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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. This is something I'd been pondering. The sheer, mind boggling level of bias against Trump (he's a Hitler!) makes his victory even more surprising.
  2. The Guardian have a nicely made election update page.
  3. Spent three hours sauntering around Goodsprings, doing stuff at my leisure, listening to the radio...relaxing.
  4. Sorry to hear that Oerwinde.
  5. Installed New Vegas and updated all my mods, this is gonna be my 'bunker down for winter' game
  6. Bumped into another girl I quite like. She seemed genuinely happy to see me, suggested some anime for me to watch. I'd kinda given up on her because she practically ignores me online but she always perks up around me in real life, calls to me from across the street if she sees me. Like Shady says, I should bite the bullet and ask one of these girls out, if only to stop myself constantly wondering how they feel
  7. I've made that mistake before but I think I managed to catch myself this time. She obviously wants to spend time with me, I'm just super wary of the friend zone
  8. Getting myself off the subject of death. I did that thing where you realise you're chasing a girl too enthusiastically, thinking about her too much. So you back off a bit, but she ups her charm level and you end up all smitten again, resisting the urge to send flowery texts. I'm such a rookie at this stuff, it feels like playing games but I'm really just trying to avoid looking like a desperate fool
  9. It's pretty obvious to me. She's just being nice so you don't axe murder her
  10. Yeah, I felt that when my Dad died. It wasn't just losing the person, it was losing the ability to ask him about his life. By the time I'm 50 I doubt I'll be able to remember a fraction of the stories he told me.
  11. Thanks guys, I wish I felt worse but I'm ok. I knew him for over 20 years and though we weren't close friends I always had time for him. His death was especially pointless and random, an excellent reminder to me that life can be short...gotta start doing more
  12. I tend to veer towards that side of the debate but I think human perception is too limited to be entirely sure either way. Regardless, I often find myself 'talking' to dead people
  13. Funeral for an old friend today. I didn't actually feel anything until people started walking out past the coffin, mothers and aunts crying. I still don't know how I feel
  14. Woken up early by a panicked phonecall from my Mother who's in Wales with my Aunt, they've had a huge argument and Mum needs to come home. I was totally prepared to drive there and pick her up but thankfully she's got a taxi instead. Regardless I'm stressed out, Mum's health isn't good and this will undoubtedly lead to another pointless family rift
  15. This is my only criticism of Skyrim's dungeons.
  16. Instant method for getting your windows bricked by angry children on Halloween.
  17. I'm kinda pining for a girl at the moment but the signals are mixed so I'm trying to be all c'est la vie about it
  18. Had an excellently ****ed up evening, glad I went out.
  19. Ahh hopefully they will. Apparently another solution is to extract and repack the original sounds so it wouldn't surprise me if Bethesda don't update it
  20. Yeah. Big picture mode has been working splendid however as I understand a patch will be coming next week due to the audio being extremely compressed and not sounding as good as the original but overall, really digging the five or so hours I've spent with the game. I do hope some modders come up with a LOD fix soon enough. Overall happy with the free copy and love the exploration I didn't notice the sound at first, apart from quieter shouts and spells. Now I've heard direct comparisons there's a definite downgrade. Have Bethesda made a statement about a patch?
  21. Had a good night socialising last night so I'm pushing the boat out and doing Halloween this year
  22. I've been testing it for about an hour. So far I can safely say that in all the places Skyrim looked lovely, it now looks gorgeous. However in all the places it looked hideous, it still looks just as freaking hideous. All in all, the game works really well in the Fallout 4 engine, they've seamlessly integrated the new tech and (for me) it ran very smoothly. I'm well practised at breaking Skyrim and making it stutter itself into oblivion (ha) so I did all my usual tests and I only saw one judder in an hour and absolutely zero frame rate drops, even in all the old trouble spots. No mouse acceleration, no weird interface issues, no overtly last gen textures and no lipsync bug. They seem to have tweaked Fallout 4's nauseating motion based anti-aliasing to reduce that obvious blur/sharpen effect. The volumetric lighting effect doesn't obviously pixellate geometry. Sound seems to have been rebalanced, shouts and spells are slightly quieter, but on the whole everything sounded good. And now, because we'll be seeing lots of stunning Skyrim screenshots, here's some hideous **** that didn't get remastered...
  23. You dare oppose the might of the Imperial Legion?
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