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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Thanks Tigraines, now I'm sure that AP is a game that I want to play.
  2. But maybe it will grow into a full member.
  3. Nope it doesn't, but it may very well change how "quality" is defined by the gamer. I would say quality si as much subjective in a game as it is objective. Just look at the current opinions on Alpha Protocol. Everyone is playing the same game, objectively, but the opinions on quality are varying enormously. Quality and opinion are different things and a lot of those reviews are on the biased side of things. AP is a game with technical problems but is not unplayable, it's quality doesn't depend nor changes with person to person. Quality is intrinsic and objective, what a gamer prefers and what it's actually wrong are different. I would say that quality is a mix of content with performance and that the gamer's opinion is irrelevant.
  4. But if you want class act espionage starring a female lead I recommend La Femme Nikita
  5. Because it lacks the mainstream appeal. Basically they want the uninformed and semi-intelligent to know that this is an analogy and engage on it.
  6. Burn notice new season starts this week, so it's spy week.
  7. I disagree. Drowning isn't a pretty thing. There have been no reports of any killed Israeli soldiers. Maybe because shots were fired. Could be that a resolution without violence was impossible, the soldiers were outnumbered and under aggression. Under that kind of situation even the most trained are bound to respond with violence.
  8. Even if they were on the committee, what could they bring to it? They are still in the middle of changing viewpoints about women and their equality. They have an obvious cultural bias.
  9. These things are cyclical, after the Action RPG market subsides there will be a place for old school. Although OP should remember that this has always been sort of an underground thing, BW may have broken into mainstream with the genre most of it remains behind. @WorstUsernameEver: I agree wholeheartedly with you, DA:O would had done much better without the darkspawn and Grey Wardens. Just a big political theme with lots of grey areas.
  10. Nice baiting, but it won't work. Unlike you, I don't do good things for cred mining. Well, actually, that is like you, except that you don't actually do good things at all! Funny that. Then please do tell of the many good deeds you have done for the revolution.
  11. You, sir, are a genius but sadly too clever ever to make it in the games industry. No kidding, that suggestion would kill 50% of the problem stone dead. I find your comment to be disturbing, since I am trying to get into the industry.
  12. True, true. FemShep acts like a **** with Jacob, romancing Garrus would seem rather incestuous since he's more like a brother than a lover, and the bug-eyed assassin is about as sexy as an iguana on steroids. I already have a FemShep save remaining faithful to Kaiden, because hope springs eternal. And Samara is unavailable.
  13. It all sounds so good in the planning phase, and then 10 years later we are still picking up the pieces. Planning? I though we were gonna nuke them.
  14. Ah, the perfect woman. Keep looking.
  15. Not everyone has a rich imagination.
  16. Did they make you wear dresses, gagged, tied and defiled you? If not please don't respond.
  17. To clarify, Bay of Pigs happened before mass emigration back when the revolution was still popular. What Kim Jong and Castro have done is secure the favor from the population in rural areas, securing support in case of guerrilla warfare or armed invasion.
  18. That's just an awful first post. Is that how you greet everyone?
  19. So I should go see Prince of Persia drunk and/or stoned.
  20. As much as I hate myself for agreeing with LoF. How do you make North Korea worse? The sanctions will hurt the people more than Kim Jong, it's more likely that they will worsen the situation rather than help the problem of NK dictatorship. I don't know how strong Kim's hold over the people is yet it doesn't seem to me that there is an alternative to conflict in this case.
  21. Who's the deacon?
  22. You've totally missed my point. Tell me what you think a 'mature' interpretation of sex is. because I will argue it is whatever mature people think it is. And frankly I am arguing that there is nothing immature about male attitudes to sex; there is simply a disjunction between those attitudes and what women want us to think. And that there is nothing intrinsically virtuouis about altering our games to reflect a lie. Quite simply, not being filled with outrage, shame, disgust, nor giggling, forcing the subject, or being too outspoken. Both extremes of the spectrum; the conservatives and the slutty are immature attitudes. It exist, it's natural, it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
  23. For years the majority of gamers have been male, when you think target demographic you are thinking of that gross stereotype. It's not about validity, it's the consensus of what the majority wants: male leads or hot female leads. That makes it the unofficial default setting. The Mature rating is not a accurate description of the content but rather of the level of maturity required to understand the content properly.
  24. Ascetics, anorexia as a religion.
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