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Everything posted by Oner

  1. So, anyone up for some hot action co-op tonight?
  2. Reinstalled Republic Commando. KotOR II, Jedi Knight 2-3 are all very very awesome SW games, but RC is still my favourite.
  3. I'm proud of my cynicism and find it insulting that you list that person as one of us. Take it back! *shakefist*
  4. Maybe they're immune on hardcore, but are stunnable on normal and below?
  5. I don't think EA 'shopped that pic.
  6. Esc-> Help Topic.
  7. While playing (not the main menu) Esc->Help Topics.
  8. http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/news/prepare...-eu-nordic-east
  9. My personal problem (if problem is the right thing to call it) with this is that, assuming the tension is truly founded due to the randomness and the unreliable nature of the patterns, then you're right that it's not a challenge. But it is luck. Does the random element truly have a place in stealth games? If I do everything perfectly and still get caught, I'm going to feel a bit robbed. Left to either savescum (in which case the random element is a design failure) or shoot them. IMHO you lack context: "twitchy" enemies usually have long patrol routes, they turn around once per round and the areas they peek at are small places between to pieces of cover. It wouldn't be a huge deal, though I guess it would be boring in the end, having to wait for the turnaround just to continue. But stealth games are about waiting anyway. Garrett used a bit of Keeper magic to do that actually. Unlike, say, FPSs, there is something to talk about. Most stealth games use very different mechanics. AC (2 at least), Batman: AA, MGS, Thief, SC, SC: Conviction, DX:HR all have different rules and stealth AIs.
  10. Random behavior is anathema to good stealth gameplay. It is specifically the reliable limited intelligence of AI that makes the situations feel interesting and rewarding to overcome. Nice touch indeed, but sadly it's not random. There is enough variation to make it unpredictable, with the added touch of the radar only targeting known assailants (either through sound or visual) and with a very limited range. Its a fairly entertaining challenge. Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding: enemy patrol routes have one (maybe more in the full game) fix spot at which the enemy looks behind. That's what I meant. I don't mind either way, but the added randomness of the act would make the given situation a bit more tense without making it actually more difficult. There's a small but important difference between waiting "4 more secs till he turns then go" and "should I risk going now or wait a bit more?". BTW, there is randomness in the sense that you don't know which guy will turn around.
  11. You mean like this? Note: my current rifle does 347 damage.
  12. Nice touch indeed, but sadly it's not random.
  13. ,o/ Now you do.
  14. Fixed. How about: no?
  15. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...lic-a-WoW-Clone
  16. I got stuck on cover once or twice in a bad moment, so actually yes, it would've been better.
  17. Are you sure you want an answer to that?
  18. Even stranger is that if you save again after being healed, and reload, you're not at full health. Some things are good for you in small quantities, but turn into poison in large amounts.
  19. Too bad you still don't know the exact distance between you and them, where they're facing..Plus the radar isn't any better than seeing "through" cover, just better justified (in-universe).
  20. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Items http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Aegis_of_the_Legion http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Uniqu...%28Diablo_II%29
  21. Imagine having to sneak around with zero area awareness. You don't see where enemies are, where they're facing, you can't even check their patrol pattern. What was already a test of patience becomes a luck based mission for every piece of cover.
  22. Frankly, after the fireball I just sent in the hasted(?) paladin to clean up the rest. The small fry couldn't even scratch him.
  23. http://imagerz.com/QEFAX0tvAwMFBAhLQwVQ
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