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Everything posted by Oner

  1. No.
  2. Not to my knowledge.
  3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...on-On-His-Voice It's so good reading him finally call his fans out on some of their BS.
  4. Nice post as usual, keep 'em coming. Sooo... which one is the headslam option?
  5. 18+, you have been warned: .
  6. Morrigan & Shale. Ah Shale, yeees. Thank you.
  7. I accept suggestions for party members for a human hating* city elf rogue. Zevran is/will be one. *Save her life and she'll hate you a bit less.
  8. Do you think you could add Ron Pearlman in there somewhere?
  9. Behold Umbrella's latest misdeed: the V-Virus! I can feel the tumor developing... must... write ...a file..quickly!
  10. Most battles have one mage, I shattered them from range with Wynne and there, magic immunity not needed (if there are more magi, they get a dog treatment). Gearing for spell resistance is a waste of item slots, not
  11. Stable government=selfish =selfish magic immunity=immoral lol?
  12. Kreia done wrong?
  13. I think elfs in Dragon Age are ultimate losers. Actually they're so pitiful that it's great Bioware made two origins for 'em. Not only they lost their immortality, they've lost war after war. To Tevinter Empire, to humans in general, to overgrown dogs. They are still slaves in many nation states. Thus it makes sense that they're timid and not fierce guerilla fighters. Their cowardice is probably only reason why they haven't been hunted down to extinction. Some of them still change too fast to the Ferelden
  14. The only RPGs I ever played that didn't have (obviously) retarded AI were the ones with disabled friendly fire.
  15. I've gone to sleep after posting so I haven't installed it yet.
  16. xD It says making AP is fun.
  17. Put MotB on a hiatus after a ridiculously tough fight and getting plot doors as a reward for it (stuff like this kinda kills the mood). Found out -for like the 3rd time- about the Open Source Project for Freespace 2, so a reinstall is in order.
  18. :lol: :lol:
  19. Fixed. Fixed.
  20. Engineer trailer.
  21. +1 I'm no rogue, yet I can sneak. A bit.
  22. Oh.
  23. Yes, those were really good. Ah yes, some of them did say that.
  24. Yup, and it's my favorite part of the game. Watching the comedy antics of your is PURE GOLD (I went with Leliana & Dog on my first playthrough); Hey, I could only choose Wynne and Zevran! And ultimately skipped the whole thing, because I thought it's going to be a GOTO's ship-like grind. Since darkspawn pressure on dwarves lowers to almost nothing during blights, not much. The merchant who's quest you get in the Mage Circle seemed overpowered to me. So I'm the wuss for not using nation conquering mages? Don't remind me, ditched the useless shield of my paladin for a(nother) +8 longsword, and he became leagues more powerful even without two-weapon feats. Nothing wrong with them, they just aren't unique enough (compared to fighter-mage talent trees) to warrant a separate class instead of merging them with fighters.
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