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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVevvbFNKiY
  2. It doesn't have to be funny. But if it's serious, it should also try to establish characters and build some sense of suspense/horror in there. While I'm trying to not allow myself to biased before personally seeing it, what I am picking up from the surge of reviews is too much of a "This gets by on Tom Cruise doing Mission Impossible style action sequence after action sequence at a frantic pace" rather than story telling.
  3. Kind of sad to hear that with the embargo gone, the majority of reviews about the new The Mummy are not that favourable. A lot of "too much MI action sequence after action sequence, not enough actual character time and horror/adventure".
  4. For the randm movie trivia stuff... 30 Things we learned from the John Wick 2 commentary
  5. If they actually use the Pathfinder ruleset, it's more like a modified DnD3.5. Dang. Sniped.
  6. Helping out at one of the local charity shops and going through a batch of donated books to sort. Found myself buried in 70's Romance-Erotica for women. Oh. My. God. The plotlines and heroines were just.. No words abound. I wonder how feminism actually made it through that time period.
  7. It's being a pretty shambolic Election so far from all parties here in the UK. The Tories keep falling one way, Labour another, the party leaders are pretty much unlikeable and have things to heartily loathe for various reasons. After her latest screw-up, Diane Abbott has decided to "take a break to recover from stress and overwork" on the day before the election. I would really appreciate it if we could get someone I could vote FOR, rather then keep ending up in a position of having to choose who I'm voting AGAINST.
  8. Trump is pointing out you guys are being groomed, you're too blind to see it. Edit: http://thefederalist.com/2017/06/05/london-bridge-world-sick-politicians-downplaying-terrorism/ I would take Trump's points more seriously if he didn't say them via the medium of quoting out of context, and oddball tweets. On our side, maybe it's a combination of the British desire for understatement along with the fact that we had a decade or so with the IRA bombing London and various other locations. Panic and hysteria rarely lead to useful or practical solutions.
  9. For that slight side note on things: Upworthy - Trump can't stop distorting what London's Mayor says about terrorism and there's a reason why
  10. To just go for the lowbrow humour...
  11. 22 years, 3 developers, only 2 games - The fascinating history of the Prey series
  12. I'd rather have a new game with the old graphics, but I'll take that. As long as they manage to hold back on "improving" the actual gameplay I'm down for this as changing the gameplay of a classic is always risky and more likey than not controversial. That said I'd love, love, love a "fixed version" of KotOR2 with improved graphics (as in, with the cut content put back in so the ending at least makes some semblance of sense). Well there is a fan-mod "fixed version" with the old graphics - Just in case you had missed it: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/
  13. For a report from last year... Scientists explain the ultimate earworm and what makes songs addictive
  14. Chris Hemsworth Beats Up Avengers Toys
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGyowoviKkc
  16. Okay, I missed this promo being out, but something about the sheer cheese amused me.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLlwgBuKymo
  17. I have to admit, Steam's been doing a thing lately where it crashes, but the process stays running and refuses to be ended. Then it'll hang on shutdown/reboot until I do a manual reboot.
  18. London attack Latest News
  19. Children now face fines if they don't get a permit to mow grass for money Edit: And yes, I know it's like a town of 14,000 or so and not widespread across America, but it's still a mixture of blink and eye roll over it happening.
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