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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. I'm firmly in the "this is bulls**t" camp but if I was in charge of the world's most bloated imperial power I'd probably be pulling the exact same stunts to keep my greasy hands on that pole. NSA admits it created internet so it could spy on it
  2. George R. R. Martin Kills Off Whole Family
  3. Yeah I didn't feel much when Ros "the exposition whore" died, mildly surprised maybe.
  4. I just completed Episode 1 of The Walking Dead and enjoyed it but I do hope the writing quality steps up to the levels I've been reading about in reviews, it's good but not great...so far
  5. The entire Serious Sam series is the latest Humble Bundle Weekly Sale.
  6. I spent most of today (and last night) arguing with a girl, every now and again she'll have a bad day and I won't react in the way she wants...this inevitably brings on days of cold shoulder with no explanation of what's wrong, then things get blown all out of proportion and we both end up miserable, tale as old as time I know but jesus my brain hurts
  7. I just started reading the first book in The Prince of Nothing series, so far it's OK but many people say it really kicks in around 400 pages...apparently Michael Kirkbride has a raging nerd boner for these books so there must be something worth digging for, has anyone else tried it?
  8. Not knowing the book I accepted her pretty easily, half the time I suspected she was an assassin or a spy, especially when she was writing letters in Valyrian while distracting Robb from the war.
  9. You're probably right, I've been reading the books after the seasons have aired so maybe I'd feel the same way. From the perspective of a TV show I think starting the violence in such a shocking way was excellent, it was a big kick in the chest and then the horror just kept unfolding, very traumatic.
  10. Yeah, even with a vague idea of the outcome I was blown away by the execution
  11. Just finished watching the last episode, it turns out I got spoilered weeks ago, thanks internet...still ripped my guts out though, brutal
  12. I really enjoyed Primordia, my only complaints are that I wanted it to be longer and the graphics were sometimes a bit too "authentic" but it's well worth the money.
  13. Can't resist the Telltale bundle, I already own most of them but I've been wanting Walking Dead for ages
  14. The new wallpaper is nice, I like the Giger inspiration but it's also similar to the architecture in The Hive
  15. I've been thinking about learning another language, I was pretty good at German in school so I'm thinking I'll start there but one day I'd love to learn an Asian language, Chinese would probably be the smart option if I'm thinking career choices but Japanese would be so cool for watching Anime
  16. Today I bought a load of fancy looking clay pots and some baby plants for the "garden", my yard has been a concrete graveyard for years so I thought it's time to spruce it up. I've also been doing more of the fitness thing, 300 rows on the rowing machine plus a load of legs lifts and stretches, this is now part of my daily routine My life sometimes feels like a never ending visit to the dentists (way too much pop as a teen) but luckily I've never broken a tooth, the thought makes me queasy
  17. Ugh. I absolutely hated that book. The cover art - yes yes - promised a rich World build coming alive through a fabulous monster hunt. What I got was a lot of disjointed gibberish spread thinly across too many pages. It's one of the few books I have actually thrown away rather than give to a charity shop or keep. I'm near the end and I've enjoyed it so far, I wish he'd explain things without resorting to so much magical science and some characters (eg. Lemuel Pigeon) are acting out of step with their established traits but the ride is fun, I especially like the Weaver, the singing, dancing mad god in the form of a spider.
  18. I finished Bioshock Infinite last night after playing for almost six hours, the combat finally starts to get interesting in the latter half of the game and it built up to a pretty damn satisfying crescendo, I can poke a few holes in the ending but it doesn't diminish the beauty of it. It's not a 10/10 game by any stretch but I really enjoyed the ride, even after having the major plot twist spoiled a few months ago...I tend to think I'd have guessed it anyway.
  19. the world design is great, but the level design is awful and i ended up having to force myself to finish the game once i got to around the halfway mark and realized it wasn't going to improve Yeah I'm really not getting how it earned so many perfect scores, granted it's got very memorable moments and the plot has me hooked so far but it's just an average gameplay experience.
  20. Wouldn't the meaning be "America was quite racist around this time"? It's pre-civil rights movement after all. Yeah but that's not exactly a revelation, the game has slapped me with the racism stick so many times that it's become comical rather than shocking.
  21. Finished my week long blood pressure chart and I can clearly see that it's a bit on the high side for my age, feeling kind of depressed about it but I'll crawl out of the pit in a day or two. I kind of know how you feel, my dad was facing a long slow death from cancer and I could tell he was losing hope, it's a twisted kind of luck that he died from a burst aortic aneurysm, I'm sorry for your loss
  22. I played about five hours of Bioshock Infinity and mostly enjoyed it, it goes without saying that the world design is excellent, quite breathtaking in places, but I do miss Rapture's explorability. The plot is decent enough (for an action game) so far and Elizabeth is a well designed character but it does feel a bit ludicrous when she keeps pulling coins and rifles out of her arse I do find myself being distracted by the overwhelming bluntness of the racism, if there's not a deeper meaning behind all the xenophobic jingoism I'll be quite annoyed, I hate message movies.
  23. Some PC users got really bad loading stutter every twenty paces, I found the game unplayable. By this point I figured that such a small percentage of us had the issue that Irrational had decided to give us the finger but apparently this patch fixed or greatly alleviates the stutter.
  24. Looks like Irrational finally released a patch to fix the stuttering in Bioshock Infinite, it's a shame I had to wait 2 months but at least I'll be better suited to judge the game purely on it's merits now...
  25. The new Star Trek was decent enough, it had amazing effects and action scenes but it needed moar plot
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