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Everything posted by Baeus

  1. The delivery trucks have to push their way through the sheep herds
  2. Ok, that music video was a little bit.... different
  3. Thanks for the summary Oner How sad, I'm so hungry for AP news that I'll even devour scraps of a review. Still, only 6 days to go.
  4. Plain and simple, those guys spent a lot of time running into a wall. Most people manage to avoid that. Draw what conclusions you like
  5. Usually takes a few days for magazines to head out to newsagents. Subscribers will typically get it before them.
  6. That champion guy was very James Bondish henchamn though Given the context, I don't mind at all.
  7. OP can you post the link to the source? It's actually linked off the front page, so I dare say we're allowed to link these scans. Just click on the pics http://www.segabits.com/?p=1617 It's all in spanish though.
  8. Bwaha. Come to Australia. Games cost up to $119 Australian here (about $107 US). AP is going for $99.
  9. Sorry, but there's a stereotype to play to. It was either that or sneaking through/having shootouts in pizza parlors
  10. Think you're onto something. In Fallout: NV, they're going to have us start off being patched up by a doctor as well
  11. Ow. Playing on hard, dying and having to reload a lot? I got pretty much everything done in some 30ish hours, but then, I play on wuss difficulties
  12. Noticed that. Maybe that's why they are advertising for new writers at the bottom of the page
  13. If anyone in Australia wanted the stealth pack, JB Hi Fi is offering it on their preorders.
  14. There was mention of a Mike having a knife, but only to be used in stealth kills. Think that's the best you'll get.
  15. Just be aware, these claims are always fudged a bit, especially with RPG. Dragon Age was supposed to take 80 to play through at one point :D The 'hundreds of endings' of Fallout 3 has already been discussed as well. I'm sure there's some overlap on these cutscenes, or that some just alter slightly from play to play.
  16. Hmm, something is going on with that game in the screenshot. Gamespot put up those screenshots in their AP section as well. Maybe the guy who put the preview together copy/pasted from them
  17. New preview http://gamingbolt.com/2010/05/12/alpha-pro...build-hands-on/
  18. 13 days in Australia. Tick tock.
  19. The 1up vid was super washed out. I couldn't read the Mike's emails that they were showing at the start.
  20. What is that Super Tool picture from? I have to check it out now
  21. Could be a cigar.
  22. As someone who never got the fanboy appeal of Tali... I love that gif!
  23. Ok, serious question. Is Funcroc a person? Or some mighty, internet sweeping, AP-news collecting AI?
  24. I think that was suppose to be a punch in the throat. Just the aim was a little off
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