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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Kind of amused me.. Is this a case of "stay out of the bushes" ?
  2. There is something a little bit depressing when you have a weekend catching up with old friends you haven't seen in ages, the gaming group you used to play with, the merry band of geeks who survived school together.... And they've all stopped having any geek interests, forgotten pretty much everything about that, and no longer recognise Princess Bride references. Then they throw out the "I've got kids. I don't get to sleep because of the baby. I don't have time to remember that. I grew up." If you can't cling to a little whimsy in life, something is hellishly wrong.
  3. Depending on your view of celebrity, Nelsan Ellis has died aged 39. Probably most recognised for playing Lafayette in True Blood and Shinwell in Elementary
  4. The sad story of why NOLF won't come back
  5. For that side note of celebrity, apparently Stan Lee's wife, Joan Lee has passed away at the age of 93. 69 years of married life.
  6. Some traditional Cossack swordsmanship. The idea that if you get knocked off your horse, you'll be trying to clear a space around you in a crowd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFQ4SJj7jb0
  7. It's simple. A sword like that makes sense when wielded by a Frost Giant. It is a little silly for a normal sized human to attempt to pick up a giant's weapon and wield it, but hey, in a world of magic, and strength boosting rage frenzy... Sometimes the apparent rule of cool will win out over basic physics.
  8. Heh. From Chris Hadfield : "Working on getting my internet back - this is no Space Station."
  9. For the old school nostalgia.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpjreO8W2G8
  10. Security. A fairly low run but amusing action-thriller, Antonio Banderas as a former soldier having to take a low-paying job as a night shift mall security, only to have his first night on the job interrupted by federal witness on the run, a young girl being hunted by Ben Kingsley's mercenary/gang enforcer. Cue stand off between a group of assorted mall cops and the highly trained gang throughout the various shopping departments. Plus Kingsley goes through a wide variety of his accents through the whole movie.
  11. o O (Grumble, When you hit delete to remove a word, but because you've moved the cursor just so it decides to backpage and you lose everything you had written..) I can agree on the French Revolution aspect. It's always amused me, the French King sent money and arms to the Americans purely to serve as a poke in the eye to the English. He wasn't concerned with them winning or losing, just being irritating. But the success of the American Independence laid the framework for the French Revolution and his own downfall. The Napoleonic Wars did change the face of Europe in a lot of ways, plus, the acceptance of the Napoleonic Code of law had a big effect. It's one of those things that's caused a lot of frustration between the UK and the rest of Europe over the last 50-70 years and one of the small things that troubled the EU.
  12. Nah, that really didn't become a thing until later. Remember a lot of the indian tribes fought with the French during the war in the 1760's. On a tangent I was working on an Indian reservation in Minnesota a few years ago and became friendly with the school superintendent. (I was installing Wi-Fi in the schools) We had a conversation once that if the American Revolution had failed the indian nations would have had their own country eventually and been treated better by the British. I laughed at that and told him there is an actual country called India whose people are called also Indians who would disagree with you there. Don't confuse the Britain of today with the one from the 1700's. Possibly yes, possibly no. You should realise that the British government at the time didn't WANT India. That whole thing got stuck on us by the East India company. They kept playing the various Raj off against each other and before you knew it..bang. we were stuck with this addition to the Empire.
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