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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. Normally this would bug me too but for some reason I'm enjoying it all. Might be because I've played a lot of Witcher 2 & 3 this year. Blood and Wine is a gloriously bright and stupid contrast to all that mud and ****
  2. So I spotted a reference to the 'duck face selfie' phenomenon, made me chuckle
  3. The visuals get my juices flowing, exclusives suck.
  4. Sorry to hear that Tale. Sounds like you're going to be in the position of supporting people while they deal with their grief but try not to neglect your own feelings.
  5. That's how it feels to me, like they boiled down the main game to its essential components. I'm also really enjoying the tonal shift, seems the devs are blowing off steam by poking fun at all the tropes of the genre.
  6. When playing W3 I don't need to turn my central heating on...
  7. Grr, I just competed in the tourney and figured it was a best of three kind of deal but no, you've got to win everything flawlessly. The actual plot surrounding the tournament was pretty cool at least.
  8. Yeah Witcher 3 is an embarrassment of riches
  9. Yeah I've ended up starting the DLC with the supplied Geralt, having a blast so far.
  10. It's looking more and more like I'll have to snap up another 980 when the price finally crashes
  11. My current Geralt is only level 14 and my playthrough lost it's steam a couple of months ago...so torn
  12. 'Do you see what your kind are doing?!'
  13. Top marks from Eurogamer.
  14. I'm guessing many of you would prefer a turn based, isometric Vampire game but if this is a real thing I'm hoping they stick with the first person perspective.
  15. I really want to play the new Doom but the price is a bit high considering I don't give a toss about its multiplayer or snapmap ****e
  16. I'm liking the way this guy describes the lighter mood.
  17. Oh btw, there's a mod that turns Triss into Vesemir...OF COURSE!
  18. I'm having a weird brain fart over W3. I dumped over 100 hours into it and loved every minute but my replay is stuck in the mud. It might be because I ramped up to Deathmarch difficulty, at this level it really does live up to the 'Twitcher' moniker as you're constantly dodging, aware that one hit might end it all.
  19. I bet there's another submarine from Chynah.
  20. Seems Bethesda are having serious problems getting inspired.
  21. A few months away from what I've heard.
  22. Are you also playing W3? I am loving it ....its one of the best RPG I have ever played What level are the expansion packs....should I buy them while I,m doing the main quest, I like exploring I completed W3 after being grossly disappointed with Fallout 4...luckily W3 was amazing and I put over 100 hours in. The replay isn't going so well for some reason, kinda ran out of steam but I'll definitely be picking it up again for the expansion
  23. When I heard it was going to have mushrooms I immediately thought 'Morrowind', that tower just seals the deal.
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