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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Not to offend, but Sie; from what I've seen looks to be Wrex with boobs. Too straightforward and simplistic.
  2. You watched Yahtzee's review? No I actually played the game before and the dust isn't anything subtle that's exaggerated for comedic effect, it will actually hinder your game. The only thing that pleased me was looking for the radio on the enemies camp and shoot it to stop that unholy "reaggeton" sound. Everything else felt a little weird, the obsession (and lack of explanation) with vehicles, awkward game mechanics and lack of inspiring moments.
  3. Now the sentiment, that's why I load on emulators. Have all the good old RPGs right on my PC, the comfort of it is indescribable.
  4. BFBC2: I'm trying to remember the single player experience but all that comes up is a ball of dust. Wonder why? MW, is the overall better experience. Although I gotta go with the consensus that the servers are horrible, although on the bright side it's still an awesome game.
  5. I don't like or trust nobody. That must be a choice in the espionage world, to be grumpy and alone.
  6. You sure it wasn't Justin Bieber?
  7. No the game recounts the harshness of surviving in a vagina in a manner much as this: "Captain's Log" We lost 10 men and our fort yesterday to the attack of the one eyed worm, it's imperative that we rebuild our fortress before the red tide comes. Seriously, this game is a horrible idea.
  8. What about Wim Hof, doesn't he defies the laws of physics and frostbite
  9. I would recommend that you get a PS2/USB adapter and a controller if you are planning to go the emulator way. It makes things much easier, although regular gamepads work as well.
  10. Don't see why you can't do both.
  11. Lets, get ready.....to boldly go.....where no man has gone before.
  12. Atom, there is the PCSX2 emulator that run commercial games and it's freeware. I recommend the r1888 build, is the best I have seen.
  13. This is a JRPG, if you are okay with that then this is a unique experience within the genre. The writing is certainly unique, the characters memorable, if you are the kind of person that enjoys Japanese games and their archetypal structures. I will say this the battle system is a little hard to get into and the game has as much of Nietzsche as Too Human. I still don't understand why people think that the "Will zur Macht" translates into video games.
  14. Maybe; and I say this without any bigotry, its because they are Chinese. They have laws to restrict procreation and overpopulation is an issue, could be resentment developed through the years.
  15. What game is that?
  16. Quite the contrary, I am a fan. Doesn't change the fact that BW is not known for good DLCs Pirated console games but not the extra content; mods. Look at it this way, you don't buy a cereal because of the toy at the bottom. So when the time comes to buy another brand of cereal the toy isn't going to make a difference. Day One DLC is used for Pre-Orders, but basically you can get all that content pirated which is the only way you are going to have them all. My point is that they don't make a difference, is a nice way to show a thank you for your loyalty but has no value beyond the sentimental.
  17. So how do I load those up onto my 360 or PS3 again? That's what I meant by "most people don't have access to it." Origins DLC sales exceed $1 million in November 2009. Since you're talking about stuff being "more likely," I'm surprised you haven't recognized that it's more likely that a DAO player owns it for a console. Or am I just missing something? I'm sorry I though we were talking about DLC as a DRM measure, which one assumes is PC not console.
  18. So you want to be a tool with gadgets?
  19. So? Different rules apply to RPGs and, say Modern Warfare 2 or whatever else the kids play these days? Let's keep our expectations (borderline) realistic. Besides, I think they could have easily doubled the length of Awakening by adding some pointless filler dungeons with 3-4 types of darkspawn in the vein of the original game. I think it's much better this way, and I'm rather sorry if your immersion requires this sort of thing. They could had instead of adding dungeons just throw a few sidequest your way. The aspect of ruling was pretty much undermined they just throw a few choices your way once in a while, it's pretty much a hands-free arling. It rules itself How is not realistic to ask for expansions of the same quality as their previous works? @Thorton_AP: Check the Nexus site or the BiowareSocial, myriads of free mods. Some of them better than official DLC, and it's hurting their cause because its more likely that players that want an enhanced experience, yet have the previous experience of disappointing DLC will just download the pirated version. So the reward becomes useless.
  20. Is 12 hours that bad? I've never understood the fixation with "time played" as the prime metric for determining quality. Unless you're just playing a game to pass the time and not to enjoy it or anything like that. Sure, 2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute, but I've played some games with 60-100 hours of gameplay that frankly were just time sinks when I step back and look at it. Sure, I played a lot of Oblivion, but I'd much rather play a significantly shorter game that is of actual quality. And let's not forget that the 12 hour expansion is roughly 1,5-2 times as long as the average AAA title, these days. Kind of a ludicrous thing to call out the game for. Those AAA games are not an RPG in which I want to become immersed. They had such an interesting setting and a great opportunity to mix mechanics with and economic simulation; wasted it. Most of these DLC are overshadowed by some mods out there and these are free. I expect a higher level of quality from game developers, something that will have some bearing on the game's universe not a free potato knife. Regular DRM with a great with me, these cheap gifts DLCs are hurting their own cause. When you go watch a movie or listen to music you get a whole song/movie, if a new version is made it's built upon the original and serves to enhance it. BW's DLC make the game look fragmented, they are so small that is hard to measure any contribution they make to the overall experience. Plus, a lot of these are cheap DLC are going to get pirated, because that's the only way that your Shepard is going to get his Umbra visor.
  21. I know its an asian thing, but even so its a bit much. Doesn't explain the copycats and going postal is not just an asian thing. Walsh@: But a lot of societies have undergone rapid changes in the past and feelings of alienation, none tried to connect by copying murder. Also it's not completely random violence, the targets are children.
  22. Do they? I think this was the point all along. Games appear to be created exclusively to entertain, which doesn't fit with other definitions of art. Art can be created solely for the purpose of entertainment. Check it
  23. I would had agreed with you before I played DA:O and ME2. The DLC is not worth it's price, is basically the "crust" of the game all that got left out of the final cut with new makeup. The game by itself does well but there is no motivation to actually buy them. I do think that their approach is the right one, to reward honesty instead of hurting your customers because of the wrongdoers. But the quality of the content leaves much to be desired, E.G: Awakenings, an expansion that only last 12 hours Yes, but here we are talking about the DLC that you get for free with the game. Like Shale in DA:O. It's not about getting you to pay for more stuff, it's about rewarding customers instead of punishing them. So I also like this scheme very much. Shale was a punishment onto me
  24. The problem with any kind of digital art is that it fails to fit the already existing characteristics for art. But since the definition has become wider ever since the modernist movement, games could be art if you see them that way or games, movies and music could have fallen out of the grace of the muses and into corporate limbo. A piece of art is a one of a kind item, it's unique. This was part of the original requirements for fine arts, all paintings were unique, a composition changed depending on who played it, a performance was always different, and food could not be served or prepared the same way twice. Still games bear the same purposes and motives of art, so the argument as I see it is 50-50 with personal preference tipping the scale.
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