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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I'm aware of this, but some people are just so super special extra pathetic that you can't help mocking them openly.
  2. Okay, so the review I promised: here's the short summary for now: "An original idea that Obsidian needed to finally step out of Bioware's shadow." +A spy story that humbles books and movies +Frenetic dialogues +Innovative dialogue-system +An amalgamation of three balanced play styles +Choices, choices and choices (yes, he wrote it like this ) -A bit outdated graphics -Moderately bad animations -No physics Score: 87
  3. There is no part of this game that hasn't been criticized yet. Last time I saw someone whining about the muzzle flashes of all things. Couldn't find anything worse to complain about could he?
  4. Good thing you do, amirite?
  5. If you think that you don't have horrible gaming skillz, then obviously no, you're an exception. If you think that you do have horrible gaming skillz, then... you're part of a majority, what's wrong with that? You want to be unique in your badness?
  6. Speak for everyone else that isn't me. agreed What's your problem with numbers' assessment exactly?
  7. Bug fix, improved lightning, item comparison screen.
  8. http://www.bkbweb.hu/users/web16_paf/forum...&start=1025
  9. http://www.theonion.com/articles/report-ma...-citizen,17459/ http://www.theonion.com/video/obama-drasti...erica-af,14343/
  10. Dead to Rights: Review
  11. Yeah but subscribers have no need for announcements.*sigh* Regardless, one of the comments was useful and said the mag comes out tomorrow.
  12. All those crap +1 magic items must have caused an ungodly inflation.
  13. Well either every store I checked ran out of copies or the magazine's homepage was full of ****. Again.
  14. I'll post a review in about half an hour. Gotta buy the magazine first. What don't I do to satiate your curiosity you bums.
  15. Around 250gp it seems.
  16. Yeah... I heard only video games are cheap in the USA. It makes me wonder anyone outside of Japan and the uS buy video games. According to a friend of mine's brother, small things like snacks are at a bargain compared to here.
  17. I have to say, great cutscenes. (The clearly shocked Mina insta-checking Surkov's passcode is a bit weird tho. )
  18. The title makes the video's spoilery nature pretty obvious. I'm not an expert on these kind of procedures but they just let him into the embassy, even offering coffee, without checking his identity just because he pretended to be a friend of Surkov? What? Championchik was awesome. The other 3 videos. Brayko's pretty nice if you get friendly with him. Not counting the the drug addiction and general psycho-ness of course.
  19. Choose Surkov's Fate Trailer
  20. I wouldn't know. Never gets old.
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