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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Soon. Once again the day is saved, thanks toooo Onerpuff Posts!
  2. Don't you guys compare my hardass, red armor wearing, alien fighting Judge Dredd ripoffs with those green armored dead pussies. Unless you mean THE Doomguy. In which case I have to say, my poor chaps aren't THAT hardass. But they're pretty close.
  3. There was at least one that got Finger of Death'd.
  4. Eh, what the hell, I volunteer. Give him high charisma and low int and wisdom (duh), I mean very low. Whatever items you deem useful.He doesn't know he's a sorcerer. He's convinced all that death he's raining is actually a manifestation of his inherent awesomeness. The party isn't an adventuring party, just his fanclub. He thinks they're going to a party and the guys they kill are anti-fans or the long line to the club.
  5. While I do prefer ladies, Ezio's voice is kinda nice too.
  6. Meh, Italian's only fun when it's spoken.
  7. Hahahahaha
  8. Hmm.. you maybe on to something brother Spider. In that case, nevermind.
  9. Shhh, you're supposed to hate BoS, not Tactics!But don't tell anyone!
  10. Wouldn't this only happen though if both you and your enemies have the same gear? This usually isn't the case, and even if it were, the player is often outnumbered and outgunned, so minimum damage benefits the enemy more.I don't really mind either way, just asking for the sake of argument.
  11. There already are Starcraft classes of all things in one or two unis, in case someone didn't know.
  12. That's what you tell everyone, and then comes the Purkstab.
  13. *lists a load of Nietzsche jokes*
  14. The 'death of a thousand cuts' enemies will inflict upon you (well, they'll try) even in power friggin' armor annoys me more. Not that much, but I liked that you could be invulnerable to inferior weapons in the old games. Sure, farming in all the starting quest xp after the enemies can't touch you is kinda problematic from a balance perspective, but it just felt so good after the D&D AC nonsense.
  15. Indeed, it's not as bad as a sequel announcement to Paradise Cracked.
  16. Ideally you're playing 4 player coop, how is that not party based?
  17. The problem with he driving sections was that you couldn't enjoy them because you had to constantly get out and kill dudes on foot.
  18. I remembered the very first time I RP'd. I, the fighter had to acquire some item from an inn room while the owner (a dwarf) was sleeping in his bed. A bad roll later we were exchanging blows. Someone heard the commotion and summoned some city guards who interrupted our fight shouting "What's going on here!" Having the wit of a fox I immediately threw my hands up and replied "He attacked me!" The dwarf, rendered speechless from the surprising change of events, was dragged downstairs for questioning, while I slipped out through the window. I was so proud of myself.
  19. I don't see how adding in two stances or a branching story is changing the genre. Or is it because of the talking hero? ZOMG we want no conversations in our Diablo ripoff!Besides, Taylor wanted to make fights in DS2 more tactical, guess that game was too much like IWD too.
  20. Oner

    Oh boy...

    Look around here, you may find something that can help you.
  21. Have some accompanying music.
  22. I still can't believe DS has anything for people to fanboy over. Or rather, that people can fanboy over it.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2LVUNUgeFI...player_embedded
  24. Gothic games weren't so shiny?
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