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Everything posted by Oner

  1. http://imagerz.com/QEFAX0tvAwMFBAhLQwVQ
  2. And you know the reason why they're down? No? Thought so.
  3. Hey, we finally agree on something! I don't give you any hypotheses because there's no reason. We'll see numbers when they're announced. Until then all we can do is guess (or maybe act like you, trying to convince people that the game is bombing by "examples" that have no context).
  4. Dunno about R6, but the cover system in DX:HR is smooth, feels mostly natural (both the controls and the cover placement), and the sneaking with cover bit makes sense.
  5. And none of these have anything to do with graphics. I think world design and art direction have everything to do with graphics. Yes. These however, have no relation to how the game looks. Which is what graphics are about. Looks, visuals.
  6. Here's one: Earth is big and NA is just a "small" part of it. Crazy theory I know. You may have heard of it.
  7. And none of these have anything to do with graphics.
  8. To sum up your post: Umm, you forgot something?
  9. I think it's the most fun level in the game. Can't remember why, but likely because of fireballs.
  10. Now imagine if Bethesda used this one save feature.
  11. NwN 2. Dunno if there were others.
  12. 7 biggest jerk moves in online games
  13. Your vision is unionised.
  14. That would be 25 years worth of uninterrupted gaming if I calculated right. Cause he's trolling.
  15. Preventing a warrior/fighter from wearing a piece of armor they are supposed to be able to wear is not abiding by any rule in any game...Armor in all games do not work like that. The fact that you didn't even bother to question, why a normal every day function of all games could not be done in this one, shows what type of gamer you really are. There's no CoD like health regen in DS3 either.In fact, you don't die from 1-2 well placed hits like a real person should. It's not just bad design, it's condescending too. YOU THINK I CAN'T HANDLE THE CHALLENGE OBSIDIAN?!
  16. You can't spend 5 minutes to look for the preview and/or review threads on the official forums or go to GT and watch some gameplay videos, but you have time to copy paste the same bitching for weeks and call everyone a fanboy who doesn't hate the game. Uh-huh.Also yeah, it's your fault if you waste money on something you know you wouldn't have wanted if you paid attention. That's how the world works. You know how many reviews I read that were vague ("Art style is great!)", stated they hadn't played MP yet? Don't use them as a reference point.Reviews aren't the only source of info on a game. As I said above, there's previews (which describe gameplay), screenshots, gameplay videos, interviews, user reviews, and if all else fails, you can just register here before the game is released and ask. Plenty of people did it, even if they didn't necessarily like the answers. While I respect your opinion, that's not a problem, just something you don't like.
  17. Because? There was a demo and reviews, no one told you to get the game before researching whether it suited your tastes or not.
  18. So if a game sets up some rules, and I abide by those rules, I'm playing the game wrong.
  19. Yep, about the answer I expected. Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week. Yea I notice that.
  20. Yep, about the answer I expected.
  21. Huh ? Why, excellent (other than you people disliking MMOGs, anyway ) ? Might be overreaction, but was a leaked email from the CEO which has an odd attitude and seems dismissive of the fans' rejection of 'pay to win' type of sales. Hopefully this won't start some sort of death spiral for EVE, or EVE as it is now, seems unlikely for the former, latter seems likely. Impressive amount of rage though. I just sustain myself with bitter fanboy tears. The more serious the business the sweeter the tears, mmmm. You're a fanboy? Of what?
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