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Everything posted by mkreku

  1. Here let me help you: I own over 100 games on Steam, but I am disappointed with the recent sales. This is my point. Anything else you need help with?
  2. Well.. Somewhat interested in Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2 and Skyrim. Sleeping Dogs on Steam (with their amazing 25% discount): 322 SEK Sleeping Dogs from local retailer (no discount at all): 289 SEK Borderlands 2 on Steam (again 25% discount): 322 SEK Borderlands 2 from local retailer (no discount): 339 SEK Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim on Steam (now with an amazing 33% discount!!): 287 SEK Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim from local retailer (no discount again, cheap bastards!): 249 SEK Great 'discounts'. Now remind me again why I should shop on Steam..? Yeah, I know I could save 17 SEK on Borderlands 2.. if I don't want a box and a disc. Great sales. Really. But hey, I see they have ****ing Limbo cheap! Again. For the umpteenth time.
  3. Last two (three?) Steam sales I haven't bought a single game. Is it me or are the sales becoming worse..?
  4. Turned out the 2 year warranty was only for the actual computer. Things like the battery and the charger come with a 6 month (!) warranty, but the store I bought it from thinks that sucks so they offer a voluntary 1 year warranty.. neither of which helped me much. 1688 SEK later, it's aliiiive! I will now decide Tale's fate by playing Deponia on it.
  5. Hey, Hurlshot, I have some spare time. Give me your dads address and I'll head over and slap him silly. I know it is only one letter, but.. he really comes off as an incredibly petty and intolerant person. And all those little jabs at you? Wtf is that all about? Also.. Boobs?
  6. Been playing Dragon's Dogma too, on my cousin's PS3. Surprisingly solid game. Looks great too. I haven't gotten far enough for me to form an opinion, but the potential for a great game is certainly there.
  7. Where did you find Deponia? When I search for it on GoG, I only end up on Divine Divinity's page. Edit: Argh. Nevermind, I found it. By going through their own homepage and clicking on the GoG button there. Edit 2: Bought it. It'd better be good, or this money is coming out of your ass, Tale!!
  8. I was trying to play something on my netbook when I noticed the battery was at 3% even when I had it plugged in. Then it died. Turns out the charger is broken. Checked when I bought it. 2010-12-27. In the EU, you have a 2 year warranty on things like these.. It will be fun to see what they say when I bring it back to the store today
  9. Glad to hear! I bought it as a Xmas present for my cousin and his PS3 not more than 2 hours ago. Shh.
  10. Some of the right wing nuts in this thread sound exactly like the worst prejudices of Americans out there. It's hilarious! And it's real! Unbelievable.
  11. Wait.. that's actually awesome. Who are you and what did you do to the real Prosper??
  12. Welcome to Life:Choose a difficulty I'm a penguin.
  13. Noone can aim a fully automatic weapon anyhow (on full blast). A semi-automatic is even more lethal because even if the rate of fire might not be as high, the accuracy is tenfold. http://www.businessinsider.com/cnn-the-connecticut-shooter-used-a-bushmaster-rifle-like-the-dc-snipers-2012-12 Why do you sell these to the general population??
  14. Yes, we do. We also have far less shootings per capita than the US, even though there are a lot of firearms in Sweden (if I remember correctly, only Finland has more weapons per capita in Europe). Gun control does not mean stopping people from owning guns. But there is no reason for everyone to own handguns (worthless for hunting, perfect for concealing) or automatic weapons (if you need more than 1-2 shots to kill your prey, you shouldn't have a hunter's license to begin with). If you really need to play with those kind of weapons, we have shooting ranges for that. Just to put things in perspective here: 9/11 killed just under 3000 people. In the US, over 12000 people are killed by guns every year. Every year you kill 4 times as many of your own than that "biggest terrorist attack in history" did. You guys kill your own children and the right wing nuts will still say you need more guns to stop this.. It's just so pointless. There will always be nutcases out there. But a nutcase with an automatic rifle/handgun is many times more lethal than one with a knife.
  15. Been playing a bit more Far Cry 3 now. I must say that the initial promises the game made haven't been completely fulfilled. It still feels strangely shallow somehow. Like nothing I do in the world matters to anyone. I got this feeling from Just Cause 2 also.. I wonder what it is they do wrong? Maybe it is the way the chests never actually contain anything? Or how winning a race means nothing to anyone? Or how few different weapons there are? Still having fun at least, even if it's already not a 10/10 game (as Eurogamer said).
  16. Ok, I switched PSU now. Guess if I was nervous when I turned on the power switch on the new PSU for the first time? I WAS!! But since I am typing this from my normal computer, everything is fine. I was very worried that the explosion had hurt any of the other parts, either by overloading them with some weird spike of electricity or by the actual blast. I think I was lucky. Edit: Time for some PSU burning Far Cry 3 now!! Edit 2: Btw, when I installed the game, I had to type in FOUR different codes to unlock **** in the game. Why?! And that was on top of the actual DRM code I had to type in to actually play the game.
  17. When I tried to turn it on with the power button on the case it just flashed the lights and then made a strange electric sound. So I reached back and turned it off with the PSU power switch. When I turned it on again a few seconds later, the damn thing exploded in my hand. I wasn't actually hurt (the explosion was behind a metal grille) but the sound scared the crap out of me, it was so loud!
  18. Omg.. I bought Far Cry 3 yesterday, but got home late from work and only had time to install it and briefly try it before going to bed (very beautiful game!). Today I got home from work earlier and go to turn on my computer.. And the PSU explodes in my hand! I'm not even joking, it said BOOM. Tomorrow I'm getting a new on, but still.. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
  19. I agree with all of the above, but it was still my favourite DLC. It actually felt more like an expansion than a DLC.
  20. I prefer snow and deserts. Both were in Gothic 3, which is still the game with the best gameworld I've seen.
  21. GTA4 is actually the worst of the 3D GTA's in my opinion. Too small world, not enough stuff to do and find, car handling is basically broken (on PC with keyboard & mouse) and they lost the fun factor. In fact, the rest of the game was such a step back (except visually and.. physics-ually) that it didn't matter how good the story was, I didn't enjoy the game much at all anyhow. I did finish it, however. I do wonder though.. how many people bothered trying to find those 100 pigeons..?
  22. The Bethesda hate is just ridiculous to anyone of normal intelligence or above. You like the original Fallouts? Good for you, keep playing them. You dislike the new Fallouts? Don't buy them, don't play them. Without Bethesda, Fallout would still be in the hands of Herve and his rats. I am very grateful to Bethesda for buying the rights and resurrecting this awesome series.
  23. For the record, I thought Fallout 3 was good. ..but Fallout: New Vegas was ****ing spectacular.
  24. Late to the party, I know, but.. Congratulations, USA, I believe you made the right choice. Although the grave your former presidents have dug for you is probably too deep for any president to climb out of.. I, FOR ONE, WELCOME OUR NEW CHINESE OVERLORDS
  25. Is it possible to mail cheese? http://vasterbottensost.com/en/about/
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