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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I got a bit excited because of the trailer; which doesn't show D'Artagnan that much, and was under the impression that it was going to be the Three Musketeers + Milla Jovovich. That I would watch but they had to put freaking Percy Jackson on it.
  2. The similarities between the way the three monotheistic religions define God far outweigh the differences. Your argument is weak. They all worship the same God. Just ask the King of Abyssinia. Plus they basically all read the same book and came out with their religions, Muslims and Christian take the word of their prophets as the guiding principle while Jews maintain (to an extent) the tradition. But, after 2000+years they have undoubtedly mutated their own practices and beliefs. Also, Negus please.
  3. Average people know about WikiLeaks they don't know about the contents of wikileaks. Aside from people who have an interest in that sort of thing I don't see anyone stopping their work around their home or using their free time to research a leak.
  4. One recent game that I've been playing is Mount & Blade, I put this forth as an example because there is no definite villain. All parties want the same thing, to conquer all of the land and your relationship with kingdoms and nobles plays into creating antagonists. E.G: In my recent playthrough I rose to prominence by offering my sword in vassalage to the Sarranid kingdom who at the time was at war with the Kingdom of Rodhoks with whom the share a border. With each victory I gained renown and my relationship with the Rodhoks declined. A bit after I decide to support a claimant to the throne of the Sarranid; which meant starting a rebellion. The first castle I took was on the border with the Rodhoks, it was at this point that they decided to declare war on my rebels due to the old offenses I incurred on them. This is the closest I've seen to what you both describe, it works for M&B because there is no story attached to it. When you put it in the context of storytelling it could make or break the villain and I don't think that chokepoints work in storytelling. BW has proved that with DA.
  5. There's just the problem of consistency and immersion. A player's experience may change midway through the game rendering the earlier test useless. Although I gotta say that i'm not too thrilled about the idea. Villains are kind of dear to me, they're flamboyant, amoral, powerful and infinitely more interesting than the heroes. I kind of feel like the fact that this villain/polar opposite will come out as mild version of what a villain should be. Rather than feeling true enmity towards him there is going to be a mild response. I guess we should also take this time to differentiate between a boss and an antagonist.
  6. Ok, when I say shadow I mean the archetype. In Jungian Psychology its describe as those aspects of ourselves which we suppress and deny. e.g: Darth Vader to Luke, when facing his fears Luke kills a spectral Darth Vader who appears in the same face as Luke. Meaning Luke's fear of giving into the Dark Side, his connection to it through his father and subsequent rejection. I put it as an example because the Shadow is always shaped in an image contrary to whom it came from. Much like the villain in one of your examples was shaped by the hero's actions, so in that aspect the villain becomes a shadow to the hero. Contrary to what I consider to be the norm of the antagonist driving the plot and creating the situation that allows for a hero to exist in the first place. Although this case is not an absolute there is the exceptions in which the villain isn't the driving force, I would consider the Holmes vs. Moriarty to be a variation of this. Both men are masterminds and finds themselves at times competing for the same goal but to use for opposite means. In which case the plot is driven by the competition and the situation is independent from the villain.
  7. I actually would love to see an experiment like this, in fact I think I would like to do an experiment like this one day. I will admit to a personal bias towards your earlier post, I've seen that line of thinking go awry. It soon becomes a self-absorbed project that appeals exclusively to the tastes of the developers. To the point of fault, actually. Personally I think the bests antagonist in Video Games have taken cues from film. The antagonist is always the driving force behind the plot, everything should emphasize this. They are in a favorable condition compared to the protagonist, they are in a position of power. Both your examples lack this, Nonek focuses on the general situation rather than the villain and Wals; you want the hero to be the villain's shadow. (I mean that in the archetypal sense)
  8. Both points; while good, fail at taking the lowest denominator as a variable. By which I mean that frustrated tweens will rage quit when things don't go their way. Problem with C&Q in games is that it often is Choice and fatal Consequences (by fatal I refer to extreme determinism) which means that often you find yourself ill-equipped to deal with the consequences of your choices. There is a proper length for a highly reactive game and that length is short, because there is only so much that can be developed before the deadline and because there is only so many butt hours that someone is willing to put in playing a game.
  9. So Gaddaffi, Sadam and Osama are dead. Time to hold auditions for America's next Great Terrorist!
  10. Damn you and your logic for interrupting a proper catfight. Ok, the economy. Has anyone made peace with the fact that this might be the dusk of our economical establishment? From this point forward it comes to who can adapt to a changing market while securing the contracts with the emerging markets. The US is in a prime location to supply Brazil, although I don't see them getting off their high horse and admitting that they are on the downwards slope from superpower.
  11. Name's Luke Goss and he plays the prince monster with incestuous affections towards his sister in every Guillermo del Toro movie. Since Guille is making a game I expect he will be there.
  12. Hopefully they give Sasha Gray bit more lines then Rockstar gave for Jenna Jameson in GTA Vice City Maybe I'm being unfair here. Sasha Gray has done some mainstream work... but for some reason I can't think her as voice actress Could it be that you're more accustomed to seeing her in other roles? Anyways, I can say for sure that Sasha Gray can read, that should give her more lines than Jenna Jameson.
  13. Orogun01


    I see someone has been researching the Harold and Kumar trailer. lol, no I first heard it on the Opie and Anthony show, on XM satellite radio.....I have never seen any of the Harold and Kumar movies, but didn't one of them play Sulu in the newest Star Trek movie, btw great flick! Really? I thought it was a coincidence that the trailer featuring that song has been going around like crazy. Anyways it gets really old about the third time you listen to it, and becomes exciting again on the eight.
  14. Look, darlin', it's Johnny Ringo. Deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darlin', should I hate him?
  15. Orogun01


    I see someone has been researching the Harold and Kumar trailer.
  16. ITT: We talk about our smart phones. Cybercrime; is that a movie?
  17. I thought that article was going to be about NASA booking a flight for a virgin.
  18. is that an undead discotheque?
  19. One of my favorite bosses in recent memory is the Old Monk from Demon's Souls. I like the concept of the final boss being a PVP match since it brings the challenge up and makes it unpredictable.
  20. ****, I hope he pulls through. I mean..
  21. ****, is it serious or just post op recovery?
  22. This is incorrect, odd as it may seem. For Jedi sex is fine- outside the context of a healthy adult relationship. "Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships." So yeah, canonically a jedi PC* ought to be free to boff all the Ishi Tib/ Gamorreans/ Selonians they like, so long as they don't care about them. ... To whoever made the observation; yes, the perfect jedi is pretty much the perfect sociopath. *[edit: at the time of TOR there was a theoretical ban on 'relationships', which can be interpreted as no sex. Seems pretty clear that it in that sense at least it was flaunted, given Bastilla's progeny] Like we're gonna believe anything George Lucas says; the man made Jar Jar Binks and raped Indiana Jones for Pete's sake!
  23. But..lovestarved Larpers are BW No.1 demographic.
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