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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. This is the kind of article that would offend my sensibilities if it didn't had the word catholic in it.
  2. Hit the nail right on the head.
  3. I'm paranoid about how that might affect my save when I import it to ME3. From what it does is very non-intrusive, so far I have only used it for Paragon/Renegade points, money and resources. A.K.A. the triad of evil.
  4. The solution to mining and money problem is very simple: Mod it! Actually someone else did it, kind of like the missing link between mod and trainer but it works great.
  5. A Muslim Nietzsche. [shudders] Is bad enough without Muslim fundamentalist start interpreting Das Will Zu Mach, remember Marx. Germans are prone to be misinterpreted and the cause of massive genocide.
  6. I can't believe that nobody has addressed a major technical issue with the robot: It talks! Does it come with a mute button? You know for when it starts to nag.
  7. The resolution on your screen must be very low, I feel for you.
  8. Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. A documentary by Ben Stein about members of academia, journalists and scientist that are being fired or dismissed for supporting Intelligent Design. Quite interesting, nothing remarkable.
  9. You missed the 16 Bit Wars back in the 90s? I'm only 21 and I only had Internet for the last 4 years. So, yeah I missed it.
  10. Duke Nukem was never delayed... it was actually released and was so absolutely freakin' awsome it blew our minds and we have no recollection of it being released. It was THAT good. Why do you remember it! :I thought we agreed to never tell anyone, the world isn't ready for that knowledge:
  11. I sense a schism developing amongst Bioware's fans, perhaps we will witness the first game crusade.
  12. But the Welsh can drink.
  13. If it isn't buggy is not Obsidian.
  15. But, Kaftan in his rant has a little bit of true in it. ME is one of the best originals IP that Bioware has created, while not on the same status as the Forgotten Realms (due to age difference) it has the potential to equate major franchises. PS: I think Boo wants BW to stop making starship troopers and focus on BGIII. But that's like an opinion
  16. Or the certain fortunate ones, like rather than having a misfit army made of allies that can't fight in space.
  17. It all comes down to playing style, I prefer short accurate burst rather than long steady fire so the Vindicator is the rifle for me. PS: the Collector rifle is just sooooo ugly.
  18. Preaching to the choir brother. Not to disappoint you, but the vindicator is the most accurate rifle. BTW anyone knows when the expansion is coming?
  19. Don't you think Aria looked like her? Seriously is she was an Asari, that's what she would look like. I wonder if they face scanned her. Ask Maria.
  20. Two possible speculation theories on my part
  21. Cryo-ammo A.K.A. "Freeze them and blow them" works wonders with overload.
  22. That was actually a fan made trailer, awesome work really. Movies I watched yesterday while insomniac: Yojimbo, Seventh Seal, Election.
  23. Finished second playthrough and all I gotta say is Neural Shock is the best attack ever Now for the next DLC I'd like Samara and Aria to be romanceable (running short of sane asari to romance on this edition) and a hood for Zaeed . . . . Scratch that, a hood and a gag for Zaeed.
  24. Didn't you know? There were Harmonic combos, you could two-shot almost every enemy.
  25. You may want to check up on your astronomy, wormholes and black holes have a few distinct differences Checked it, Einstein-Rosen Bridges and black holes still look the same. Whatever you get the point
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