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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I'm not surprised
  2. I don't know what you said but it sounds dirty. A bulwarker is basically just a big spring in a piston arrangement. You push the two ends together. Still dirty
  3. I don't think the fault lies with the customer since they can't know if a game is buggy beforehand or if those bugs will apply to their gaming experience. Victim blaming simply doesn't make sense, it's like you think that they were asking for a buggy game.
  4. I don't know what you said but it sounds dirty.
  5. The old RPG or the Total war'ish strategy game? Are they both good or bad?
  7. Doubt it, speaking from experience beggars have no interest in kingdoms. Also it's a good thing that he has no ambition, I would not want an Augustus or an Alexander at the helm of the NK army.
  8. Better than one who's explosive, surely? Thank you for putting that image in my head, Wals
  9. Based on this thread, I think you'd have to explain "cool" to a lot of people here. Okay, but who's cool enough to teach us cool? Fonzie?
  10. Go on Prosper, tell us about how crappy your life is. It will make us all feel better.
  11. Merry Christmas, no promises on not getting drunk.
  12. Same reason it's not done in submarines. In space you can't really see anything with an naked eye. And may I add that like in a combat submarine it's a hazard.In combat the fact that it would be on the front of the ship makes it a prime target and not only that, but there is bound to be some decay from constantly wear from minuscule space trash. Plus, space its a vacuum no reason why spaceships should only fly straight. (That's what Shep said)
  13. You forget one fact that they ME writers are acutely aware of: ME fans care more about the romances than the science, they're more likely to throw a fit if their favorite companion isn't romanceable than if they decided to get rid off the "mass effect fields" and instead use magic gnomes as the cause of all phenomena.
  14. Probably speculation following the announcement that the director was going to finish the project as a freelancer.
  15. Having a pilot at the front and a floor to ceiling window at his station is probably significantly worse than beam weapons not being up to expectation. The Normandy isn't a battlecruiser. It's not suppose to engage in combat. Plus since it is designed for stealth, it would have limited sensors as well. Are you trying to tell me that it's a ship designed to be piloted by looking out the window? Why, it made perfect sense when they did it on Star Trek.
  16. Look for all atheist attacks on Religion and their incessant quoting of the Middle Ages, Christianity has managed to chisel their ethics into humanity. They may believe that one is born with a sense of good and evil but that's simply not true. Thousands of years of acquired behavior have shaped us into quite the docile breed.
  17. I sometimes do. The two 'whines' I dislike the most are: 1) "BG 2 was the greatest RPG ever. BioWare game X sucks because it's not BG 3." - BG 2 might be one of the *biggest* WRPGs, but I've never understood how it constantly made people's top ten lists. 2) "BioWare is doing what BioWare has done for a decade now. I am unhappy with this." - BioWare has a formula. It doesn't make hardcore games. It doesn't do edgy games. It tries to produce the WRPG equivalent of a summer blockbuster. I sometimes feel people who complain about BioWare games would complain that a Micheal Bay movie had too many explosions and a shallow plot. Even when I agree with them (DAO had a hackney 'save the world from mindless hordes of evil' plot) at this point, if you're paying for a BioWare game, you know exactly what to expect. I guess that some people are still reeling from the fact that BW took a single aspect of their games and made it their main selling point and I do agree with what you said about expectations and BW games.
  18. It pretended to have OK science. There are all those codecs that explain how the tech work. The characters throw out technobabble that use a lot of real science. The Normandy is actually designed like how a real stealth vessel would be like. It's consistent space opera science. That doesn't mean anything bad, space opera science can be quite fun and well-thought out. I guess that he was trying to point that the actual game didn't have many scientific aspects.
  19. It may be related to the misguided atheist belief that religion is to blame for all modern troubles and that they are on a mission to save the world from it's own idiocy. Apparently blind to see that they are playing the same game.
  20. You should know by now that good movies aren't popular until hipsters decide to pick up on them and make them cult classics.
  21. I put to a vote that ME3 should be a musical, after all what better way for Shepard to "come out". Ohhh and Mordin too!
  22. I'm feeling the same. I love Steve Buscemi, but Nucky is kind of...despicable. I really don't like Margaret either, heh. They are both complicated characters and should be judged in the context of their experiences. I'm hoping that they will delve into both of their back stories in Season 3.
  23. Cheers mate!
  24. So you commend NV for giving unique weapons to explorers and rip on the Witcher even though they did the same thing? I'm confused.
  25. You know part of me thinks that companies do late PC releases hoping to get pirated.
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