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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. All with the same character? I'm still playing Risen: slash thump trundle trundle slash slash oops reload slash slash squelch the genius (read: stupidity) of oblivion was that your master mage could also be the best gladiator in the country, head of the fighters guild, assassins guild, and reincarnated godslayer. every character i made in that game started as a thief, stayed a thief, never learned any magic, and yet was head of the mages guild within a week or so. they should have had a toggle at the beginning of the game : casual mode, normal mode. normal mode would have made that type of **** EXTREMELY hard to do. bah.
  2. i think a lot of people must have never even considered what type of game brutal legend is. they probably just thought: its a game... with comedy stuff and metal /endthought and since they dont like rts games because they dont have one of them fancy compooters now they complain that someone put blueberry in their cheesecake. I DO wish that it was on pc though, it would be more better
  3. im really quite annoyed at how many people complain that the game is an rts. why the **** didnt they complain a couple years ago... "what do you have for dessert?" "chocolate cake and blueberry cheesecake" "I'll have the cheesecake" "here's your blueberry cheesecake, sir" "oh, i dont like blueberry" "well, you ordered it."
  4. all your internets and maths are belong to you. the winner is you
  5. WARNING: the following post is largely educated OPINION, please do not take as fact or argument of fact. merely personal, somewhat anecdotal in basis, observations- if a market exists, believe in the corporations to eventually find a way to make money off of it. if there are truly enough people willing and ready to buy a new turn based rpg with great and lengthy texts, then sooner or later someone will rediscover this and it will come roaring back into popularity, just with a budget to match the market. at first. then the budgets will get bigger because the first few were hits and the company will make the mistake thinking that a bigger budget will improve the game, but then they will need to have less text so the game will appeal to more people to make up for the larger budget and then we're right back where we are today. look at fighting games. street fighter 2 HDRemix was a bit risky, but it made some decent $$, so street fighter 4 comes along next and makes even more $$ (those games were sort of simultaneous but bare with me for the sake of the example). now more $$ is being spent on fighting games since they're "back" and we're going to get a couple more bigger budget titles before collapse again when it becomes clear that the market doesnt care much about big budget. rant incoming: i've always compared corporations to monsters. it is a voracious, starving, mindless machine that exists to find and eat your money. if you have money it will smell it on you and then try to eat it out of your pocket. it wants ALL the money. all the money it can get from everyone it can get it from. it's crafty but stupid too. it employs marketers and research specialists to figure out where the money is, and what it has to do to eat it, then it ramps up its hunger to 11 when it thinks it has the scent. because by turning its hunger to 11 it can eat that much more money. problem happens when it does this is that now hunger is 11 and if it can only get food = 10 or worse, it starts getting fierce stabbing moneywithdrawalhungerpains. which causes it to vomit up its insides in the form of layoffs and restructuring, turning its hunger down in the process. now it starts anew on finding more delicious money to eat, deciphering how best to get it, then once again turning the hunger to 11. the monster isnt evil per se. it just wants the money, and will continue this cycle until it kills itself, or a stronger monster kicks it away from a moneymeal and digs in. it's not a sophisticated economic analysis, and it ignores lots and lots of factors and realities, but the general metaphor of company being hungry monster is, i find, appropriate enough.
  6. i love turning on fantasies in my head. wait.... yeah i do. also: bodies in F3 were terrible and portraits in nwn1 were awful too. also: burlap sacks r hott also: who is the lesbian romance with in the game? i wanna know because that liara chick in mass effect wasnt hot enough. also: please use that female skeletor elf as your character and take lots of screenshots
  7. world of goo is a FANTASTIC game. one of my personal favorites of the past few years, so few games can make comments on existentialism, conformity, sexualization of women/the cosmetics industry etc fun and funny, with puzzles and an incredible soundtrack to boot! plus it was made by TWO PEOPLE. arg so cool!
  8. just get your cat to jump on the keyboard for a while and see what shows up
  9. i dont know about you guys but i like tweaking how my char looks. if im gonna stare at something for 30 hours, it better be damn sexy looking.
  10. is that game voice commanded or something? because that would be hilarious
  11. hahahahaha! that was awesome. open bar, i got to meet tim schafer and he signed my old copy of grim fandango that i brought with me, my friends drum solo is featured during the first boss fight, and when you pause the game it says "drum solo by harry cantwell". awesome. not to mention tons of free food, open bar, a huge cake with the logo on it, and free tshirt celebrating the launch! plus open bar! i need to make more friends in the industry, lawyer parties are really boring. oh yeah and there was karaoke to a live band, plus an open bar! to bring home how classy the party was, when i asked for a water on my way out to help me sober up, the (open!) bartender handed me a bottle of voss -not to mention all my martinis were sapphire.
  12. I'm on my way to the Brutal Legend release party in SF, so I expect I'll be playing that tonight when I get home hooray for being friends with the drummer of slough feg!
  13. i want more kyle katarn as a mercenary! lets see some adventure from between star wars and empire strikes back. thats a great time period for games.
  14. we play DnD, battlelords, WoD (human only), and Call of Cthulu. we basically just rotate between them, never the same game twice in a row, no campaigns last more than 6 months. it's worked well for us for the past 16 years or so. we actually started with battlelords, DnD was second. we didnt even know rpg's were a thing, we just found a battlelords book on a shelf somewhere and thought it was a totally unique creation, like the worlds most insane choose your own adventure book.
  15. ah, thats more in line with what i'd been hearing. also, i dont think the metacritic score would be 79 if the game was on par with either homeworld OR a Total War game.
  16. not a computer game, but my group started a new P&P call of cthulu game last night, their planning an expedition to the amazon in search of a legendary tribe known for making sacrifices to a strange creature... what they dont know is that when they return to the university after having experienced a long and harrowing expedition with everything going wrong including a crashed boat, sabatuers, an attack by hostile natives and threatening wildlife, they will be horrified to learn that something came home with them...
  17. its a pretty awesome game, i had a good time with it and no bugs, but i think i was just really lucky on that end
  18. i had some problems with the stalker AI. i took out TWO entire military bases by waiting around a corner inside a building in each of them... (reminded me of the original fallouts metal gear solid 1 had better AI, and that game is 10 years old and on the playstation 1. fallout 3 AI was lousy too. but at least they'd flush with grenades sometimes.
  19. i look forward to most on my next f3 playthrough: killing 3dog. i didnt know you could until recently
  20. they have access to all of it.
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