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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Wolverine in Japan was generally good, although let down a touch by the ending. On general film trivia (and Japan related)... Toshiro Mifune driving on the set of YOJIMBO with his sword on the dash:
  2. Tor - Why the original Ghost in the Shell remains a cyberpunk classic for the ages
  3. I used to bug my history teacher when I was 12. At least, that's what he told my parents. I finished his sentences when he was explaining historical points, but what annoyed him was that I was always correct. Apparently, I was an annoying little ....
  4. I think it has that run of "the situation is so inherently awful, you can only really look at it with satire."
  5. Designing Mass Effect Okay, it is paid content by EA, but it can be somewhat interesting to see some of the writers talking about the reasons and whyfors.
  6. Also in the news, apparently Eddie Murphy is in the process of writing the script for Coming to America 2, and will in fact be following on 30 years on from the original.
  7. Don't you realise, the designers obviously knew everyone was going to hot-bunk, and also that any future crew would invariably set themselves up in the escape pod and the kitchen for sleeping quarters... Edit: Also, since Pathfinders are obviously going to Kirk it up, they need the extra large sleeping quarters for the numerous romance interests to share together.
  8. And for the general weirdness of news and life on our modern planet... Panda Style
  9. Because someone has to go there...
  10. So the folks behind The Big Short are doing a slightly satirical take on the war in Afghanistan... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9Jg20Ukf4E
  11. Heh. Krispy Kreme has decided it has to change it's name in the UK. They're now rebranding as Krispy Cream, because apparently too many people over here saw "Kreme" and would pronounce it as "Crème" instead of Cream. So they're rebranding everything on this side of the Atlantic.
  12. Actually one thing that struck me, the whole Andromeda Viability score. Now I know I left about half a dozen of the "Tasks" undone, but I'd completed pretty much all else (although I was on normal difficulty), but I think I only managed to scrape enough AVP to unlock about 19/20 CryoPods. That leaves what, about 9 more to unlock? So is it set up so that you cannot get enough to unlock all of them within the game? (odd since there's pretty much no level cap on your character levelling). Or have they put it that way so future DLC can take advantage? Was I missing something that lets you access a whole lot more of the viability points?
  13. Hm, now I'm tempted to go get the ingredients and try this one out... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwyh31pOjgs
  14. Sat down and basically binge-watched all 10 episodes of Westworld. Saw a few twists coming, didn't fully catch a couple of others. Definitely curious to see what they'll follow it with as a second season...
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