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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. some anime is awesome: cowboy bebop and spirited away, for example. I wouldn't trust anyone who disliked those two. I know there is a lot of other anime out there, but I haven't seen most of it, and even if I had, claiming that anime sucked because 99% of it sucks would be like saying horror movies suck (because 99% of them do), and completely ignoring The Haunting, Psycho, The Thing, and Night of the Living Dead etc etc.
  2. problem with all the dawn of war games is that the races don't behave closely enough to how the units in the actual tabletop game do. They have different abilities etc and the game isn't turn based. bah. i know, its not supposed to be like the game, just set in its world, still, warhammer 40k is popular for a reason beyond just the setting.
  3. There's huge numbers of enemies to be sure but I never found it grindy in a mmorpg way. It's just the gameplay style. I do think it would be a difficult play for anyone who is used to DA or ME or even Oblivion. Plus there is the party combat from a first-person viewpoint which I think would be really offputting to a gamer who didn't grow up with the style when it was common. my first crpg was fallout in 1997 (at which time it became my favorite game and spawned my love of the crpg). I see that M&M 6 came out in 1998, the same year as baldurs gate, so it cant be THAT archaic right? I only played jrpg's until fallout, so I haven't played any crpg's released before 1997. which in part, inspired my initial question.
  4. thanks enoch that was really helpful! I'll probably pick up the gog M&M 1-6 pack, seems like a good deal. if I remotely enjoy those games then I'll pick up part 7 when I have some more time again
  5. trololololol
  6. i'm pretty surprised at the varied responses, I was sort of expecting everyone to all say "____ of course". is might and magic 6 worth playing at this point if I've never played a might and magic game? I'm in the middle of a semi-retro rpg kick, i'm playing septerra core right now, finished BG1-2 recently, fallout1-2 recently, and am considering chrono cross next (i havent played it since it was released, I really liked it when it came out though).
  7. quick: someone tell me the best non bioware, non black isle rpg released between the year of 1995 and 1999. bonus point if its turn based.
  8. the witcher was one of the first rpg's i played where the combat immediately and negatively influenced my opinion of the game. I overall thought it was a good rpg, and well worth the time, but the combat was very stinky. i'd say it was as stinky as DAO's combat, but for different reasons. Then again, the number of rpg's with really fun combat I can probably count on one hand so... its not something I really worry about when playing rpg's, unless the game has too much combat in it (see DAO).
  9. did anyone buy dragon age 2 who did not already own ME2?
  10. dang, looks like i just barely meet the minimum specs for this. convincing my fiance that I need a new computer is not going to be easy
  11. seems like anonymous might be biting off more than they can chew. I dont really know much about them, or really care, but going after sony seems like a big risk since sony has no problem spending tons of money in litigation to prove a point.
  12. love that new artwork, a character with character.
  13. i hope we're getting a longer wait for the next dlc because they are working on adding some serious real estate to the game. I want more exploration plz
  14. i can have real sex anytime i want. only in bioware games can i witness girl-elf on girl-elf action.
  15. i agree with this, it is describing me very well too. Have i missed out on a really great turn based game released in the last few years? one with the epic story and C&C and great dialogue of say fallout 1? no? the world and character of final fantasy 7? not that either? turn based combat for me is not THE reason to play a game, its just my preferred method of combat in a game that would otherwise be great no matter the combat system.
  16. i've seen every joss whedon episode of anything except i skipped dollhouse. buffy seasons 2,3,5, are great, 1 and 6 are ok, 7 is garbage firefly is ranged between ok and great during its one season. angel mostly sucked. bioware writing is on par with the worst episodes of a joss whedon show. but not as corny. thats right, a bad whedon episode is CORNIER than anything in mass effect, except for thane's backstory (those idiotic memory lapses win the cornycarnival in my book)
  17. I still think that the devs. maybe wanted to make a story ending like the one in the first Fallout game; DA2's ending also seems more open to me than say DA:O's. It certainly seems to leave it up to the player, the gamer to speculate what happens next. As far as the framed story goes, it does rewuire people to think for themselves and to fill in the blanks (the missing parts) themselves. Some people, not all obviosly, do maybe not know how to do this - to fill in the gaps in the story by themself. Because they have learned how to do do this - for various reasons. i don't see any similarity between the end of fallout 1 and the end of DA2. What am I missing??
  18. if the game is fallout 3 with swords I will still be entertained by it for a month or so.
  19. Of course it's stupid, its a damn fantasy RPG. The genre where plots consist of a random assortment of clich
  20. probably would have scored about the same reviews, but not had any backlash except people saying "gosh i hope they don't keep ____ feature around for DA2"
  21. i guess your right, I tried playing oblivion again the other day.... I don't think there is a single branching quest in the entire game.
  22. I have to say, i dont think thats a dark elf getting stabbed, i think its a zombie or something. If it IS a dark elf, then I'm happy because he is definitely not the same body as the barbarian dude. though its funny that the sword wielding guy in the elf armor is standing in the barbarian posture, looks a bit out of place. not a big deal, im just happy the game looks better than oblivion, though I agree its not as big a step up as oblivion was over morrowind. it still looks quite a bit better though. find some side by sides with oblivion shots and you'll see a fairly significant step up in graphics
  23. at first I was totally fine with act 3. Two days later I thought about it some more and now think it was really stupid. maybe kaftan will have similar experience?
  24. another huge thing someone here may be forgetting is that while the Fallout 3 quests were few, but long, they also had little to no C&C. Not every New Vegas quest had lots of C&C, but overall there was much much more to be found in FNV than FO3
  25. new vegas handled this well, many npcs were telling you at the beginning "dont go north its too dangerous, and if you go south then stick to the roads"
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