainder of the game. One weird thing, is it sets up almost like another game in steam, and runs as a seperate game. You don't access it "in" DEHR. Also, yeah, the missing augs are interesting , because the levels are really wide open compared to the mission maps in the game. But they have it set up that right from the start there are areas that would be accessible if you had Jump, or Icarus , or improved strength to shift things, or hacking to get access.. but there's no way you can actually do all of that. You really have to be tactical in your choices and accept you can't do everything. It doesn't slowly build up (well, slightly) but it pretty much hits you like that from the get go. Heh, it's interesting that they have an achievement for playing through it without using any praxis points, any weapons, or any explosives...
  15. Having a dabble on the Missing Link dlc for DEHR. Being aware of just how many places you need hacking, or jumping augs, or icarus landing system to really explore in depth.. Although you don't need them to do the storyline.
  16. Did get a bit of work done today... had to spend a bit of time fiddling around with the flush on the downstairs toilet since it wasn't working. I'd actually forgotten the DE:HR dlc was out today, so had a pleased moment and thought I'd just check it out for a short time. Two hours later and I'm feeling a wee bit guilty.
  17. You should get one of these: Yeah, got one. Trouble is the drugs wont fit in those compartments. Breakfast has about 12, lunch has about another 5, and supper/bedtime has another dozen roundabouts. Pills of allll sizes and shapes.
  18. It's not that having a gaming pc that costs more then a console that makes them a superior human being, it's the fact that they use a gaming pc rather then a console that does that.
  19. Hm, caught a report on cyber security - World Facing a Wave of Cyber Crime Pointing out the nature of smartphones as a fully-fledged computer sitting in your pocket, that a lot of people allow to automaticlaly connect to wi-fi hotspots. How they're so user-friendly and accessible, and how people without thinking (because it's "just a phone") take the convenience without giving thought to the security aspects. They are our bank vault, our confidant, our guide. So with an estimated 480 million smartphones sold by the end of the year, how many folks on these forums have one? Not taking into account the various "celebrities" hacked phones, or even wandering down the line of the Murdoch groups phone hacking..
  20. So Branson opens world's first "commercial" spaceport... And to highlight other matters NASA books charter space from Virgin
  21. Had the puppy pounce on me as a wake up call. That whine and paw poking at you isn't the best way to stir. That combined with a slow, grindy headache hasn't had me feel totally clear but tis being one of those sunny autumn days. Still trying to learn the new drugs for mom. Post surgery there's about 20 new pills to be organised for her day, so that's added fun to the morning start. "is that 3 aziothiopran for breakfast or lunch? where's the diclofenac and the clorofetamine...." There are way too many syllables in way too many packets to get to grips with when you're not thinking clearly. Hm, and the puppy is definitely having the devil in him on this morning. Thunderpaws running back and forth and visiting destruction on various paper/cardboard things he snares.
  22. Raithe


    Working on the Alpocalypse... Party in the CIA
  23. But there's also that "free" first month you get for buying the game. So if you plan to have a serious play, you can do it for the first month then cancel it before you pay for a second... There have been some Bioware quotes floating around about how they're looking at TOR running for a decade.. and they're already planning just what sort of serious upgrades it will need. Such as the amount of new Planets expanding the universe over how much time... and all sorts of things
  24. Not strictly a movie, but I rewatched some of "Kings". That was a damn good show, and really annoying that they never followed on from the first season. A modern day, alternate-reality drama about a hero who rises to become the King of his nation, based on the biblical story of King David. Which sounds a little weird, but it worked really damn well. Had Ian Mcshane as King Silas, Brian Cox as imprisoned King Abaddon, and a slew of recognisably good actors supporting it all : Wes Studi, Susannah Thomspon, Dylan Baker, Eamonn Walker, and a rather brilliant showing from Christopher Egan as David. (Also a rather surprising turn up of Macauley Culkin in a few of the later episodes) The production values seemed fairly sumptuous, and the dialogue managed to mix that feel of biblical speech, grand shakespeare presence but all wrapped up in modern patterns. The performances ring true and they really manage to show that whole play of people in power, how it corrupts, what sacrifices they'll make, and just what happens when "good" people are introduced to that mix.
  25. A little bit of Universe Sandbox. There's something strangely soothing about setting up galaxies to orbit and crash into each other and watching it unfold over time....
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