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Everything posted by Baeus

  1. Spiffy! That poor fellow on the boat looks rather surprised
  2. My problem with their screenshots is they keep showing the old ones with graphical bugs like missing clips on guns. Seriously, can they take a few new ones? And while I'm in a complaining mode... where can Aussies get the stealth pack from? Got a choice between the assualt pack or some crappy guidebook. Whine, whine, whine
  3. Game in Australia is selling WotS 3, picked up myself a few days ago. If you're in Sydney, both the ones in Chatswood and Macquarie Center have it, or if you're not, you can order through their website.
  4. I just think the Red Faction got really really lucky, and some publishers are too focused on trying to win the lottery the same way it did. At the moment, there's something big coming out every 2 weeks. Only real option is to put some big marketing muscle behind AP, and stop releasing the screenshots that show missing gunclips and revolvers clipping out of Sis's stomach. You know, pick the good screenshots
  5. Doesn't really work though. Red Faction had pretty much no big name games near it for a month. Alpha Protocol will be bumping up against Alan Wake, Red Dead Redemption and UFC 2010 all within a week or so of its release. Dunno, I have a feeling it would have just been better to have beaten ME2 and Dragon Age to the punch. Hell, if they're worried about the graphics, AP seems way better than what I remember of Dragon Age.
  6. I was about to throw a world class hissy fit. Well played sir, well played.
  7. I remember that. Basically a Samurai choose your own adventure. Short, low budget and badly translated but still rather fun somehow. Bringing out a 360 version I think, just not out yet in Australia.
  8. How are you always the first to know these things Funcroc? Do you have your own spy agency reporting directly to you?
  9. That's the puppy.
  10. I can't find it now, but when they were discussing the various body armours in the game, they said that the trade off you face is protection vs stealth vs carrying capacity. I take that to mean that how much gear you can carry depends on what sort of armour you're using. And that you can modify your armour to increase it's carrying capacity and other stats.
  11. I wouldn't go so far to say that it looks great, but for the scope of the game, the graphics are perfectly adequate. Larger scale rpgs generally have to devote their resources into other areas than art, and spread them over a large game world. You can't expect them to compete with the graphic polish that it's possible to put on a 5 hour long (+ multiplayer maps) shooter like Modern Warfare 2. If that's not enough for you, well then, go play Dragon Age on the 360. By comparison, Alpha Protocol will look like they've cloned Leonardo da Vinci for their art team
  12. We are. But even the most evil, cruel, depraved and vile of people know in their hearts that they are better than a clown.
  13. Now this, this vid is good. Need to spread these around some sites. Things seem to be picking up on the promo front. Or is this just a backlog of stuff that built up over Jan and Feb? Security can't been too tight at the places Mike sneaks into if the guards are willing to take Imaginary Bob's word for it
  14. Probably have to wait a month or so.
  15. Great cover art, but why are Obsidian/Sega/whoever is responsible for the screenshots shooting themselves in the foot? If you're going to send out screenshots to promote your game, why would you choose ones noticeable graphical bugs in them? In these ones the guns are missing their magazines, in previous ones Sis's guns are floating in the middle of her body. Someone needs a talking to
  16. We do usually get games later, but for some reason Sega (and Lucasarts) titles often come out here first. Guess they like us... or are using us as a testing ground Far more importantly however, that trailer is beautiful.
  17. Nah, we'll just change the poll question to: Do you think Alpha Protocol will come out before Fallout New Vegas.
  18. You didn't *have* to. Crackdown wouldn't give you the leader's location until you did, but if you came across it by yourself, you could go in there and get them. Though they'd have more and better equipped guards apparently, not that I really noticed it. Not the most juicy preview ever, but given how starved I am, better than nothing.
  19. To me, Jade Empire was a game that somehow was much greater than the sum of its parts. The combat system was rather basic, the story short and simple, and the choices between Open Palm/Closed Fist still did fall into noble self-sacrificing kitten-rescuing saint/murdering cannibal nutcase territory a little often, and characters who were supposed to be epic badass warriors who could make an empire tremble could barely handle a single starving bandit in combat when they joined your party. But somehow, when it was all mashed together, it turned into something terribly fun. The atmosphere, the music, the humour, the occasional Open Palm/Closed Fist choices that did stray outside the good/evil box, and the spiffy characters all combined for me to make a game that made me sit up and think "Wow, that bit was really cool" on a frequent basis. It's still the Bioware game that I've played through start to finish the most times. As for the maps being small. Sure, that's true, but what did you ever find if you strayed outside the key areas of the large maps in NWN. A crate and a few giant rats. Yay.
  20. I don't think they're going for realism here. Besides, how often does James Bond aim down his weapon's sights? Not as often as he should
  21. GAME has had that date listed ever since the delay. EB still has a TBA for it, and JB Hi Fi doesn't even seem to know that it exists. I wouldn't read too much into it
  22. I don't think the blog is publicised anywhere but here, is it? Given that there's no new news most people wouldn't have a reason to hit AP's IGN page, it's only the forum dwellers here who realise the blogs exist. Maybe when there's a new trailer, release date or a 'feature page' preview, people will remember that AP is still around and start paying attention again.
  23. Annnnd... I've got my fix for the day. Very spiffy interview.
  24. What? You get one question and you don't ask about dual-wielding sniper rifles? Pick a date, put it in the poll thread, (maybe) win a prize EDIT: And I just realised you started that whole thread. Never mind
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