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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. "Man in a suit. Take that armor away and what are you, huh?" "Um.. a genius billionare playboy philanthropist.."
  2. Well the cat is feeling pretty damn miserable from whatever gave it the stomach troubles.. Although I'm now sporting assorted scratches up my forearms, on my chest, and he managed to slash my throat a tad. Trying to wash a cat's behind, when the cat is that resistant to running water is not an easy solo job. But, eh, onwards with the day. Edit: And to be technically accurate.. none of them are mine.. All three are actually my sister's pets..
  3. And now to really strike home an enjoyable morning.. The cat has diarhea, got it all stuck around its fur..then wandered the house. So stains on the carpet, the furniture, the windowsills... all attempting to clean it.. and of course the bastich cat won't let you clean it. He's going all fur-n-fang-n-claw. So managed to stick him in the travel box for a moment while some of the cleaning elsewhere gets done..
  4. Figuring out how to use paint.net while re-reading a report to figure out what pieces go where.... and with some yuki kajiura music in the background. Set to the occasional interruption from the dogs, the cat, and the one handed-mother. Actually had some of the general family stress last night which had my sister in a mood, and then she suddenly stopped and looked at me with wide-eyes and did the whole "hang on.. we've got six weeks of this till her hand is better.. thats.. going to lead us right up to christmas!" - Just the way she suddenly realised that, then did the whole..shoulder-hunch, inward cringe.. was quite amusing.
  5. It's not new science.. but damn it, it deserves to be mentioned..
  6. You know it's going to be a good monday when it starts off with you being woken from slumber by a cat caterwauling outside your bedroom at 0600....
  7. Hm, thought I'd catch the "Charlie Sheen Roast" on tv out of curiousity. I thought there'd be some actual wit in the roasting of.. but the majority of it seems to be fairly crude insults said with a smile. .. And then the celebrity audience laughs. There have been a few smart and funny lines..but.. Ah well. Maybe it's just an american thing. Although it makes me wonder that if they find this funny, why did they so get stressed out at the Oscar's with the snarky general purpose roasting by Ricky Jervais... Which was actually fairly smart. Or is it part of the non-translation between England and America?
  8. It's always fun when you're reading something..suddenly feel the need to blow your nose..then find out that it's actually blood.
  9. Well they basically cut her hand open and removed some bone from her thumb joint. Or well, hammered out one of the small bones that make that up. In about two weeks they take they unbandage it and take the stiches out, then put it into a splint, then about another 3 or 4 weeks and they start her on phsyio for it. The fun is popping out her pain meds and such along with the plethora of "normal" meds. But mostly have her sat back with her laptop watching dvd's at the moment..
  10. So my mom's home from hospital now, post surgery with her main hand bound up and immobilised for the next 6 weeks or so.. She went with having a nerve block so she could keep an eye on the doctors.. But yes, she only has use of her off-hand, and they decide that a good dinner meal would be picking up a lobster.. So I then have to spend time cracking open all of the lobster so she can eat.. now my fingers have that "soaked-in-salt-water" sensation.. Was quite funky actually, one of the lobsters turned out to be female and had a massive amount of roe. Really shocking orange-pink kind of color. I can see why they call it coral roe.
  11. Rage - the pc version does seem to have a few issues. If you don't have the latest nvidia beta it keeps telling you that your graphics driver isn't the latest out. And it has a tendency to crash at times, most especially if you try saving while in a vehicle. So important note, always get out of a vehicle before saving..
  12. After playing DEHR off and on the last month or so.. I'm going to give Rage a try later on today..
  13. Raithe


    And for the background this morning.. it's been a touch of Noir.. Noir - Coppelia no Hitsugi Noir - Ending (full) Kirei na Kanjou
  14. The heatwave has passed and the temperature has really dropped here (at least in comparison to the heat side), was one of those mornings where you just didn't want to get out of bed because you knew it was cold out of the blankets.... The puppy seems to have a bit of the devil in him today, chucked a ball around and hopefully exercised some of that from him.. Putting the finishing touches to a few things before mom heads to hospital for the day. Here's hoping that this is one of the times the surgeons remember what she's allergic to and don't give it to her....
  15. Raithe


    Sometimes you just have to fall back to the classics..
  16. Having one of those.. mildly annoying days. Mom's going in for the surgery that was delayed tomorrow. So sorting out various prep for that and juggling with other tasks. Of course, it feels like every 5 minutes I'm getting interupted or distracted by other people coming in to ask questions or some totally random and needless half conversation/statement before they putter back out.
  17. Jobs had some interesting ideas, and yes, things like pixar are something to be grateful for. It's always sad for someone to die , especially from such a nasty case of cancer. At the same time, the cult of the apple iphone worship can tend to get a wee bit annoying.
  18. Sometimes, you have to look at life from the other direction..
  19. I'll admit it could probably be better. It's more assorted walking around the village, running with the dogs, try jogging on the spot as I'm throwing toys for them to fetch, usually get in between 30-100 pressups in the evening, a few other short bursts of exercise scattered around my daily routine like doing squats when I clean my teeth... I try to blend it in rather then manage a specific focused time for exercise. Mostly it probably comes down to how my schedule is. I don't tend to get to bed until after I get mom settled, and with her general pain levels and such its normally around 2-3am that I actually get to bed. Then wake up between 8-9am, her morning meds tend to have her a little dozy for a few hours, so the mornings tend to be that slow deal with assorted chores and properly waking up for the day. There's that batch of rough sleep that catches up every now and again, then it'll pass. Today just seems to have been one where it just crashed big time and I've been zoning in and out this afternoon trying to push a few words around between things. My cups of tea tend to be in nearly pint-sized mugs I normally go through 5 or 6 of them in a day. They generally keep me moving.
  20. That's the joy of having several monarchs of the land of passive-aggresiva and a 35 year old sister who can throw a sulky strop like a spoiled 17 year old. Urf on unrelated matters I took a moment away from some work to throw the ball around for the puppy.. and in the middle of that I just got hit by a wall of exhaustion. Not physical wearing out, just that sudden "i'm about to fall over asleep" type of feeling. Putting the kettle on for a fresh cuppa I think.
  21. Joy. One of those days where everyone in the family is annoying/irritating everyone else. So lots of snappishness passing back and forth and general ragh spilling around. Ah well, trying not to get too stressed with it all. A fresh cup of tea to soothe the day along.
  22. Urf. Being a tad bizarre start to the morning. Had a night of insomnia and emerged in the morning with a headache.. However, the limited sleep I did get was full of dreams about struggling with insomnia trying to sleep with a headache... so I have no idea which is remnants of the dreams and which was reality. Just that I'm shattered and have a headache....
  23. Well I got lost in some research and reading stuff rather then taking notes.. and now I'm being hit with that wave of exhaustion as the evening sets in. I mean, sure I explored some interesting areas...but I feel as if I kind of failed getting actual work done..
  24. Raithe


    Hm, Michelle Sagara's latest "Cast in Ruins" came out a couple of week backs.. but for some reason it's not available in the UK. Had to order it over from the states and get told that potentially it won't arrive till the 20th October.. So having one of those spots of anticipation driving me for reading it, I thought I'd grab the ebook as well to satisfy that craving. Only to find out that all the places that sell the ebook won't let someone from the UK download it. Fans in Oslo have copies of the book. Why the hell can't folks in the UK get it? The publishing industry is tres bizarre at times...
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