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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Mass Rejuvenation gives 5 stamina/mana /sec I think. The little buff icon next to the xp bar says so IIRC.
  2. i will never give up.
  3. Tell that Assassin's Creed.
  4. What sort of marriage? The legal definition, the religious definition, etc. There's so many. the basic idea of marriage as being the pact between partners legally... this allowed her to tangent into the whole gay marriage thing and leave the discussion about general definitions about marriage in the backround. She's quite the crusader for equality but the way she does it is so ham handed that it turns the entire class off. Is she totally radical too?
  5. IMO it's deliberate. How would you have 5 gp at that point?
  6. How many times will you ask that? That it did.
  7. I didn't complete it with the unofficial patch yet (computer gone kaputt, haven't played it since), Chinatown was the last place I visited. There's some extra dialogue and some changed side quests (poster collection for Gary). Didn't notice much else really. Oh yeah, you can choose backgrounds (black ops, infernalist etc) at character creation.
  8. No(t every)one would bother comparing every game to be extremely sure which one goes where,
  9. Oh noes! Here goes: 1:Deus Ex 2:Sands of Time 3:Fallout 2 4:VtM: Bloodlines 5:Unreal + Tournament 6:Thief: The Dark Project 7:Half-Life 2 Episode 2 8:StarCraft 9:Freelancer 10:DoW: Dark Crusade Honorable mentions: Amnesia, PS:T, Masters of Orion 2, Icewind Dale, Doom games, etc.
  10. It's also obvious that my post was friendly chatter, but you managed to miss that..
  11. Just a hunch but you really like RPGs, right?
  12. Over-exaggerated sci-fi novels never seemed so real as now.
  13. Just a little too sloooooooooooooooow.
  14. You're giving people too much credit. They are pretty damn na
  15. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...f-the-She-Geeks If I watch that movie, it will be all your fault! Are you sure about this?
  16. Fireballs are always nice.
  17. Enoch that joke's in very poor....taste. *rimshot*..... Man I'm too good sometimes.
  18. You forgot r00fles! . Arcane Warrior spec + massive armor + at least two bonus armor spells = I'd say yes.
  19. Was there anyone in the last three DA threads who didn't mistype Ishal?
  20. There's my warrior in my sig. He was the tank and DD in one person. Did most of the party damage till endgame.
  21. *sighs yet again*
  22. Going through in this context pretty much comes off as they are doing it without problems.
  23. maybe you will have better luck with that than did Gromnir. seemed like a wasted spell. got about as much use out of it as we did regeneration. I found regeneration pretty useful. Casting it on an almost dead character isn't the best idea, but it can save the day.
  24. Why do I even bother.
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