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Everything posted by mkreku

  2. Overreacting? You don't know the meaning of the word. Overreacting is when you delete a picture of a folded piece of matchbox paper because it might resemble (with a LOT of imagination) a couple in a compromising situation. It has happened. Here.
  3. Hmm. Feels like their inching closer to making a Gothic clone with every game they release. ... WOOO!!!!
  4. I refuse to read a news thread not started by funcroc!! /boycott
  5. Vehicle combat? Colour me interested! Aren't they going to release a "GOTY" edition of this game soon so I can pick all of it up at the same time? Oh, and I will play through Mass Effect soon too! If only I can force myself to install it.
  6. I used to work nights at a newspaper press when I studied. My job mostly consisted of watching machines to make sure they ran smoothly (which they almost never did). My only advice: try to eat as little as possible. Apparently your body hoards the food you digest during the night and you gain a lot of weight very easily.
  7. Epic making an RPG for Iphone? http://www.joystiq.com/2010/09/01/project-...-ios-from-epic/ Looks good if that's a screen from the actual game.
  8. Beautiful game. I wonder why I've never played it. Probably because by then the D&D rules had become so convoluted that it was more like playing an Excel sheet than a game..
  9. I can't believe people say that. It's Dungeon Siege we're talking about here, for crying out loud! Even if they tried to dumb it down further, they would just bounce against the bottom of the dumbing-down barrel where the previous two Dungeon Siege games resided! IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DUMB IT DOWN ANY FURTHER. Geez.
  10. You're welcome.
  11. I don't understand multi-classing. At all.
  12. That's odd. Are you really trying to link the picture through the link provided to you underneath every picture you upload? I mean, it even contains the correct tags for use with geek boards like this! I always use Photobucket without a problem.
  13. Could you please stop speaking in 50% abbreviations? It's like you're speaking in code! I've no clue what you're on about and I'm getting a suspicious feeling you're all planning on murdering my poor death-prone character.
  14. I found an Uzi-like weapon that had a ridiculously high fire rate. My soldier had some ammo regenerating abilities, some super fast reload ability and some crystal that increased my ammo regeneration to absurd levels. I also think I had some ability that raised my general fire rate.. When I fired that weapon, it shot so many bullets that the sound couldn't keep up! It just sputtered and went silent while I shot like 100 bullets per second. NOTHING survived that for more than ten seconds.
  15. Yeah, I'm giving Mafia 2 a miss too. Plenty of other open world games coming in a few weeks!
  16. I refuse to admit it's something that simple.
  17. A few new screens: http://worthplaying.com/article/2010/8/23/news/76397/images/ It's all very pretty, but for some reason it doesn't remind me of Gothic. One of these days I'm going to have to figure out exactly what it is about the Gothic games that give them that unmistakeable Gothic look & feel. I still get more of a Two Worlds vibe from this game.
  18. Stop whining. At least you don't have to wake up every morning to another series of embarrassing deaths.
  19. I would take that as a challenge if I were you, funcroc.
  20. Since this is a type of game that would not give mouse/keyboard controls any great advantages, I wonder if they'll consider making the co-op experience cross-platform? It would be the first of its kind.
  21. What's manga about that ^ Where are the grotesquely oversized boobs?!
  22. Icewind Dale is the only Infinity game I've ever played through to the end, so why is it I don't remember any of this?
  23. OH EM GEE. I saw this link at work and thought to myself, "Hmm, that will be fun to check out when I get home tonite". WELL, NOW I AM HOME AND SOME ****ER HAS REMOVED IT FROM YOUTUBE!!
  24. http://www.g3cpt.eu/ You need Gothic Community patch 1.73. YOU NEEEEED IT
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