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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. Besides, considering what the average internet gamer is like, it would be really hard for almost any person approaching normality to respect them. Respect must be earned, not demanded.
  2. obsidian has some o' the codexian need to inject why-bioware-sux into every thread that exceeds some vague critical mass. oddly enough, at bioware every thread that continues for at least 20 pages eventually gets a ghey romance mention. am gonna leave it up to you to decide which fanbase is more wacky. HA! Good Fun! Well, we got lust on the bioware boards, and a combination of pride and envy on Obsid. Let's hope we don't get a John Doe to clean house.
  3. Coz you have to be BOTH cheap and lazy to be interested in such a service, and coding one doubtlessly takes effort just like hosting costs money.
  4. I'm not really sure it's an apt comparison. The potential consequences are far more extreme. So much so it pretty much renders such a comparison pointless. Just like getting anally probed is a little more extreme than a "phone home" drm scheme? amiright?
  5. Heh, you do realize that that's the reaction to essentially every non-Bethesda game discussed on this forum?
  6. For the record, I stopped reading at the "piracy is not morally wrong" point.
  7. Had a friend's wedding, got drunk and made rather ill-conceived passes at his cousins. Worst part that I wasn't really drunk enough for it to be an excuse, more like a little bit tipsy. That and other stuff too numerous and individually trivial to mention resulted in a weekend so depressing that I'm glad to go back to work tomorrow. Especially since everybody else had taken a day off due to the holiday on tuesday - so even I have an easy day before another day off...
  8. Aye, 1st world problems. "MAH FAVOURITE COMPANY IS MAKING A GAME BASED ON A LICENCE I DON'T LIKE I'M GONNA LEAVE THEIR FORUMS, I WILL, HONEST!!11" People only know the title and they are going pretty much berserk, this alone is funnier than most games released each year. OTOH, I'm just as amused by the position that Obsidian wanted to start out with Star Wars and Forgotten Realms and then progress onto South Park.
  9. Why is that a "shame"? Obsidian maybe doesn't really want to work on these huge huge blockbuster franchises, or at least not all the time. At least they keep their portfolio diverse, unlike Bioware, which has just deteriorated into a ME/DA factory.
  10. That sucks. A lot. Also learned today that the HR manager had decided to withhold my salary (which should've been paid on the day I arrived to work), ie. not paid on the date myself and her superior had agreed on, not informed me or anyone else about it and not even specified a date when it should be paid to bankroll - and I had a longish meeting with her yesterday! Sure, I understand that if you're a typical HR douchebag you want to make sure that the new hire comes in before you give them money (getting paid on the 1st is irregular, I know), and I would've been ok if I hadn't had to go ask our executive assistant today about the whole thing just to hear about it. Oh well, at least the ever-slow Finnish tax machine paid me my returns today so I don't have to starve during the weekend.
  11. I got invited to a second round of testing, starting today.
  12. You know you've joined the right company when they give you a company credit card before you've taken your coat off. Absolutely deluged with information today, should put an icepack on my head.
  13. My experience so far has been that if a woman doesn't try to control your life, she's cheating on you. Being of the obstinate type (as my continued participation in this forum doubtlessly proves), things tend to end badly in any case.
  14. Meanwhile, we haven't seen a single flake of snow in Southern Finland this year.
  15. I enjoyed Civilization tremendously at an even younger age ( I realize that I wasn't a girl even back then, though). If there are consoles in the house, Civ Revolution is a good light-weight version of it.
  16. The trick is to not go back to what you've already written.
  17. I'm getting my mom a Dualit for xmas, which is clearly a sign that the toaster business will bloom.
  18. Oh, I know that much. Also this new laptop has some funky autocorrect, and turns mmo into mom :D
  19. I think I qualify, as my last "mom" was a text-based one that involved absolutely colossal amounts of grinding and even with 100+ days of active game time I was a virtual nothing. I played two classes to level five, but so far I really liked the "quick quests" structure in the early phases, which is going to help a lot with my gaming (at least in the early stages, i assume things become significantly more involved later on). I tried out both the consular and the smuggler, expecting not to like them but in fact finding quite the opposite. Now seriously considering doing a consular first. Wish I'd had more time to see how it develops a bit further, but way too busy with job change stuff this weekend to give it the attention I wanted. Gameplay seemed fun even solo, unfortunately I didn't get any companions so I couldn't form a full picture of that, either. I have a bunch of friends, including some from my MUD days who're contemplating a comeback with this one, might turn out to be a long-term investment for all of us if the bug bites again. Even if it doesn't, it looks like the stories themselves might be fun to play for a while, possibly even for a longer time.
  20. Are we talking about the same one? On Tython? Where you are snitching on the two Padawans who have a relationship? It didn't go that way at all with the choices I picked.
  21. Next you'll tell me you don't wear a hat, like Kennedy didn't!
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