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Everything posted by Oner

  1. The veteran stuff has what will feel more like the director's cut sort of stuff, the goofier stuff, and the VO that was just too distracting or over the top for the first experience. The recruit will mainly funny things where they make fun of you for being a total noob. I'd recommend doing a play through on a "standard" background, then recruit, than veteran, not because of the dialog choices, but because with three playthroughs, you will see a decent chunk of the branching content. Not nearly all of it, but with three playthroughs, you'll see just how big of a game you have with AP. I see, thanks. They do. It was confirmed some months back.
  2. Bourne has 10 points in every skill.
  3. 1 hour and 9 minutes still left of the 25th here.
  4. Well, I imagine people berating you for your inexperience will be more on the fun side of the scale rather than on the serious. Joseph Bullock once said there will be fourth wall breaking, but not if it was in Vet or Rec.
  5. IMO start with a "normal" background so the goofy stuff doesn't mess up the atmosphere the first time. Zkylon: Freelancer.
  6. I'm bored + still 3 days till AP vs spoilers + only 3 days till AP Unnnggghhh
  7. Game's legally available in France for some reason. Anyway: -"Mike, stop it! They're American agents!" -"So am I, that's not stopping them." :p
  8. So is the guy playing horrible at it and being a douche or someone competent? You confused me.
  9. You mean the blondie? Madison St. James. I missed something along me following AP...Did your AP wiki link have "She is a possible romance option" in her description? My Mike Thorton will have herpes by the time the game ends.... Edit: Wow...that "Lover Not a Fighter" trailer/music video is kinda creepy. Yep, she's indeed romanceable. As for the stealth video.. "Playing the part is rewarding.,," and he brings up achievements. Consequence in C&C stands for Achievements? Pfft. Don't tell me couldn't bring up a better example.
  10. Yep, I do agree that the consistency is the most important aspect by far. Also balance, of course. A lot of confusion can be prevented of course by having info easily available in the UI. So even though I don't intuitively consider jellied gasoline (or whatever FO3 flamer fuel is) as an energy weapon type ammo (other than in the reductive sense I mentioned previously), as long as something in the UI plainly says: "Hey, dummy, this is an energy weapon!) then in the end that is fine. Won't stop people from complaining either for the sake of complaining, or because they can't have their dream build. Did something fun happen while I wasn't here? :3
  11. You mean the blondie? Madison St. James.
  12. "Please go to this website and activate your game" Horrible, confusing, overcomplicated DRM at it's finest.
  13. It's not "I post here so this forum's better", it's "This forum's better so I post here".
  14. They should reclassify plasma rifles too, because plasma is just stuff burning extra special hot.
  15. I know zilch about Warhammer, and this is essentially a brainstorming, but here goes: The king information that one of the old and powerful noble houses is staging a coup against him. One house is lead by a cunning merchant (and leader of the biggest thieves guild around). There are rumors that one house has very good connections to the TG, but no one knows who it is precisely. Nevertheless, the king suggests taking care of them. What he doesn't know is that they're (this once) innocent. What the players don't know is that the thieves are blackmailing the king with whatever info (anonymously of course), and the king wouldn't mind seeing the thieves taken care of either way. Regardless, the thieves don't care about (in fact, discourage) any putsches, because they have the king on a leash that is as short as it can get. On the other side is, for example, the house that has been supplying the kingdom with hierophants for generations and are above suspicion. They have captured (read: hired) the "heretic" who leaks the putsch info, blaming a third house (dunno, a house of accomplished wizards?). The heretic would later be given over to the temple to be executed (or let go, so maybe the players could spot him later in the city or something) by inquisitors. Their aim, I dunno.. create enough mayhem to collapse the corrupt infrastructure and cleanse the nobility, or simply to weaken the power bases to allow a neighboring country to invade and the priests would gain greater worldly benefits and/or more followers (other country would sanction this faith or something) as compensation. Most of the local church don't know his of course, but they don't need to..
  16. And she could be illegally modified with an experimental bone weave implant and be super powerful, and she'd be cutting up husks who are assaulting the lone surviving settlement on a periphery world. Oh wait..
  17. Because he'd have to make an excel file for the disc activation for this one game.Somehow I doubt that the installer won't tell you how to activate the game every time you install the game, but whatever.
  18. On an unrelated note, here's a pretty cool music video.
  19. Revenge of the Titans
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