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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I'll just add that the crap ending was the fault, or rather the consequence of the bad writing. I saw several people on the Beth boards stating FO 3's writing was a step up from what they experienced before. Which I kinda doubt, especially when someone said Bioware games had worse writing, but whatever. Every joke's new for a newborn.
  2. OTOH FO 3's CC couldn't be skipped/fast forwarded, which was annoying sometimes. I liked NWN 2's CC, even if it was more pragmatic. A small background to liven it up, character's clothes changing based on class, details I enjoyed.
  3. Scrolls and the like are chum change. And yes, keep the pantaloons, in DA 3 an NPC called Christopher Walken will make a special armor from it, though Bio didn't decide yet if it'll be a Michael Bay or an Optimus Prime armor.
  4. Ash ruins, maybe Brescillian forest?
  5. AFAIK you can't.Also, telling them to switch to melee is crap, because if, say, Leliana attacks mob A, and mob B attacks her in melee, she'll change to melee...and happily hacks away at mob A, ignoring mob B completely.
  6. Don't do it! I hear chain lightning sucks, big time.
  7. ME 2 seems better directed, as far as I can tell.
  8. If juh do fahk ahound, ah'll take a pepperoni and punch it thuh jur head.
  9. Don't give her daggers. What? Alright alright, tell her to use bows when someone attacks her with melee weapons.
  10. Admiral Fiar.
  11. My condolences.
  12. No, just read news articles on the release day messes. And the patches'.
  13. Like DLCs that refuse to start?
  14. At least you could hand wave this with not having time for a formal training. And Alistair being a crap teacher. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...148-Dragon-Aged I thought it's funny how reducing texture detail suddenly turns her into the hottest of the 4 girls.
  15. It's a DLC item it seems.
  16. First Person Agony Simulator, suffer your way to victory!
  17. You know, re-reading the twitter message I quoted earlier, maybe that's what the CIA was aiming for in MW2.
  18. I say we open the TAB Fan Club.
  19. And old game looks like an old game, lul. Graphics aside, FO 3 trailers weren't awe inspiring either.
  20. You guys are overthinking it. This is dark fantasy. You **** up, your colleagues/higher-ups kill you.The blood mages ****ed up, you killed them. Sucks to be them. "That is a blatant lie or the most amazing display of ignorance I've ever heard."
  21. Congrats, you just killed the coolest party member. The dialogue devolved into a fight automatically after a successful diplomacy check, and the game said Okku escaped, so... no, I didn't?
  22. ^Somewhat related: Interesting read if you ask me.
  23. Oh come on... they are called darkspawn for petes sake. How much darker can you get? PitchBlackSpawn. SomewhatDarkerSpawn. EvenLessWhiteSpawn.Endless possibilities. Sex -check Violence - check LotR cutscenes - check Slaughtering foes while Manson plays - nope
  24. Oh. What'll you do when you run out of states? Switch over to Mars colonies?
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