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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Did the trundle into the university to handle some of the basic admin, then query the course leaders about prep work before the September term starts. Got a few more details about the optional units and what they entail, then got given the advice that a lot of people on the course do some form of website creation as part of their year long project/research thesis but that those who do never get good marks or win any of the awards. Was told the best approach is to pick three optional units on an Easy / Medium / Hard approach. Pick one unit you know you can handle in your sleep, one that's a bit of a reach and one that's interesting but you'll have to work your ass off. And to make sure they'll all have some relevance to whatever I pick and that I should focus on one of four areas : Data - Analysis and Presentation, Security, Connectivity - Networking / Internet, and Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality. I'll have to sit down and put some thought into this. Also, how best to do the "creepy mature student" :
  2. Dabbling around with GalCiv 3. They've made a few more changes over the years.
  3. It's amusing when people don't quite get the difference between the "radiation monitoring facilities" and "actual reactor". But while the amusement factor did posit putting that comment in the funny things thread, the actual cyber-attack made it more of a weird news thing.
  4. CNN - Chernobyl Cyber Attack So the bit I heard had the wonderful way of saying it:
  5. Jeez, B5 really was a ticket to an early death. It's seeing those convention reunions getting smaller and smaller and the way they all choke up together when they start talking about the ones gone beyond.
  6. Handling all sorts of things, plowing through the list, ticking things off, waiting to hear back from other people, pause, have that blink moment and suddenly realise...
  7. Hmm... Tor - Tremors small-screen sequel with Kevin Bacon for SyFy
  8. Watched the new Power Rangers out of curiosity. They walked the fine line of pushing it serious enough to avoid falling into the silly-camp and somewhat ground it in reality, but without going so far it be became grim-dark and angsty. The first half being that slow introduction of the characters, the usual mix of teenage oddballs learning to trust each other and becoming friends, then a section of training not-quite-montage, followed by last quarter consisting of a batch of overly stylistic combat and some cgi monsters as they figure out how to really pull together.
  9. Did people actually consider the eu anything other than fanfiction? Maybe very early on but at some point, given the volume, I'd expect people to wise up. Lucasarts merely opened the flood gates to rack in licensing revenues. Lucas Arts had an entire department dedicated to nothing but keeping the EU in "check" and to develop storylines with the publishers and authors. I suppose they still do, considering that current Star Wars novels are once again considered canon. Officially sancitoned fan fiction, in other words, like Rogue One. Considering that there are Star Wars novels by respected (and popular, although that says little about quality) fantasy/science fantasy authors like Michael Stackpole I'd also argue against it all being awful. Of course Stackpole isn't in the same ballpark as Clarke or the aforementioned Jules Verne but he's a far cry from being a terrible writer and far away from fan-fiction level of awful. If you want awful check out E. L. James or Anna Todd. Let's not get into the whole Karen Traviss thing and the clashes she had with the SW fans.
  10. It still kind of surprises me how many sci-fi readers I know who had no clue that Baen Publishing have a Free Electronic Library that offers a selection of their books in various digital formats. Along with a batch of Reading / Teachers guides on a mix of their books. I mean seriously, they were offering that years before Kindle ever happened and I still find avid readers who don't know that. So yes, just as a reminder to all who might not know it : http://www.baen.com/catalog/category/view/s/free-library/id/2012
  11. Kong: Skull Island. A slow start, some gorgeous visuals of the island and locations. A bit of cgi monster, and that slight touch of serious mixed with pulp adventure. They've thrown in a few strokes of Ahab/Heart of Darkness, and Samuel Jackson chews the scenery with quiet intensity while Tom Hiddleston takes the lead as the slightly broken former SAS tracker/guide. You do have the fun of playing "spot the corpse" and figuring out who is going to get eaten/maimed/picked off by the various wildlife as it plays along.
  12. He's spent months saying "no, it didn't happen" and now it's suddenly "oh yeah. it did happen. and it was Obama's fault."
  13. Okay, so after everything has been said and done.. Trump suddenly decides to tweet this last night.. Is it just me, or am I squinting over the unreality of Trump saying that?
  14. Far Cry Primal. I can see some of the points people made about it dragging along. The story side isn't very pointed or guided, so it's very much a free-roam build things up, explore the world, gather resources, gather more resources, then "oh wow, I found a story related mission!" Still, it's a pretty gorgeous looking game, and the roaming and exploration is entertaining in its own way.
  15. The Count of Monte Cristo is one of those books I pretty much read at least once a year. There's just something about it that always manages to pull me in.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTwJzTsb2QQ&
  17. I was somewhat amused to see all the outrage Trump has caused... by driving a golf buggy on the driving green at the golf course.
  18. Looked at the steam sales, but eh, having just had to spend money to replace the damn DVD drive on my PC I think I shall hold back for the moment. I'll continue to hunt animals in Far Cry Primal for the time being.
  19. I have to admit, with the mix of handling the job hunt, life chores, relationship breakups and all the rest of it, I've been letting my usual exercise routines drop out of practice the last month or two. I need to get back into the proper rhythm of things again. Edit: After a year of job hunting, I've decided to bite the bullet and go back to university to finish off my degree. Got my acceptance letter today, now I just have to see if I can secure the student loans to cover tuition and living fees....
  20. Had the joys of my PC lock up, stutter, then crash last night. Before rolling into a very, very slow boot up to BIOS screen, followed by black screen of "Unable to find boot device" with occasional angry beeps. The moment I unplugged the DVD drive from it's sata connection, the whole thing worked again. I guess since it looks like I have to replace said DVD device, I might as well do the upgrade to an internal Blu-Ray...
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