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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. “How much experience do you have robbing banks?” he said. “Um,” I said. “What’s the statute of limitations for bank robbery?” He thought for a moment. “I don’t think there is one.” “Then none. I have no experience robbing banks whatsoever.”
  2. Urban Fantasy tends to be viewed as more of the slide towards Dresden Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the pulpy modern day with magic. Also, a big setting for the supernatural romance area of literary creations. White Wolf tries to view itself as more the gothic horror branch rather than pure urban fantasy. Edit: Although when you look at it, pretty much every one of White Wolf's World of Darkness setting was an angsty metaphor for teenager. (Note, not to say that can't be fun. - Except Wraith, that was monumentally depressing)
  3. To be fair, I try and throw a few things in here because I really don't want to take that politics seriously.
  4. Today, I shall gather up some mojo, go in to talk to the course leader about any preparation I can undertake before semester starts and I return as the somewhat creepy mature student to university. Then see if I can chase up 15 year old records for evidence to provide to the student loans company. Depending on how my mood is going, I might further look into getting back into some driving lessons over the next few months. I'm kind of amused that my provisional driving licence is still valid 17 years on.
  5. And since we do seem to have a fair batch of forum posters from that area...
  6. Hap and Leonard. One of those exclusive Amazon Prime 6-episodes a season show. A slight touch of crime noir with a touch of humour and quirkiness. Set in the late 80's in the Deep South, James Purefoy as Hap, a former 60's activist and ex-con, and Michael Kenneth Williams as his best friend, Leonard, the openly gay black Vietnam vet. The first season has one complete story arc: Shortly after losing their jobs, Hap's ex-wife turns up (played by Christina Hendricks) in the role of femme fatale tempting them to join in a hunt for sunken treasure - a bank robbery that went wrong and disappeared into the swamps. Cue a group of washed up activists, a murderous duo, and a dead local sherrif's deputy. Shenanigans ensue.
  7. You mean something like... <insert shifty eyes> Alpha Protocol Plus? Edit: Sniped to the point...
  8. Numeria... Well, it's an odd one. But think of it as Conan of Cimmeria's homeland if an alien spaceship had crashed down like the Tunguska blast a few thousand years before. Lots of barbarian tribes, areas of oddball mutations from strange "mystic" energies, the occasional half-repaired robot with dodgy programming, and some creepy wizard/scholar types trying to understand the "weird artifacts" that get unearthed.
  9. Did people really plan this headline out well?
  10. Ever since I had that glitch on Far Cry Primal that means I have to replay 4 hours of game, I've kind of had trouble finding the oomph to actually play anything at the moment.
  11. Because he's like, the best at what he does? He has all the bestest words and best ideas, and totally has the best concept of diplomacy and statecraft? And knows how to make America great again like it fondly imagines itself to have been in that waxy, nostalgic, view of the 50's when the economy was booming before desegregation and when birth control was illegal?
  12. I will say, something I've always wanted to try out is something set to the Arabian Nights style background. The closest I've seen is TSR's old Al-Quadim, and I could never persuade my gaming group to try it out. It would be interesting to see what Obsidian might do if they overloaded on old Sinbad movies and the Thief of Bagdad, sprinkle in a bunch more from the 1,001 nights, and see what emerged.
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