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Everything posted by DeeKay86

  1. Fixed? - I tried again, and again, and again, and again... It has finally let me start the game! No idea what was wrong but will update if this happens again.
  2. Go to pause menu and "give up". This will kill you and you will respawn at lean-to.
  3. Xbox One X. NAT OPEN. 500Mbps download and 40Mbps upload. Never had this issue before, but now when I try to host a multiplayer game it says: "There was an issue hosting a multiplayer game. Checkyour connection and try again". I have restarted the Xbox, checked my wired Ethernet network. Checked everything. Xbox Live is online and other games work. No idea what is causing this but I play Grounded every day and this has never happened before. Please help.
  4. Yep happens to us too. It's been an issue since the game first came out. Hopefully they fix it soon.
  5. This has happened to us loads of times. No known fix as far as I know. It sucks I know. The price you pay for early access lol
  6. I have 200+ soldier ants in the ant hill near me causing so much lag my game is dying! Beware!! (The ants are basically spawning like mad, its a glitch)
  7. Weeds grow back fine so far, but Dandelions at my base don’t.
  8. Thats very generous of you, thank you!! I’ll give it a go and let you know how I get on. Oof this is going to get messy!!
  9. Yep I have posted threads about this too. Approx 200 Soldier ants in my ant hill! I went in and it was CHAOS!!! This needs to be fixed asap as its totally killing my game
  10. I can’t kill anything in the nest anymore as there are literally hundreds of Soldier Ants lol I’d die instantly!!
  11. Thanks for the reply - yeah I always close the game totally after sessions
  12. Ok the TRIANGLE WALL issue is solved! I had to analyse a Grass Plank! Very odd as we had triangle walls before so not sure why they vanished and needed a scan! ANT HILL BUG UPDATE: The game is still crashing / lagging to hell. I decided to go inside the Ant Hill and found at least 150 Solider Ants going insane! Check the images, it was brutal!! Please fix this soon as my game runs at 1FPS or even stops completely for 5-10 seconds at a time. I really want to play this properly as my bases is awesome and I want to continue playing with friends and building. Thank you so much
  13. Well I found the reason for all my lag / crashing...HUNDREDS of Soldier Ants inside the Ant Hill....! Please for the sake of my sanity fix this
  14. Firstly, congratulations to the team for such a fantastic game! We are loving it!! Right, on to business! I play on an Xbox One X. Game downloaded via GamePass. I host a game and two of my friends join (one is on an Xbox One S, and the other a standard Xbox One. Both got the game via GamePass). Right, so when we are in the menu to build walls etc, we noticed that on the Wall page (Grass wall, Sturdy Wall etc), it also shows the “Clay Foundation”. The “Clay Foundation” never used to be here. We then realised that it has taken the place of the “Triangle Grass Wall”. You know, that Triangular grass wall? It’s totally missing! We then tried in Creative mode and the menu showed two Triangle Grass Walls (which is correct and how it should be in this update). It’s a shame as we now can not build Triangle walls in our main game (playing on Medium). Will there be a fix for this? Thank you! Second issue: ANTS!!! - Ants have gone mental in our game (I have noticed others mention this on here too). Ants are spawning like psychos and taking over, causing my FPS to drop to nothing. My friends get kicked from the game and my game just chugs. Maybe 1-2 frames every 10 seconds. I went to the ant hill and about 35 ants came running out - never seen this happen prior to the update. It is just insane! Please please issue a fix for this soon as its made out game unplayable (especially as our base is by the Ant Hill lol). Thank you again and keep up the amazing work!!
  15. This!! Way too many ants, drops my game to 1-2fps! I play on Xbox One X, and my teammates get kicked from the game. We killed tonnes of ants and it helped a bit, but now ant numbers are way up again and the crazy lag is back. Please help!!
  16. Same here! Causes game to drop to 1-2 frames per second. I’m the host on Xbox One X. Teammates all drop out of game. We killed tonnes of ants and it helped the lag, but now the ants are back and the lag is back too. It’s terrible!! Obsidian, please employ exterminators and inject them in to the next patch ASAP!! Thank you!!
  17. I also have this ant issue!! It’s making my game lag like crazy during multiplayer. I’m the host on Xbox One X. Teammates get dropped from the game. The lag is bad!!
  18. Platform: Xbox One X - GamePass Multiplayer. 2 people playing. Bug found: Triangle Walls not listed as something we can build anymore. Where the triangle grass wall used to be is now the Clay Foundation. I think you guys made a mistake and accidentally took out triangle walls lol. Please fix. 2nd MAJOR BUG: Ants are huge in numbers now and walk back and forth repeatedly. They just keep walking backwards and forwards as if glitched. They appear in loads of numbers and the game crawls to 1-2 frames per second. I was the host (Xbox One X) and second player was on Xbox One S. He was booted from the game 10-11 times as we lowered ant numbers. This helped reduce lag, but as the ant population grew again the lag became worse and worse. Please fix as this is acting like the old Larva bug and keeps lagging me in to hell and kicking my team mates. Thank you so much.
  19. Not for me. I make a game in Creative (even creative multiplayer). But when I go back to it and load the save it starts in medium with insects and bugs everywhere etc and is definitely not creative.
  20. Happened to me twice... yeah I know how you feel!
  21. I have lost my game saves twice.... yeah... it hurts. (Lost approx 30+ hours of gameplay etc). I know its early access, so I can’t complain lol.
  22. This is great news!! Thanks guys!
  23. Same experience here. I have lost 30+ hours of Gameplay. Even now if I start a new game, you can bet the save won’t load next time I try to play. Sucks because I absolutely love this game!
  24. I have lost so many hours in corrupt game saves. Feels bad man.
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