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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Guy builds Giants from wood, and hides them in the wilderness
  2. Finished off Prey. Hm. I think it's one of those you definitely have to sit down and play. The combat, as has been pointed out isn't particularly brilliant, but does push the survivalist mentality (along with resource management). It does have a slight twist in the tail at the ending, which makes me wonder if they have plans to pick it up with a follow-on game. But I will admit it did throw me in that some of the points made for the ending seemed to be counter to things I'd actually done in-game. But then towards the end I did have a couple of odd things kicked in where some side-quests did the "You succeeded!" at the same time you got "You failed!" messages for the exact same quest. Or where you save some people from a situation, only to receive a message from those same people that they were doing a boneheaded manoeuvre to save themselves after you'd already defused the situation. Heh. I did find about 97% of the crew (living or dead) across the station, but there were a couple of small areas I couldn't open because I never found the keycards for - Notably the damn IT storage cupboard where about 5 people were hiding, and the Tulips storage area. But I think I covered most of the place well enough. I had picked up a handful of special items, that never actually had to do anything with, but possibly seemed as background elements you pick up doing some of the side-quests that add colour to characters you find dead or read about in emails.
  3. There was a floating chair. I thought it was a glitch, but... More importantly, it wasn't a chair. I keep forgetting about that danged crossbow. The disruptor gun is great when you get into the crew quarters. Managed to modify the shotgun to the max, which has its useful moments. I'll admit, I've gotten into the habit of every now and again it's that run back to the Hardware labs to take out the corrupted operators and get fresh repair supplies.
  4. I've been focusing on the Human skill tree in Prey. Apart from picking up Remote Manipulation, because I couldn't be arsed waiting half an hour for an operator to turn up and unlock the Morgue....
  5. Heh. And now the FCC is investigating Colbert over obscenity due to those insults he ran with against Trump the other week.
  6. You can save before you hack, but that isn't an issue. At least so far all that happens if you fail a hack is the security systems zap you for a small amount of health damage, then 3 seconds later you can re-attempt the hack.
  7. The one thing that grates on me so far in Prey... is the Hacking system. Guiding a floaty ball around a maze where every time you hit a wall the countdown timer loses extra time.. Then having a random key to press when you make it to a glowing circle. Then depending on the level of difficulty, having another glowing circle appear on the other side of the map to get your floaty ball across to...
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-XHvHndPGA
  9. Now, since we need to get this thread back on track, let me see what I can do....
  10. Got about 40 minutes or so of Prey in. I have to admit, it's that definite vibe mash up of Bioshock / System Shock / Deus Ex so far. Does have that slow start if you get into the exploring things rather than running through the opening.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk99uQQGEok
  12. Hm, okay, is it me or is there a distinct lack of promotion of Wonder Woman compared to the other superhero films? I've had a few people mention it but hadn't realised that it's to be released in a months time. Compared to how constant the hammering for Suicide Squad, Batman Vs Superman, and the assorted Marvel films that occurs in the several months run up to their release, it does seem a weird thing.
  13. So the woman arrested for laughing during Jeff Sessions swearing in ceremony has been sentenced to a year in jail?
  14. Vox - Woman being charged for laughing
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