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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I was half tempted to put this in the funny things thread... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qBX4Cpp4Ek
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3wKzyIN1yk
  3. It had some ups and downs. Some quite nice moments, and then others that made you go "what?" I think in some ways this season has tried to be a bit too clever and getting wrapped up in the.. psychology of it? Or at least showing it too much, so the audience is seeing hallucinations, imaginations, dream sequences, repressed memories and tricks like that to make them think one thing is occuring while something completely different is happening.
  4. It's still kind of a Civ-lite, just with more added sci-fi. The diplomacy isn't half bad to begin with, but stops being useful the moment you get slightly good because no-one is willing to deal with you. It adds a few interesting tricks, such as floating cities, a few extra wonders, and puts in a lot more about hybrid units and having bonuses for multiple affinities and how they mesh rather than focusing you on just picking one alone.
  5. I picked up the Rising Tide dlc for Civ: Beyond Earth while it was in the sales over Christmas and finally got around to playing a new game. I have to say, it does add a whole heap of stuff to how the game plays, but I am damn glad I never actually paid full price for it.
  6. I recently got into a conversation with a friend about characters and interesting twists in tv shows, ended up discussing the old Highlander tv series and dang it, now I want to dig out the dvd's and do a massive binge watch...
  7. On a Domino's Pizza status board... You have to wonder just what was going through someones mind...
  8. I still haven't done the Pillars of Eternity expansions. I just can't make it that far back into the game. After several attempts the closest I've come to is just arriving to the city. And then I seem to run out of steam to carry on. I was able to binge my way through a first playthrough when the game was first released and enjoyed it, but for some reason, all later attempts just go.... half an hour chunks of play and then exit.
  9. Finally got around to wrapping up DA:I and the final dlc. Interesting post-game story in its way and nice enough for that "catch up with old friends, and find out what's been going on for a few years after we saved the world" run of things. Plus all the extra game lore and fleshing out of the story. Plus the rather obvious set up for the next DA game moving on to the Tevinter Imperium being a central point.
  10. I did finish my binge watch of final season Person of Interest. It wandered around a few places and brought that emotional chokehold in for the ending.
  11. Inconceivable! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E28KDhsJ65U
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