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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Professional comic book writer, obviously.
  2. Tyrian 2000 of all things. Ah, the good ol' days when EPIC wasn't a bunch of douchebags.
  3. You should've hidden it in plain sight. "I'm just.. err, it got in the way of the presentation ..so the...boss wanted me to throw it away.. which is what I'm doing right now.. throwing away, yessire..in my car..uh, gotta go."
  4. Interesting TOR trailer An hour's worth of Guild Wars 2 footage
  5. In before Alpha Protocol derail! You've become what you tried to mock Worst. Can you still sleep at night? Can you?
  6. Just noticed I wrote What's instead of watch.
  7. It looks like it wants to bite my tinky-winky off. Of course I am!
  8. Moooods, Purkake is posting porn!
  9. Why not set in subspace? HAHAhahahahahahahahaha
  10. Firefall CG trailer What's it for it's hilarious badness.
  11. A fine young dwarven tunnel fighter chap.
  12. Dude, it's Vologic.
  13. AP isn't too hard when you play on normal, and I had stuttering. Except Marburg's villa when you're unarmed without Martial Arts, gah.
  14. 6 actually. 6 it is then.
  15. LotR is one book, they just had to divide it into three because of it's length.
  16. Aliens and Terminator weren't intended to be trilogies.
  17. Go Oner go!
  18. Hey Ash, whaccha playin': Monkey Island
  19. He did music for fantasy games IIRC. NwN2 or SoZ maybe?
  20. One of my favorite FO arguments is when the alternate universe vs existing desert eagle comes up. Because a paranoid '50s America is somehow keeping Israel from coming up with a pistol.
  21. Read The Game descriptions on the homepage, their enthusiasm is seriously contagious.
  22. Oh yeah, Baman and Rage too for me.
  23. Blasphemy! Originally his HP was replaced with Ego, which would make sense to regenerate.
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