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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Hm , mom had her visit to the hospital this morning, the general checkup on her hand after the surgery. A few bits on the phsyio, and now she doesn't have to wear the splint alll the time. Distracted the dogs with a couple of ham bones, and now trying to sort out what I should be doing this afternoon. Don't know why but I'm just feeling all worn down for some reason, need to gather my mojo back up into something effective.
  2. Still dabbling along with the zanyness of Saints Row. Have picked up the Fallout NV dlc collection from Steam, but I'm going to wait a bit before I jump back into the mojave. Also, got some TOR to beta play over the weekend, so I'll focus on that...
  3. They still haven't actually confirmed that its related to Aliens in any way...
  4. I wasn't that close with her, but it's hit my mom kind of hard. It's her side of the family, and that part of the family hasn't had the best time of late. Technically, she's my second cousin, her father (my actual proper cousin) went out with brain cancer the other year over christmas. He did the whole "Right, I've got 3 months to live. I can take chemo, and potentially stretch it out to 6 months while feeling pretty damn miserable for most of it and not being myself. Or I can spend the time I do have with my family, being myself, and make sure we all have good memories." So to have this suddenly happen out of the blue as well, isn't really settling well with my maternal family. Edit: And on the totally unrelated and unemotional sidenote, I've had my C drive defragging today..and it's still going strong..about 5 hours after it started. When did 1 gig take this long...
  5. Actually the person who said that is about 1/5th cherokee, I think she's more just annoyed with the general stresses of thanksgiving and prefers to ignore it all... But snarky comments always happen with pretty much any form of national holiday.
  6. For the quote of the day: "I appreciate all the people wishing me a happy thanksgiving, but I'm a native american. Please stop."
  7. What's really.. the folks at the hospital apparently missed her going into a coma. First they missed the telltale rash of meningitis and were only keeping her in overnight so they could figure out what virus was having her feel sickm her mom went home for some things, came back and found her unresponsive in the hospital bed with blue lips. When she raised the alarm, the nurses realised she'd slipped into a coma, and by then it was too late and she was already brain dead. But yeah, she only turned 18 a few weeks back. Had her graduation ceremony last friday.
  8. Woke up this morning with that odd mix of laying so comfortably I really didn't want to get up.. but with that annoying pokey headache just lurking on the edges which wouldn't actually let me settle back properly. Then we got the phone call from family about one of my cousins just died. Looks like meningitis. She went through her graduation ceremony the other week, then this week gets rushed into hospital, and suddenly slips into a coma and then brain death with no-one at the hospital realising just what it was she had. Apparently they just thought she had some generic virus right up until she hit the coma.
  9. Hm, so I've just got the notice that I'm in the weekend on the Saturday 10am CST time slot.. dang it..which translates to about 4pm gmt... and I've got a friends birthday party in the evening..
  10. Well since all the Fallout New Vegas dlc is out and on sale, I've decided to pick them up finally.. now I just need to be in the right mood to replay the game again...
  11. Not directly science..but still, it's something DARPA are kicking around.. DARPA attempts to "game-ify" software verification techniques
  12. Download limits, so 1990s, but that's what you get when you live in a 3rd world country. I'm going to try out Trooper because it's the most interesting class and NOT available for Empire (which sucks). My main at launch will most likely be Sith Sorc healer. I hope I get the full weekend to test, accepted invitation early Monday and had it installed during the evening. Download rates went up and down but were somewhere between 4-6MBit/s the whole time. Heh, I thoroughly enjoy my unlimited broadband.. so I'm blithely ignoring that issue, although I read a lot of comments about it from various people. Hm, I'm considering trying out the Trooper myself to start off the beta weekend, I think while it looks like it has a few interesting features, it's probably the class I'm not going to play in the near future when I get the game proper.
  13. Heh, there's a fair amount of nerd-rage on the TOR forums over the realisation that it's a staggered beta test, so a chunk of people won't get into the game until sunday, thereby giving them about 14 hours to play the game. Apparently they're missing the fact that it's a stress test Beta, not a free demo, and not something they're entitled to. They volunteered to be beta testers, and they haven't spent money on getting the game... If it's going to kill a large chunk of your monthly download limit, then I can understand some annoyance factor - but that just means you have to weigh just how worth it is to you for the potential 14 hours of playing around..
  14. Raithe


    Hm, and in the book line.. apparently Anne Mccaffrey has passed away, aged 85. She brought us the assorted Dragonriders of Pern.. but also the Ship Who Sang, and that helped pave a whole subgenre of sci-fi.
  15. While their web server is absolutely hammered, I got the download at a nice, steady 3.30MB/s. And I'm making some headway at 793 kb/s...
  16. Popped along some research for work related efforts.. juggled the attention seeking dogs. Hm, and the joys of my sister. Trying to find out if she was eating with the family.. Her: "What?! I've a had a bleepy day at work , okay." Me: "Right, so you're taking that out on the rest of the family?" Her: "I was planning on ignoring you all, but you wanted to talk to me, so deal with it." Oh the joys.
  17. I managed a relatively fun time over the weekend and tonight on Saints Row the Third. Some lines and sets do push the humour buttons. Burt Reynolds for one.. And then for the surreal aspect, zombies. That kind of comes out of the blue.
  18. It ships out on 20th December, pre-orders will have (potentially) be playing it up to 5 days before then... They did say that they won't lock you in to servers depending on your location (ie, those in Europe could join the American servers if they didn't think the lag would be bad) or such like, but that might have changed in the couple of months since they'd considered that. So I imagine it would be quite possible for the Obs folks interested in it to end up sharing a server at the end of the day for at least one character..
  19. Ah, you must have missed the finale.. He survived, was chatting happily with them during the celebrations.
  20. Poked at work, had plumbing issues, so had to spend a chunk of time with the cistern and workings of the downstairs toilet. The fun of 30+ year old systems and lead piping... Hm, was supposed to be geared up to play Saints Row.. but for some reason it hasn't arrived yet. Dang it, they sent it out yesterday and now it's floating somewhere out in the postal system...
  21. Heh, i've got Saints Row the Third supposed to be turning up tomorrow.. and then I've got the "we'd like to invite you to the beta test of SWTOR for the weekend of the 18th and 19th" I do believe there might be some time cramming in there... Decisions, decisions.
  22. Okay, not so much funny as more wtf.. but.. Frozen Planet Climate Change episode pulled by Discovery Channel - because viewers don't believe in Climate Change
  23. I can't quite figure out if I didn't get any sleep last night, or if I was just stuck in that doze in and out of conciousness every half hour state... Urf. Nearly midday and I'm still trying to feel somewhat awake and lively.
  24. Hm, I've only ever actually played.. Final Fantasy.. VII. No.. actually it was VIII. Yes, the one with Squall, Rinoa and Balamb Garden.
  25. SWTOR had over 1 million hours of testing last beta weekend
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