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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Cloak made the praetorian+husks fight hilarious.
  2. Actually it's "what if we add better armor?" and "let's add better shield". Which doesn't make sense but whatever. Quick fix: play a Vanguard. Seriously though, sometimes I have that "issue" myself, with the Claymore. But in my case it's simply over-aggressive behaviour mixed with carelessness, as I simply forget to reload. Are you certain you have a round chambered when that happens? Yep. Always happens the first time I equip the sniper in a mission.
  3. I believe that is called missing Because we all know: if you miss, there's no recoil or muzzle flash.
  4. While we're talking patches: Did anyone else have a bug with sniper rifles? You fire the gun and there's no noise, effect, recoil, damage dealt yet Shep reloads the gun and ammo is spent.
  5. Blasto wouldn't betray us like that!
  6. I'm ready to bet that you will. If not during ME3, then at least in the possible epilogue. Technically/speculatively I'll still have a flottila, so here's hoping. 'Sides, a dictator is easier to overthrow than a hyper-advanced race of ..whatevers.
  7. Come on, the Gnoll Fortress was at least short.
  8. Kasumi was discussed, the Liara DLC wasn't. Soo..turned the . Let's hope I won't regret it. (And if I do, it'll be possible to shoot the guy in the head.)
  9. http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=468
  10. Search: Kane No results found. What? No Kane?! HERESY!
  11. Using the widow on mooks would be impolite towards the gun, infinite ammo or no.
  12. Wow, the only reason the Liara reunion wasn't crap was because the Giana Parasini reunion not two minutes later made it look pathetic in comparison.
  13. Corner Stone Cues - Madokara Mieru Also, DMC OST
  14. Wasn't cloning very-very-very heavily implied?
  15. At least the planet scanning doesn't actively work against you.
  16. It's something that many of us try, but few succeed at. You don't like HoW? I don't feel much love to IWD series even from ex-BIS designers especially compared with that to Fallout and Planescape:Torment. Also, they are not considered as success either in terms of commercial one and one as independent works. However, personally, I don't think they are totally bad since it tries to introduce some legends/myths which are not so familiar with AD&D players. Probably, historical/religious knowledge of the members played a certain role. Talking of it, we all know even the basic concept of The Black Hounds are based on the story of Irish hero. I liked the arts direction of them, too. Although the above is just my personal opinion, while quite many people seem to have forgotten, you cannot ignore the impact of the music on the later works. Where do you find Zur or Soule, before this series? Of course, compared with FO and PS:T, they are not as good as they are but are they really just garbage? Personally I loved IWD (after I learned the rules system that is). I didn't find anything I didn't like in it bar the back-and-forth loot-lugging. And a game with Michael Bell is awesome by default. I see.
  17. That was the point.
  18. Sorry Ubi, there are decisions that not even SoT can make up for.
  19. It's something that many of us try, but few succeed at. You don't like HoW?
  20. Okay, so... how is the hacking minigame supposed to work? The one with the downward scrolling window. Nvm.
  21. If you run the game with the tutu mod (runs BG1 on BG2 engine) the game won't ask for a disk. Or so the readme says.
  22. Yea, my bad.
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