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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. I have to admit that I found Velen to be a bit 'noisy'. As much as I loved the wind effect I do wish it'd calm down now and again. I'm pretty sure an ultra HD resolution and proper transparency AA would help massively.
  2. I posted that a few weeks ago but it's still worth a like. It's eternally ruined all Yoda's scenes for me
  3. Had something of a mental episode this weekend. Slept for 2 hours in two days. Tried a tranquilliser but it just gave me a brain tickle for half an hour. I had a weird zen period towards the end. Sleep deprivation is interesting
  4. One thing I really loved about Farscape was Crichton losing his sanity in the latter seasons. Nice bit of character development considering the ridiculous things he's endured. Cos Nathan Fillion is too busy promoting bull**** solar projects
  5. Seems like little changed from that, that's a good thing I guess. Yeah, my only concern is that the backgrounds look like they just ran them through a filter. Love the up-rezzed animations and higher audio quality though.
  6. Maybe the only fan, but I have to admit I did enjoy the anime.
  7. How the **** do i even link that on face****
  8. Skyrim is one of the only games where this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I loved how mountains made the world feel huge and after several playthroughs I'd keep finding hidden dungeons and shrines. The mountains themselves were nice to look at. The mountains where I couldn't figure the hell out where I needed to go to get up them were a pain. The key here is to glitch your horse right to the top of that hill
  9. Skyrim is one of the only games where this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I loved how mountains made the world feel huge and after several playthroughs I'd keep finding hidden dungeons and shrines.
  10. This kept happening until about my fifth replay...big game.
  11. Boiled baby potatos n butter, while drunk on Southern Comfort, that is all.
  12. Yeah I'm not really freaking out over this either. If anything a pissed off Avellone traditionally creates better content. It'll work out.
  13. I'm really glad to hear that they're fixing up Dishonored 2. I've got plenty of stuff to play at the moment so I'll hang back til the xmas sales and hopefully get a small discount.
  14. Goddamn I want a steak...minus burnt hand but it's still a price worth paying.
  15. Spent the afternoon in hospital. I've been having some discomfort in my chest and neck so the doc thought I should go have some tests done. Had ECG, blood test and xray, everything is apparently normal...seems I'm just a stresshead Regardless, the whole incident has scared me. Gonna start making a serious effort to get fit again.
  16. Get yourself some conjuration spells too
  17. I was trying to kinda roadblock myself a bit. I upped the credit check, increased the speech checks to get the passport and I figured I couldn't use the monorail til I'd built up some NCR rep. Thing is, I totally forgot that simply having Boone in my party gave me free access to it
  18. Made it to the outskirts of Vegas. Gotta slum it in Freeside while I save up enough caps (20,000 modded requirement) to get into the strip.
  19. Well to be fair, what kind of a man doesn't want his steak dripping with scarlet myoglobin!?
  20. Hold on, Tyranny needs a better PC than Skyrim? am admitting our alley, if we had an alley, would be more akin to this: HA! Good Fun! Reminds me of insects coating the walls of their hive with resinous mucous.
  21. That gives me some hope that they'll sort it out. I'm never paying for a bad port again, even if the game itself is amazing
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