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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I'm still not going
  2. The only bad thing about it is how long it took for him to leave.
  3. Being Ultranationalist is being an extremist, the cases in the past where extremism has been involved have been violent. Just think of them like LoF overcaffeinated and with a gun. I don't know if that's the only method, but hey it's a blockbuster plot. In the 60's the plot would have been the day after tomorrow.
  4. Russia had been overtaken by the ultranationalists from the first game, the ACS module that Soap had to recover had been cracked. All things explainable, maybe lost on you.
  5. And just what is wrong with that? I admit to their overuse of "epicness" or their attempts at it, yet as much as these moments took me out the story still made sense.
  6. Yet as things stand they can't make another Modern Warfare without IW. IMO they are just trying to armstrong them into making it.
  7. Hey, give Irma a break. She was doing those comics before the game release.
  8. I would argue that GoW has more substance over style. The focus of the game is brutality not style, fights in it are meant to be an ordeal, an obstacle and not the center. Plus when it comes to side arms DM>GoW.
  9. The same is true for the insane and the maimed.
  10. After level 20 in ME 1, all the covers were the same. Looks like all the criminals in the universe use the same interior design decorator.
  11. Only a Sith could see the world so black and white Here I go again. You need to understand that is more complicated than that, governments can't pull out dollars out of their magic ass and make it all well. Working for Apple; even if it's at low pay, is not the bottom of the barrel. If all companies decided not to use child labor because Americans are to sensitive about the issue, it will drag their public image down and do so without actually helping the children. Well then, how are those kids going to live without work? Consider that the case could be that they have no other source of income. But, whatever. I feel like i'm throwing pearls to the swine.
  12. @Jaguars: @213374U: Remember the Japanese formula that controlled the video game RPG's market during the 90's. Worked for them so well for so long that they are now stuck in creative hell coming up with new ideas to match the western market which continued to change. Basically, comfort= less creativity.
  13. Will it be canon? Only if there isn't a net. That's Cannon
  14. Like I said before; differences in economy. Not all can afford leisure, most of the countries that this kind of labor is outsourced have a lot of cheap labor hands. Because of their poverty they can't afford to work for gaming or even going to school.
  15. Sex aside, that model would apply to 95% of RPGs. NWN 2 perfectly fits the mold, even. R00fles! True enough, but if you would start playing Bio's games starting from KotOR all the way to ME2, there isn't much progress in the big picture. They are repeating the same thing over and over again. Edit: Changed pig to big And because they struck gold each time Bioware has found the new WRPG's formula and is unlikely to change it.
  16. White Flag-Dido
  17. Will it be canon?
  18. This is nothing new, the arm race started before the arms race. America biggest exports are their culture and guns. Now, I am dreading the day when all of this "war on terrorism" comes to bite the world on the ass (which I'm sure it will happen)
  19. I probably didn't say it very clearly, but that was kinda my point. Except I was saying that if the host nation has bad labour laws as an endemic feature of their culture then pre-checked factories will swiftly be corrupted. But such labor laws may be necessary because of their culture and economy. Apple may just see a bunch of kids being exploited and tries to enforce their own laws; now I see a bunch of unemployed kids without any source of income. It's really nice to have the quality of living that allows for the legal age of consent to be so high, but that's not the case on most of the world. Apple's (or any other company) complaining is just going to get the kids fired is not going affect the actual problem, which is the poverty that forces these children to work in the first place. That may not be true on this specific case. The fact of the matter is that while these practices should be shunned they actually aggravate the problem more, since now the unemployed children have no job and are blacklisted because of their age.
  20. In the name of science I volunteer for research.
  21. You have the wrong powers and/or squadmates. If on Veteran or below, take Throw Field or someone who has it, problem solved. You can spam this so fast it's ridiculous. You can also substitute or combine that with squad Cryo ammo, too, for amazing CC results. Even Concussive Blast will make a mess on a bunch of unprotected husks. If on Hardcore or above, the flammable or inflammable (forget which) area thing will make short work of the armor of whole groups, that can then be quickly and efficiently dispatched with the methods discussed above. Problem with Husk? Neural Shock will solve it, just use it to 1h kill them.
  22. OH, the humanity! Apple is using 15 years old children with pubic hair If they are going to complain about child labor at least they could have the decency of do it where children are involved.
  23. They did it so they could fill the soldiers ability sheet, why else.
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