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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. every single game would be better if it came with the Killer Instinct announcer guy to tell you whats happening. kiss an npc in ME2? M-M-M-M-MAXIMUM ROMANCE!!!!
  2. this is the only board I like reading and interacting with. Every once in a while I go read the bethsoft boards for a few minutes and marvel at how much inanity gets discussed, and even more rarely i will look at bioboards for all of 2 minutes before my mind starts collapsing on itself. Here we get a regular group of consistent posters who are capable at least on occasion of something resembling coherent discussion. My only wish is that there were a few more posters here like tale, myself, and a few others who play games from most genres and on both PC and console.
  3. the game gets uglier the more screens I see, but this is still very entertaining
  4. twisty red rock paths. I kept getting too close to the nests and then getting chased down by 10 of the suckers. was pretty rough so I came back about 5 levels later (with better weapons) and then it wasn't much of a problem, but I still used vats to thin the crowd
  5. im thinking of those nests up near the mountains in the west. there were big packs of cazadores there that really could rip you up fast since there were so many of them.
  6. That's what D2D is doing with certain (mostly older) games, though they charge $5 which you get as a discount if you end up buying. I can't see it catching on, it would probably be difficult to implement and regulate properly, and an hours play if about half the length of some games nowadays. charging 5$ to rent a game for an hour is such a ripoff, i can only imagine it would make people want to pirate MORE. I definitely cant picture that type of scheme winning anyone over. I'm talking about steam letting you click on any title you want, automatically download, play for an hour, then be asked if you want to buy the game. it would let people try before they buy without putting anything on the line at all, which is apparently one of the arguments people use in favor of piracy. I don't see how it could be that hard to regulate, you always get just the first hour of the game, so even if a person uses multiple steam accounts to get the first hour multiple times, they can only get so far into the game. and if a publisher is dead set on releasing a $50 game and it only takes 2-3 hours to finish it... well then that's what you get for being a jerkface. some games this type of thing wouldnt work for, ie team fortress 2 or other multiplayer games where there is no real story progression etc
  7. i read somewhere last week that the rest of the DLC would not be timed exclusive and would be released on all platforms at once
  8. ME2 had the terrible design decision that if you tried to play a totally sane Shepherd, you ended up with half renegade half paragon and were thus doomed to kill at least some of your crew because you lacked enough points in either direction to be convincing enough. the middle road should be more supported, and perhaps even more valued than a full on paragon or renegade. just my 2cents anyway. edit: also I agree that you wouldn't take your friends on a suicide mission, but i never got the feeling like the mission WAS a suicide mission, the game did not make me scared of the collectors at all.
  9. real men don't let boone take their kills. (jk btw)
  10. steam should allow you to download a title and play it for one hour before deciding to purchase it or not. That might curb some piracy IF there are pirates who actually download "just to try" (which i don't really believe is true, but I speak only from anecdotal, not statistical, knowledge)
  11. can we name our npcs? if so then i'm naming that elf chick aerie. she looks like she just lost her wings.
  12. so long as PC games are making money there will be companies developing them. If your game costs 1M to produce/publish/advertise/pay salaries of employees/overhead etc etc, and earns 5M in sales, you've just made 4M in profit, regardless of whether or not 30M in pirated copies have been downloaded. those numbers would certainly piss you off and you would try to minimize piracy to make MORE money, but from a bottom line standpoint, you still have made a 4M profit, enough to fund a few more 1M sized games. not every company will agree, but there will be people happy to make the 4M. The problem really arises when your game costs say, 10M, and only makes 9M. You've now LOST 1M, and if say, 30M in pirated copies have been downloaded, you know that if piracy were not to exist, you would have made at least your 10M back, (but undoubtedly not the full 39M because I think everyone can agree that not every pirated copy = a lost sale)
  13. cazadores are the only time when i heavily rely on VATS. those things are insane.
  14. that elf chick looks like she's in her 20's to me, not a little kid. hawke shouldn't have hit her though, i'm sure she didn't deserve it. i dont want to put points into skills if i dont know how much damage they do. why take fireball over frost ball? they both say they do lots of damage, one cold one hot, do they do the same amount of damage? what about size of the blast? do they have any secondary effects? what are the chances of those effects occurring? in an rpg, the player shouldnt be required to f5, take fireball, go use it, then f9 and try frost ball and go use that and compare damage notes. the game should tell us ahead of time so we can pick the skill we think will work best for our builds. in D&D there is rarely any confusion about what spell does what effect, its all clearly explained in the spell descriptor.
  15. I really hope we get these before the glut of games in the fall. this summer looks like a pretty good time to release bonus content
  16. i have never gotten mad at volourn, he is hysterical
  17. i kinda sorta agree with oblarq that its closer to counterfeiting than stealing, but stealing is still a hell of a lot closer to describing it than "borrowing".
  18. probably more like "we need this to be a hit, if its not you will never work in this town again, oh and btw... the latest build we saw sucked and if you don't fix it you will never work in ANY town again." well, those would be the two emails I would least want to receive in his shoes, particularly back to back...
  19. im already bored with dark messiah, i just got to the spider temple but im not sure I can go on any longer.
  20. That's what I would do if I had a good enough computer, even if just for the campaign. wait you're saying that if you had a good enough computer you WOULD steal crysis 2?
  21. i liked the naval battles in total war: empire. i'm not sure how retarded that makes me in the world of naval simulation...
  22. i didnt even realize there were dune games other than the old rts. and yeah i'd like to see a new rts dune game, make it halfway between the styles of starcraft/2 and company of heroes and im a happy player. even better? Total War: Arrakis. im also still holding out for a Total War: Star Wars too, (yes i know there are mods, i mean a full fledged full featured game complete with awesome starship battles akin to the naval battles of Empire but in space and moar)
  23. yeah its awesome cause a lot of these are games I wouldnt be playing (or replaying) any time soon.
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